Cracked Telescopic Cylinder Weld Repair | Machining & Welding

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We’re going to attempt a repair that we have never done before! In this video we need to repair a cracked double acting telescopic hydraulic cylinder that has a crack right around one end of the rod. This rod is from the ejector cylinder off a Caterpillar 657 Twin Drive Scraper. We show the step by step process to do the repair. First we start with the disassembly of the rod by machining in the lathe and we remove the head and inner tube from the rod. We then perform a dye penetrant crack test to check if the inner tube is cracked. We then complete the reassembly of the rod and weld the parts back together before TIG welding the end of the inner tube onto the cylinder rod. It’s another successful repair and we’ve saved our customer a lot of money with this one!

In this video we are using:
- TM-26120G Centre Lathe
- WIA 500i Weldmatic welder
- UniMig 200 AC/DC Tig welder

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Our channel is all about showing you real life machining work from our workshop on the Gold Coast Australia. We specialize in manual machining, hydraulic repairs and heavy fabrication for the earth moving, mining and civil construction industries. So if you're a machinist that wants to see some big gear in action be sure to subscribe to our channel right now. We upload new videos every week that show lathe machining, milling, welding and all the good stuff that comes from a machining workshop. If that sounds like something that you would enjoy seeing, then make sure to join us by subscribing!

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Рекомендации по теме

We're going to attempt a repair we've never done before! Hope you enjoy this one and we also celebrated the 10th birthday of the Safety Officer aka Homey Big Nutz this week 🐾🎉🎂 As you can see he had a great day 🤣👍
Follow us online here 👇🤳


“I hardly do TIG anymore…”. Proceeds to do perfect TIG welds. This really was a great project. No one wanted to touch it, I’ve got nothing to lose, but your hunch was right! That new customer will for sure be coming back.


now this is an epic episode, it has a "Nobody would even attempt this repair so I told them to hold my beer" moment and wife jump scare where Kurtis barely even flintches


I believe that you’re “easier for the next guy “ ethic is one reason for your success. Refreshing in this day and age.


How does it feel to be the leader of a new generation of machine mechanics? Your example of a strong work ethic and onscreen presentation politeness makes me proud. Thank you.


..The man continues to amaze me.... what a true "caring" CRAFTSMAN.. !!


As I watch this, I'm thinking what a luxury it must be for the mine maintenance guys to have a world-class repair/fabrication shop just down the road. It must save them a lot of stress. Happy Birthday Homey!


Your videos are always enthralling. Every time I get to the end of a video, I'm surprised it's already over. Obviously, Kurtis is a mechanical genius and his work ethic and attention to detail are second to none, but Karen does an excellent job filming, and I assume editing the video as well. The shots always seem to cover exactly what I want to see and rarely do I ever find myself wishing for a different angle or feeling like I missed out on something. The clip lengths are perfect as well, showing enough to fully illustrate the current process, but not so much that I get bored and my mind starts to wander.

It's easy to appreciate what goes on in front of the camera, but you have to sit back and think about all the things you didn't think about while watching the video to appreciate what happens behind the scenes.

Thanks to both of you for your continued excellence!

Oh, and happy birthday Homeless! You did a great job demolishing that squeaky toy.


This has been one of your most watchable episodes, keep them coming, a masterclass in doing a job right.


Kurtis' knowledge of the Cat models and their hydraulic cylinders' operation is extraordinary. Much respect to your welding and machining, and the camera work is great as usual, Karen. Homie's party cake didn't last long. He tore through that little pig in no time. Dogs usually do that! I enjoyed your presentation.


theres no amount of money in the world that you could pay to learn the shit this guy knows. truly an expert craftsman, knows what hes doin/talking about and does shit right. carry on my friend. amazing work.


That’s one happy customer you have for life - sharing risk with the customer and going the extra mile is the basis or trust and professional workmanship. Great work.


Kurtis, Karen's reaction when the cylinder separated was effing hilarious. Karen, so glad you left that moment in. Absolutely love the channel. It's so satisfying to watch someone who knows what the hell they are doing. Double thumbs up, mate!


Happy birthday Homey! I hope he has a great day. He always looks so excited to be with you guys. Thanks for always bringing us the best content, Kurtis. Your videos are always enjoyable because you walk us through all your methods and why you do it that way—much love from South Texas. Stay safe, mate!
Edit: Someone needs to tell Safety Officer Homey to take it easy on those poor piggies. 😬🤣🤣


My father was an engineer at caterpillar tractors in Mossville Illinois USA and I worked at the plant for a while. Pretty cool to see the big parts taken apart and put back together with such skill Awsome


Hello, gday mate. You are doing a excellent WORK! I m working since 35 years as hydraulik engineer in Germany. An welded cylinder got in heavy cases like mining Problems with the weld. My experience is in 80% of all cases. Sometimes only after 20 years but damage is damage. Its have to be cheap. Most mistake is missing of preheating. Because the massive component pulls out the heat from the weld. You make it right. Great to see, a man loves his work! Greetings from Germany. Fred.


I don't know why YouTube offered me your videos, but I'm glad they did. Addicted to watching your amazing workmanship. And Homey BN big smile!


Kudos for always being willing to save your customers some money when you can, and kudos for doing the "impossible" repairs!


It's bloody amazing how a dog can spread the stuffing out of a pulled apart toy, thin enough to cover a huge area. It seems to bring a smile to their dial when they have covered the yard with "snow" as I used to call it. Nice job Kurtis. Some bean counter owes you a carton, or 2!


I smiled a lot when you said no one would touch this repair and said i'll give it a try. Reminds me of my former work, kind of specilized in the impossible. It is not, you just have to use your brain and skills to the max. It is surprising how often jobs are not taken because you have to risk failiure. well their " no can do" was my "lets go" it feels really good when it is done and I enjoyed setting the bar higher than most others. What can be done is more an issue of how much money and time they are willing to spend. To many lazy people that will not put in the efford. You have that in you Kurtis and wonderful support from Karen as well, that means a lot when hours fly by every day.
