Exposing a Massive FRAUD in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Community

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I'm a little disappointed this didn't turn out to be a head-cannon theory about Seto Kaiba being a secret fraud in the show or in one of the movies


Looked at his channel and already two of his videos Wicked Gods/Sacred Beasts use footage from mine.
Not sure if the words are the same but it’s not a good sign 😅
Update: Watched mine and his side by side, can confirm it’s my script and footage


This is especially disappointing considering this guy speaks Spanish. There are likely a lot of yugioh fans who know Spanish as their main language. Knowing a large source of their content is just ripped off of you is so disrespectful to them and yourself.


This is insanely common in Spanish language YouTube. Good on you for calling him out, and I hope more youtubers do this. I am once again embarrassed to be a part of the Spanish-speaking internet.


Guy literaly just took the fake apology route. He posted an apology video, then deleted it a few days later. Then went back to stealing videos again. Only now he's targeting less popular yugitubers.


This is insanely unfair. These guys need to get the boot. YouTube needs to recognize and do something. People like this take the incentive and credit from real honest creators who actually work hard on their videos.


Oh I'm surely going to share this.

I speak both English and Spanish, Spanish being my first language, and I haven't seen a case of blatant plagiarism as stupid and careless as this one. He basically stole the video, word by word, frame by frame. It's disgusting really, and he couldn't be even more obvious if he tried. Heck, I tried looking up his channel and he seems to be deleting videos to cover up his tracks but we already know what he did. Un poquito tarde bro, ya cagaste.


1 day from now: Exponiendo un fraude masivo en la comunidad de Yugioh


Muy bien hecho hermano
Como alguien de habla hispana, la verdad enoja demasiado que sucedan casos así y que es más común de lo que uno cree
Quien sabe a cuántos otros más creadores de contenido plagio, pero tienes todo mi apoyo
Y como dicen en los comentarios esto ya es demasiado común en habla hispana pero siempre te responden con "es que está localizando" o alguna estupidez así


This is hardly the first time I've seen this happen, sadly, and YouTube seems completely unwilling to do much about it. This platform is so infuriating, so often. Hope you get this resolved. Much love!


There are also a couple of channels from Moldova that steal content from bigger channels (mostly random top 10 type of videos) and translate them into Romanian. There has been this weird case once where one guy literally stole a Russian gamer’s entire video and just pretended to play the game himself, with the exact same commentary and the exact same jokes, only in Romanian. When someone points this out, they defend themselves by saying “well, there are some Romanian kids who don’t know English all that well and I’m just helping them out”. Pure BS. It’s a large scale problem all over YT and unfortunately you kinda need to solve it on your own.


What's funny is YouTube now has an option to let you change audio. So if you see an Anime clip dubbed, but you prefer the original sub, if they have the option there you can change the audio to Japanese in the settings. I noticed this when looking at clips of Way of the Househusband Netflix uploaded

So theoretically, you could just take his videos back, and submit them as official Spanish translations for your work


Happens all the time unfortunately. I remember seeing Mr Beast talk about it, and it being part of the motivation for them to create all the different channels they have dubbing their own videos officially. But that's not feasible for most channels, and it sucks that it's just kinda accepted as being part of life on the platform.


I know there are dubbing channels, but at least he should’ve asked for a collab to bring your content to the Spanish-speaking community…


To think I'd see a day where we'd see reverse Enigma.


This is such a big problem with Spanish Youtube. I know people who have had their content stolen and dubbed against their consent. I have seen it multiple times and sometimes these Spanish channels can have over 100k views and all they do is steal from multiple English speaking channels. It is heart breaking knowing that there are people who are stealing content which as a youtuber I know takes a long time. For me, it can take weeks/days of research, days of writing and drafting my scripts, days of editing and finding clips and then editing it and putting it together. And hours of voice recording and cutting the voice up. So to think that a person that knows two languages could come along, see my video and steal it, spend minutes just slightly touching it up, and then take about 2 hours to record their dub of my script is heart-breaking and very annoying especially because it comes under transformative use and is protected by fair use which we need to protect us from big companies. I hope you make people aware! Respect to you.


This needs to get picked up, I'm sick of seeing all the stolen content creators on this platform, thanks for the news, hopes this gets resolved quickly


YouTube to FAIR USE videos: “nO sTEALING oTHER pEOPLEZ hARD wORK!!1!1!”
YouTube to LITERAL PLAGIARIST videos: “lol you can stay.”



Sadly this happen a lot in hispanic community (LATAM more especificaly), it's a real shame since a lot of big and small channels got content ripped so often, only showing how mediocre we can be as content consumers and the lame creatoors we have. This practice is so low, sometimes there are evident mistranslations, words and expretions that doesn't work the same in spanish, and as your case it's even worse when you edit or create a video with effects and thoughts you spend time making, and someone just download it, makes some small changes and now have their name on it, thinking they have made a great work.
More cases like this must be brought to light, for people in LATAM being capable to comunicate in english is an employment advantage, but we live in places that can truly be miserable, we tend to be selfish or closeminded, that's why i imagined this person didn't even ask for permission to use your content or quote your video. more spanish speaking creators must have the develop their criteria to even ask to make translations of english speaking creators, there is a even bigger opportunity in it, because you are expanding your horizons, your presence, to be part of new communities, personal grow that it's gotten skip just for not having the will to create.


Never understood why some ""creators"" resort to plagiarism when it'd be so much better for everyone involved to collab to create content designed for non-English speakers smh
