Does a tea bag fly away when lit on fire? (2 Truths & Trash)

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Welcome back to 2 Truths & Trash, the series that tests your internet gullibility and shows you cool science experiments along the way. Let me know if you enjoyed the prediction round. I'll be experiment with more round types in the future.

Here's a list of questions answered in this video:
1. Does a helium balloon move toward the front of the car instead of the back of the car when you accelerate forward?
2. Can you make hydrophobic sand by painting the sand with oil-based paint?
3. Can you write a secret message with lemon juice that can be revealed with a flame?
4. Does a smaller balloon or larger balloon win a race across the room?
5. Which way does a spool rotate based on the direction you pull from?
6. Does hot water and cold water mix when the hot water is placed on top?
7. Does a Stirling engine work with ice too?
8. Does a tea bag fly away when lit on fire?
8. Can you quickly reload a Pez dispenser by placing the unwrapped candy in the bottom?
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S/O Laser Diode for pointing this out. I made the appropriate edit to remove the less important factors that I mentioned in the video.


These are both entertaining and informative, literally one of the best series on youtube rn


A much bigger factor for the smaller balloon going faster was that it had greater thrust. When you are inflating a balloon you can feel that it takes way more force at the beginning when te balloon is small


Second season was great! I really liked the switch up between how to guess for them. Also that rolling tube force vector blew my mind- I clearly didn’t pay enough attention in AP Physics.


I WANTED THE PEZ ONE TO BE REAL SO BAD. Though I definitely think it’s cool that fire can make something float into the sky.


You can easily load a Pez dispenser by opening the wrapper halfway, then aligning the open dispenser such that the plastic divides the wrapper from the pellets. Pressing results in the dispenser getting filled in one go while the wrapper is left out.


Im so glad that you‘re trying to move from short to longer videos. I wish more ppl would follow this movement


Round 1: A. Helium balloons are less massive than air balloons, and thus wouldn't be thrown backwards as far. But they would still be thrown backwards due to inertia. The hydrophobic sand makes some sense, because oil is hydrophobic, and I'm well aware of how lemon-based invisible ink works. (Well, you got me good. Your explanations all made sense, they just didn't occur to me).
Round 2: Tough choice, but I say B. A makes total sense to me, because at some point in the left balloon's motion, it's going to be in the same state as the right balloon, but will have already moved some by then, so it will naturally go farther. C was a little weird to wrap my head around, I would expect the cold-on-top one to do a full inversion, but I think B makes less sense. The force you apply by pulling will be countered by the force against the floor due to the unwinding torque. (Thanks for making me question whether I deserve my recently acquired BS in Engineering again lol)
Round 3: I'm gonna say E because both B and C seem sus to me. I'm not sure, but I don't think the source of an updraft can be lifted by said updraft. I also don't think that the Pez dispenser would be able to just shoot the wrapper off like that, since I don't think that the momentum of the wrapper will be enough to rip the top open without completely arresting the motion. (Huh, didn't know updrafts worked like that).


Hey cool! I kinda forgot about these and I got a big smile on my face when I saw this. Can't wait for more, thanks Ja :D


This is honestly a genius format. Great hook and educational.


Oh yeah dude, the second predictive round would literally be a cool game for an app or something.

Maybe make it where if you choose an answer, an animation will play and basically answer if it was right or wrong. If right, it’ll do the animation and have a positive indication. But if you choose wrong, the animation will play but in a way that shows you’re wrong.

Idk if that made any sense tbh lol


these were the hardest ones yet, keep up the good work


I love these videos because it tests my knowledge and gives me more! More learning than I get in school lol


I once did the colored water with hot on top of cold with soda bottles, then watched as it mixed over time as the temperature equalized. It was a lot more dynamic and interesting than I expected, with spears and flows of each color shooting into the other seemingly randomly at times.


5:30 I had to play that bit again because at first, I thought he said "JarJar Binks Science". 😂


This video is the best 2 Truth & Trash episode I have ever seen. Keep the good work 👍


Excellent premier! Loved the prediction round.
I feel like the trick to fool us is to make a real one look as fake as possible.
Like, the flying tea bag looked so fake, I was almost certain you were blowing it up by a dryer or something.


The string wheel one was very informative. I don’t know where I’ll use such information, but I’m glad I know it and will know it for the next hour or so


Bro I love how these actually became more challenging. You should make an app game like this where it’s more interactive in a way? Idk just an idea. I play some riddle app but it literally has riddles that blatantly don’t make sense and it’s not even fun. These are actually fun lol.


The thread bottle rolling thing was hard to determine until you actually pulled and it rolled towards you. Then I got it. Sometimes, the smallest demonstrations are all it takes. That's true for a lot of things (like standing up against a force trying to control all of you).
