Difference Between a Grey Knight and an Adeptus Custodes in Warhammer 40K #shorts

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Difference Between a Grey Knight and an Adeptus Custodes in Warhammer 40K?


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What's the difference between marines and custodes?
Steroids. Anabolic steroids.


Simplest difference: a grey knight is the pinnacle of what a space marine can become. A Custode is what happens when something like cost goes out of the system and they basically make a Buzz Lightyear "Emperor" edition. All the best of the Emperor, just mobile and just fractionally weaker than him in the warp.


the difference is enormous

a gray knight is a simple astartes.
they occupy a special spot being the first chapter ever created outside the original legions and before their fragmentation with the codex astartes.
their primarch is unknown and their geneseed lineage. it is widely speculated to be from the emperor given their psychic might but it is never confirmed. also given the fact that thier founders where from different legions (the knight errants) it is moro probable that heir lineage is chimeric
they have wide authority and indipendence (operataing alongside the inquisition but not directly on their orders) bossing around even first founding chapters like the dark angels or the space wolves

a custodes on the other hand is a rather unique creation far more costly and resource heavy than simple gene seed implantation. each custodes undergo extreme augmentation in a process thsat is akin in some aspect to alchemy and only the emperor truly understand it. each one of them is essentially a miniprimarch and they are even more indipendent than the gray knights. they obey only the emperor and their commander. nobody else not even a primarch or the high lords of terra can command them
hell their commander has in theory even the authority of enforce a high lord removal or bypass any kind of chain of command acting as the emperor itself


Grey knights are incorruptible?

*Silver knight of slaanesh enters the chat*


Custodians"anything you can do I can do better...I can do anything better then you" gray knights"no you can't" Custodians"yes I can" gray knights" no you can't" (gun click)


Henry Cavill is your real life Adeptus Custodes.


So I’m reading Dante and in one chapter of the book(no spoilers haven’t finished pls) he is fighting tyranids, I’m no really aware of all the names the book was going through for all the different types of tyranids, it would be cool to have some insight on them, so my question is if you can detail at least some of the common ones for me either in a long form video or short!


Custodes: Natty gigachad, literally perfect in every way
Grey knight: rich guy who can afford better steroids, but is a fraction of a custodian


That was the most badass baby I've ever seen.


"Like clay I shall mold them and in the furnace of war forge them. They shall be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armor shall I clad them and with the mightiest weapons shall they be armed. They shall be untouched by plague or disease. No sickness will blight them. They shall have tactics, strategies, machines, such that no foe can best them. They are my bulwark against the terror. They are the defenders of humanity. They are my space marines and they shall know no fear."


Honestly, i just wait for the reveal that the Grey Knights are the "improved" Son's of Magnus.

On their last confrontation they had, during the siege of Terra, gifted our father my brother the Chance to come back on the loyalist side, with a new legion "cleanse of their flaws".

I still believe that the original plan for the Grey Knights were to replace the Thousand Son's, which were just to flawed to the complex art of creating Psykers, they had needed more time for the creation than the other legions.

It makes also sense on the long run, Magnus destiny was to sit on the throne, watching over the plane he resemble, protecting and guiding through the Man made Warp, his son's as the guardians of this plane.

Space wolf to fight the Horrors of the warp on the outside, real space, the Grey Knights for the war inside the Warp.


Question: did you guys ever think about making a one mind syndicate plays channel? That would be dope to see lol


There's one wild theory I always liked, the grey knights are actually experimental Thousand Sons with their gene seed fixed from some of its original problems. Magnus is actually still loyal and he and the Emperor are running a xanatos roulette on chaos.


Grey Knights are the paladins of WH40k. They are finely tuned Astartes given the very best implants, equipment and training. They were roughly equivalent to a Primarus Marines but slightly better than the average Primarus grunt. Think of Grey Knights as a chapter made of nothing but Primaris captains and you won't be far wrong. They are all psykers of rare talent, though most of them do not use their psyker abilities aside from channeling them into their force weapons. When they do use their abilities they often channel it as a group, greatly enhancing the power of the attack or ability. Think Grey Knights like the Lamborghini's of the Imperium- mass produced, but top of the line performance.

The Custodes are not mass produced- each one is custom made and perfected to be the ultimate warrior to protect the emperor. No two custodes have the exact same augmented abilities, though they do share a lot of traits. They have wargear that are unique to them most of which dates back to the Dark Age of humanity. Their armor alone is made of a psychically reactive material known as auramite and is all but indestructible. It's especially effect at stopping attacks from warp entities. It's said that it takes an entire forgeworld decades to produce one suit of auramite. They are just under Primarch level in strength, with some like Valdor being able to fight a Primarch one on one to a stalemate. Think of each custodes as a one of a kind custom performance racing machine, like a formula one car or a specially designed car to break a land speed record. It is said that aside for possibly Rowboat Gilman that a custodes can defeat any enemy one on one in the 41st millenniu. But as it's the Custodes making this claim, take it with a grain of salt. They also differ in tactics used. Each custodes is a one man army and prefer to fight alone, each one destroying enemies by the hundreds. The Grey Knights fight like Astartes, using specialist squads and fighting as a unit, not alone.


The Astartes use "off the shelf" augmentations while the Custodies are each one a custom made work of art. Sometimes a space marine will reach the quality of a custod in a few aspects but mostly they are just inferior. A Grey Knight is an Astartes that goes through a number of additional eldritch augmentations to make them psychic and render them highly resistant to warp corruption.


This looks extremely promising and amazing. I want more!!!


The Grey Knights could just open portals to the warp, let the demons devour all the tasty Custodes, then mop up the demons. Job’s Done.


40k has some interesting lore that’s for sure. I may dip into some of the books at some point to get a better idea of what it’s all about.


Can you explain the Custodes’ actions aboard the vengeful spirit?


'Grey Knights are uncorruptable'

Laughs in Genestealers*
