AI is an Ethical Nightmare

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Twitter: @PhilosophyTube

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00:00 - 11:38 Building Ethical Computers
11:38 - 20:42 AI in An Unjust World
20:42 - 35:53 Using Data Responsibly
35:53 - 38:47 The Ballad of Kelly Slaughter
38:47 - 49:34 AI is a Physical Thing
49:34 - 56:38 Conclusions

#AI #Science #Philosophy
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Kelly Slaughter segment about being in a business conference about lethal autonomous weapons looking around the room, and realizing "oh my God I'm the only woman here" is pure comedic gold. Such a succinct description of girl boss feminism.


As an AI engineer with both academic and professional background, I find this video to be such an exceptionally good video, sadly I cannot share it with my coworkers and collogues! There is an ungodly amount of resistance by engineers, scholars and business managers when you point out that people are not datapoints and you can't just take their data. Even if they consented to you having their data, it does not mean the consent it being used for what ever you want. I have lost promotions and bonuses in my career for pushing back on unethical practices.


god, the penis-detection-machine trauma is so real. i have had to talk to so many tsa agents, shame in my voice, telling them "yes, i am transgender. yes, i have a penis." and there's ALWAYS a fifty-fifty chance of them just being so outright disgusted with me for existing. when i was a teenager, one of them immediately grimaced, turned to their coworker, and said "i don't want to touch this thing, will you take it?" i've never had a single non-horrible experience with that damned machine.


They sent me to conversion therapy for being left handed as a kid. After that didn't work, they bought me left-handed scissors and pens with quick drying ink. Weird how they resorted to conversion therapy first when all they needed to do was buy a few special office supplies.


"it's not ethics, it's marketing" Our new world order.


As a mechanical turk/microtask worker... You hit the nail on the head. The most solidarity we have is that we can warn others that a certain job is bad or scammy.


As a Filipino, thank you. The continued economic exploitation of my countrymen is something that I do not see mentioned pretty often. Ranging from the dangerous seafaring work, continued land theft of indigenous tribes by big business cronies, staggeringly low pay for digital creative work outsourced to us out of profit motive (my personal experiences), and at the very worst; assassinations of activists who speak out for the working class orchestrated by politicians who are in the pockets of corporations. I can only see things getting worse for me and my peers in the creative industry as we are currently experiencing a drought in job opportunities. But videos like yours give me hope that we are not forgotten and that maybe even if not in my lifetime, that countries like mine will be given what is properly due and a proper global realization is to be made that all the fruits of labor should belong to the ones that do it.


Frank Herbert hit the nail on the head when he said, " the problem with machines is that they increase the number of things we can do without thinking..."


26:58 I'm glad I took the time to read this source fully. Sarah Andersen sounded familiar, and I recognized her wholesome and relateable comics as soon as I googled it, and seeing her response to AI abuse knockoffs of her content was heartbreaking:

" *I felt violated.* The way I draw is the complex culmination of my education, the comics I devoured as a child and the many small choices that make up the sum of my life. The details are often more personal than people realize — the striped shirt my character wears, for instance, is a direct nod to the protagonist of “Calvin and Hobbes, ” my favorite newspaper comic. Even when a person copies me, the many variations and nuances in things like line weight make exact reproductions difficult. Humans cannot help bringing their own humanity into art. Art is deeply personal, and A.I. had just erased the humanity from it by reducing my life’s work to an algorithm." -Sarah Andersen


I am not transgender, but as a fat person, the airport scanner also detects a lot of random lumps on my body as well. I had a breakdown in public a few years ago when I had to have a full body patdown because I dared to have a body shape outside the preprogrammed "norm".


