Panel discussion: 'Sustainable food: creating a food system for healthy people and planet'

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Food systems are a major driver of global biodiversity loss, deforestation, water scarcity and pollution, and pesticide toxicity.

Food production also generates greenhouse gas emissions that are a major contributor to climate change. With 1/3 of the earth’s land already used for agriculture and a growing global population, changes to both food production systems and consumption (on the part of organisations and individuals) are essential for a sustainable future where everyone has access to healthy food.

Join our panel, Dr Michael Clark, Oxford Martin Programme on Biodiversity & Society; Dr Sasha Gennet, The Nature Conservancy; Dr Joseph Poore, Oxford Martin Programme on Food Sustainability Analytics & Dr Tara Garnett (Chair), Table, as they discuss how sustainability in agriculture, food labelling, diet changes, and policy can help can create a food system that not only provides enough food, but keeps us and the planet healthy.
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Brilliant debate and Joseph Poore's comments absolutely resonate. We need to doing everything we can to transition towards a plant based food system, help farmers with subsidies to transition to regenarative plant based ag (rather than subsidising meat and dairy which is totally nonsensical in developed western countries). It is through these changes in developed countries that eventually developing nations will follow suit. Interesting that even the beef farmer who posed the question is vegetarian... What does that say about the state of things!..


Anything that suggests consumers stop consuming before asserting that producers stop producing is nonsense.
