Dokibird Was MINDBLOWN By Pekora's Experiencing Dragon Ball For The FIRST TIME

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【SAND LAND】Become one with the Mother Tank【Dokibird】
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To be fair, Pekora's seen the old Dragonball, but none of the Z-stuff, so she's familiar with a lot of the early characters, but people like Vegeta, Freiza, Trunks, the androids, Cell, Buu, are all new to her :D


I've been speedrunning clips from Pekora's DBZ stream the past 4 hours and I'm genuinely trying so hard no to cry whenever she is on a hype moment, the screams and joy she lets out it's at that level of passion you just can't help but smile, specially with Toriyama's departure still so fresh in my memory and seeing his work just do what it does best, make people excited and hyped


This is just an attempt to distract from the fact that Pekora bought a Faqing monkey.


I died when pekora said potato instead of potara 😂


That explains why her dbz streams peaks over 160k ccv iirc 😂


I think Pekora has seen the original Dragon Ball, but not anything after that. So Z was an all-time new experience for the war criminal. And it was great to see through clips.


Can’t blame her. Toriyama’s daughter also didn’t read Dragon ball. It’s until Gintama has too many DB reference. Triggered her to tracing back the source. Toriyama even thanked Gintama for making his daughter read DB.


Wait until she hears that Marine hasn't watched One Piece.


Having 100k concurrent viewers for hours is absolutely wild as well tbh. Pekora usually pulls big numbers, but it's actually insane how much she got during those streams.


She knows about dragon Ball that's why she recognized the og characters.


As a Japanese citizen, I can relate to the fact that HoloJP's Usada Pekora, who grew up after the DBZ boom, had never experienced the series before. This is understandable given the decline in DBZ's popularity during that period.

Pekora's engaging first-time KAKAROT playthrough capturing the attention of a large audience highlights the power of VTubers as a platform for rediscovering and enjoying anime and gaming content. It represents a shift away from the outdated notion that these forms of entertainment are solely for children.

The synergy between anime, manga, games, and VTubers is truly remarkable. Anime and manga inspire game creation, games bring characters to life, character content empowers VTubers, and VTubers in turn reintroduce the original anime, manga, and games. This positive cycle is a testament to the evolving landscape of entertainment and a reason to be grateful for the opportunities it presents.

Let's savor the fact that everything we take for granted is actually a miracle.


It's not just her first time reactions but how good she is at expressing how we all felt when we saw these scenes ourselves for the first time. How I imagine watching it with your kids and seeing that they're just as hyped experiencing it as you were.


The clips of Pekora playing the game and reacting to iconic moments has been really nostalgic. More than a few times being teary eyed.


I'll say this from both a perspective of a Japanese-American 1980s kid. As a Japanese, DB was hugely popular show that we experienced in real time earlier than everyone else in the world. You have to understand that say if someone was born in 1980, Dr Slump ended in 1984, Dragon Ball started in 1985 when we were 5 years old just before elementary school and the Majin Buu saga ended in 1995 just as we were entering high school. This was the earliest "real time" DB exposure for anyone in the world (Japanese people). So the biggest audience for DB in Japan are 40-50 year olds today. Even if you were born in 1990, you'd be only 5 years old when the Majin Buu saga ended in Japan. This generation being the earliest fans of DB are also similar for 1980s kids Koreans, Taiwanese and HKers as they also had exposure to DB through bootleg translation manga copies or VHS/VCDs at the time.

On the American side, DB is more of a 90s child thing; Dragon Ball began airing on CN on 1995 and DBZ became hugely popular around 1997-1998 IIRC. From my own personal view, while I was seeing lots of Americans hyping about DB while I was in college when for me I was already at DBGT with not really good ratings, and people were already turning into other popular titles like Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha. Remind you 1997-1998 is still dial up era at best LAN connection in college dorms and it was still mostly fansubs on VHS tapes so it's nothing like today with simul-realeases on CR or VIZ. So there is a big gap between age groups with Japan and the rest of the world when it comes to DB. For Japan, it's 40-50 year olds, the rest of the world it's the 40 or under crowd that it's popular with. That's why in Japan, they sell lottery scratcher tickets with Dragon Ball on it; it's a 40-50 year old crowd thing.

If Pekora is in her late 20s-early 30s, it is far likely that she missed watching DB in real time, maybe she got the tail end of it, or have some basic knowledge of certain popular characters by hanging around with her older brother. Her older brother is likely the youngest age group in Japan who probably was watching/reading DB and was into Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night; Pekora probably missed the age group by a few years, as she mentioned several times is fangirling over Hitsugaya from BLEACH and that she also mentioned that she knew some of the lore of Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night from her older brother, she said she was more into watching Prisma Illya as a magical girl show as a little girl.

In short, when it comes to Dragon Ball, don't expect younger Japanese crowds to be into Dragon Ball the same as your peer group, especially if you're under 40. You were exposed to it in the 1990s. Japanese were exposed to it in the 1980s. The only way under 40 crowd in Japan would be exposed to Dragon Ball is if they had an older sibling, somehow watched re-runs, or were borrowing manga from people several years older than they were. However, just like Pekora, the younger under-40 are getting exposed through DB video games which is a huge success so that gives them the best intro to something that they can understand why people older than them/their senpai or in Pekora's case; their older anta-tachis audience know about. From us, it's like watching our little sister getting hooked into something we were watching when we were kids.


If we could all rewatch the entirety of dragon Ball with no knowledge beforehand. Im fairly certain we would all do just that. Its fun seeing someone experiencing greatness for the first time.


I wish so badly there were like highlight clips of full streams or something because god do I love watching her react to it


I'm half Japanese and lived both Japan and overseas. Not everybody watched DBZ in Japan, it was a long effort before DBZ became the icon that it is today. Anime wasn't being taken seriously (or was thought that only kids can enjoy it) in the 80s. Tbh it had faster and easier rise in popularity overseas when anime finally pursued to go global.
Foreigners sometimes think we Japanese watch anime all the time 😭
When some people find out I'm Japanese, to start a conversation they'd mention a scene in Naruto, but I'd have no idea what they're talking about😅


Pekora's first impression of Hercule Satan was that he looks strong.
And he is strong... for an ordinary human. Strong enough to tank a backhanded slap from Cell and get yeeted hundreds of meters, and still walk away from the impact crater without a scratch.
He's only weak by DBZ standards. He's weaker than Yamcha, but stronger than the Undertaker.


How can you tell when someone is a true dragon ball fan?

When they replicate the Kamehameha blast, or try to become a super saiyan irl


It's so surreal hearing Doki talk about a holo jp member.