I’m a bee farmer. It occurred to me as I listened along that an AI would struggle differentiating bees and wasps the same way it does gender. Like people know bumblebees are bees, but I take people on beekeeping experiences as a little extra income and now have a segment 5 minutes in where I pause with “now is the time I ask you how many of you were surprised that honey comes from these and not big fluffy bees? Who looked at these and thought they were wasps?” The number of people who sheepishly raise their hands and confess they thought honeybees were wasps their whole life until now is significant. Like an AI, the sophistication of their parameters by which they define things is inadequate.

The difference is, no one then argues with me. I tell them the new information and they quietly assimilate it.

So, am I as an apiarist more respected than medical and gender specialists? Or is the objection to gender science less material and more ideological than people like to pretend?


'where CEOs of all genders are guillotined for their crimes' 😅 i love it. Delivered perfectly, too.


1: once again, I absolutely love the subtitles.
2: I had never really considered the human aspect of big computing
3: the absolute power move of doing the segment about getting AI generated adult content made of you in basically nothing is amazing.


trans man here; i had heard that the airport scanners were called transphobia machines before; but i had always just kinda naively assumed that was a former problem that got fixed; until i was flying home for x-mas and got asked what was in my shirt. thankfully when i answered 'binder' the agent understood; but that moment stuck with me. it is so incredibly dumb that we have to out ourselves just to fly; and trans women especially get treated so poorly.


I'm a writer and I work at a hotel overnights to make ends meet. One of my coworkers is studying computer science. We got onto the subject of AI, and she straight up said to me (I'm paraphrasing) that she could see AI taking art and writing, things that people want to do, but not automate "real jobs."

It was insulting, but it highlights the "us vs. them" mentality that STEM-centric and art-centric people can find themselves in.


Last year, in my high school, an employee for ChatGPT game in and gave a quick seminar/QnA. One of my friends asked, "Do you feel ChatGPT and AI is ethical?" and the programmer replied, "Listen, man, I just get paid." And my peers gave him a round of applause.


I'm cis male and I hate the penis detection machine because I have gross lymphedema in the, er, shagging area, and go through the same experience of awkward questions, getting groped, etc. I imagine that anyone else with unexpected lumps, bumps and artifical limbs have the same issue. One thing that I have noticed is that, as my condition got worse, airport security started directing me to the old school metal detector instead. This is an accommodation that could be extended to trans people, but it's a complex problem when the aim is to treat someone according to the acquired gender. Having said that, it wouldn't kill them to add transfem and transmasc options to the penis detection machine, and maybe even give the subject the opportunity to make that choice themselves.

Related: I appreciated your essay on the crisis in British healthcare because I have been waiting five years for treatment and it is *miserable*.


As an artist, thank you and the crew so much for doing this episode. "There is no ethical computation under capitalism" is a potent way of conceptualizing the problems with AI once you consider all of the exploitation that goes into it.


Honestly, "Large Scale Computing" is a much better term than "AI. As I've often explained to people, what Chat GPT does is basically the same thing your cell phone does when you just hit the middle option on autofill. It just does it bigger.

There are some points I would disagree with about the data flattening, but overall, I think this is one of the best videos on AI I've seen.


I was a postdoctoral researcher last year and my project was on ethical AI from a gender sociological perspective. My project involved an industry stay at the biggest teleco company in Spain. I was there for 4 months and my work comprised observing the implementation of an ethical AI pilot at the company and advising them on better practices considering my sociological background. I was consistently dismissed. The people working on the pilot were marketing staff and engineering staff, no social scientist, no sociologists, no anthropologists.. . No philosophers, no ethics experts, nothing. I was told the social sciences were not really science and we're biased. Anytime I told them my opinion I was ridiculed and pushed to the side. They were developing problematic AI for gender and race recognition purposes. I pointed out that it was not ethical and the twists they took to reframe as ethical... I felt gaslighted. Ethical washing at its worst. I wrote a comprehensive report with my advice and plenty of literature on the topic to support my arguments. It was embargoed and I was banned from publishing. I decided to abandon the investigation. There is no hope with big teleco companies doing shit like this .
