Rain on Window with Wind Sounds - Heavy Rain Sounds for Sleep, Study and Relaxation | 3 Hours

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Enjoy this heavy rain sounds on window in this cozy cabin ambience for sleep, study, work and Relaxation.

Ambience storyline:

Streaks of rain gently trail their way down your window. There are faint flashes of light in the distance as the steady rainfall continues. Snug in your sheets, you find yourself absorbed in your book, until finally the story comes to an end.
You set the book aside as your thoughts drift along with the gentle wind outside. The rich scent of wet soil wafts through your window, though you feel warm and cozy under your sheets. You slowly turn off your lights and lean back, relaxing as you take in the pleasant sounds of nature. The calming ambience soon lulls you to sleep.

► New Bliss is original animated ambience channel where you can find the most and diverse 3D environments with the intention of providing good moments of tranquility, relax and calm.
Did you know that you can use these ambiences to block distractions, increase productivity, study, work or use them as a sleep aid, relax etc? This rain sounds with thunder and crackling fireplace helps you fall asleep and sleep all night or any task that requires long periods of concentration.

► Please visit our website and check out your favorite soundscapes available to purchase:

How this artwork is created:
This ambience was modeled and created in 3D . All the scenario itself was modeled, textured, painted and animated from the root. It is completely original.

3D model of the ambience here:

Interested to see all the creating process?
► Check out and see how it´s made:


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Many thanks to everyone for listening and for leaving your comment.

If you want to make suggestions please feel free to do so in the comments

After Effects, Artwork and Animations by New Bliss ©
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Probability of you reading this is very slim but if you did I hope you have a miraculous day full of love and abundance 💕All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time. Lets embrace and move forward!


*_The person who is reading this comment, i wish you great success, health, love and happiness_*


It always warms my heart on how friendly everyone is in these kinds of videos. I love how sweet everyone is to each other. All of the “love from *insert country here*” comments as well as “good night everyone” are just icing on the cake


Anyone who’s struggling right now don’t worry. It will pass. Nothing is forever x


Praying that everyone falls asleep quickly and has a peaceful sleep.
Hope you all wake up happy and well rested


Remember, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. Keep smiling everyone!!!


Since childhood, I have dreamed of having such a room, listening to the rain outside the window and sleeping.


is it just me or does anyone else love that wooden bed?


This just became one of my favorites. I adore the large windows, and the gusting wind is a perfect addition.


Amazing. Whoever reads this comment I wish you peace of mind, health, and relaxation.❤


Love the way the rain is really whipping by the window! Beautiful.


Whoever is readig this: Things will turn out ok. Good things take time. And your time will come too. Stay strong and keep pershing. I believe in you. You can handle all of this. God bless you.


My family and I always seek refuge in this cozy nook when it storms. Our twin girls, each armed with their favorite book and an apple, curl up and begin to read.
My husband has his medical journal and I, recipe books. Holiday season is fast approaching, the time for good friends and good food!
The only sound for a while is the rain and the wind broken occasionally by the loud snores of our dog, who also takes advantage of the cozy nook.
Later we will have a supper of soup and sandwiches. Then its bath time for the twins, a bedtime story, prayers, kisses goodnight, night light on, closet door shut, routine finished.
Soon my husband and I will be cuddled together, planning a future for us and our girls. As sleep claims me I whisper a prayer of thanks, then drift into a calm, restful sleep.


Crying while listening to this music and reading the commenet, having a rough time, but i know im not alone, can't stop crying when i see there are lots of people here/under posts like this wishing all the bests for people who they don't know at all, feeling like being alive, being a human with kind people, hope every single of you that is reading this find him/her self in a atmosphere full of peace, love and blessing, may universe heal your heart. Love all of you, take care of yourself ❤


am i the only person that clicked on this because of the room design? 😳 i do love the rain sounds though extremely calming


Hey friends who are reading my comment don't worry God will come with measures in your life everything will be fine♥🎊🎉


For All You reading, Know That God Loves You ❤ and He Is With You" Even When You Think He Isn't" He's Blessing You" 💞


Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today. God bless to everyone who is reading this


Here's some things you could imagine:

You are sitting here, with a warm drink in your hand. You have blankets on and you are snuggling up with a good book. While you listen to the rain faintly in the background; you get lost in your book and all is well. Peaceful.

You are in a cottage in the middle of a forest. You have a fire going and you are also sitting in a comfortable chair. You have a warm drink in your hand, the book in the other, and you are wrapped in blankets. The rain is pouring down, but it only adds to the comfortable atmosphere.

You are in a little fort, made of cozy blankets and warm pillows. While the wind outside slips through the crack of the door, you are nice and comfortable in your little fort. You can have a warm drink in your hand as well as reading a good book, or you could just be relaxing; your eyes closed while you slowly drift off...to sleep...

Thanks for reading this guys! I hope you enjoy. I may add more in the future. <3


May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. May His favor and grace be upon you, and His protection sustain you. May all the works of your hands be multiplied, and peace in your heart and mind always. May the grace of Jesus Christ sustain you, and the road rise up to meet you. All this I pray for you, whoever you are who is reading this. My heart is full of joy for the blessings you will receive. God bless you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
