The owl waited for its mother for 2 days and the unbelievable happened when the man came.

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One late afternoon, a man was on his way home when he suddenly saw a small creature shivering on the side of the road. Curious, he walked closer and was surprised to find that it was a small owl, its round eyes sparkling. The animal looked very weak, its feathers ruffled and its wings drooping, unable to fly.
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What I wouldn't do to find that . An owl is good luck and their absolutely beautiful 😍


An owl 🦉 is a show of wisdom. I never thought it was bad luck


Be careful in your editing... you start by showing us a "spotted owl", then a "horned owl" and just at the end you put a "barn owl"... avoidable mistakes of you IA friend that you should have checked!! 🤪😅


My kitty cat and I both love your videos! I look forward to one every morning to start out my day! See you next time Karma until then, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Io ADORO i gufi, come del resto quasi tutti gli animali (escludo zanzare e blatte....). Vorrei tanto averlo anch'io, un gufetto da crescere! Per il momento, mi accontento delle mie 5 gatte vecchiotte!


❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I really liked your video, it was beautiful. Congratulations, I wish you lots of health and success!!, I subscribed to your channel.


Sounds like a real "tale" Lol


Can anyone tell me where the idea of owls being bad omens comes from? I've never heard of this.


Did you teach the owl the ‘birds and the bees’?


What society thinks owls are bad luck?


Fortunately, this little owl wasn’t in New York State. If the NY government found out, the owl would have suffered the same fate as P’Nut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon.


! A young owl is known as an Owlet !


First a little owl, then a horned owl, then what i think is a tawny owl……..why do you do such terrible videos, who knows if anything in this video is real?


Did you eventually release the owl back into the wild??


You call a bird an animal, can’t count how many legs?😂


This is an already viral video. You're just copying it here without giving credits


While this seems like a nice story, it is illegal to raise an owl. It is against most state wildlife laws and US Fish and Wildlife Service. You must have a bird wildlife rehab license from both the state you live in and also from the US Fish and Wildlife Service in order to care for this kind of animal. I used to work in bird rehab in the state of Missouri and know this to be fact. All you have to do is contact your state conservation department and they will assist you in finding someone to care for the animal. Even a veterinarian is only allowed to have this bird for a total of 3 days and then it must be turned in to a licensed wildlife expert. This bird has to be taught how to catch its own food or it can never be returned to the wild and a human can't teach that unless they have the proper education and facilities to keep such an animal. Anyone can be a bird rehabber. You have to study and take a test to be a licensed bird rehabber. But a raptor which an owl is considered to be requires a different license. You have to study raptors, which includes eagles, owls, hawks, falcons, etc. and then take a test for licensure for caring for raptors. And you have to build areas to care for them so that they can learn to fly and then you have to teach them how to catch their own food which is done by feeding usually dead mice(which come frozen). Trust me I know what I'm talking about. Owls eat almost exclusively mice and then they spit out a pellet which is the undigested portion of the mouse. They have very specific needs that the average person doesn't know about and that's the reason for the special licenses. In fact an owl can hear the heartbeat of a mouse under 3 feet of snow.


Hi guys! Got some footage of owls. Here's the fake story I created. Enjoyyyy! 🤣🤣🤣


Are you these just cobbled together stories


Wow, how many different owls in one made up video, embarrassing really. !!
