How To Play 'C Sharp Minor' Guitar Chord // Beginner Guitar Chord Series #8 #Shorts

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How To Play An "C Sharp Minor" Guitar Chord // Beginner Guitar Chord Series #8

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How to play an C Sharp Minor guitar chord for beginners! This video is a part of a "YouTube Shorts" series I am creating to help beginner guitarists learn all of the basic guitar chords they need to play the songs that I teach! In this series, I plan to make a short 15-30 second video explanation for how to play all of the basic major and minor guitar chords. The goal being to help anyone who is stuck on a specific guitar chord be able to learn that chord as quickly as possible, and get back to learning their favorite songs! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below :)

Thanks for checking out my video! If you have any suggestions for a song in this style you would like to learn let me know and if you have any questions hit that comment section below! Thanks for watching! :)

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This video is a part of a "YouTube Shorts" series I am creating to help beginner guitarists learn all of the basic guitar chords they need to play the songs that I teach! In this series, I plan to make a short 15-30 second video explanation for how to play all of the basic major and minor guitar chords. The goal being to help anyone who is stuck on a specific guitar chord be able to learn that chord as quickly as possible, and get back to learning their favorite songs! STAY TUNED for more short chord tutorials like this one! :D


This is very helpful man. I'm learning bar chords and this is a challenge lol. Seriously tho thank u!


Thanks im learning this song with c#m and f#m i just watched your f#m tutorial earlier


This was soo helpful. Thank you so much man


can you do one of your tutorials "are you bored yet" by Wallows plz I really want to learn that it's my fav song :)


Can u please do ' one of those nights' by Shawn mendes


Can u plz do another day in paradise by Phil Collins tutorial plus free tabs plz
