A Complete 1-99 Slayer Guide for Oldschool Runescape! [OSRS]

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Today we will be covering everything you need to know about slayer in oldschool runescape. Now this guide will be a bit different then a normal 1-99 skill guide. This guide is going to be divided into three main sections: early game, mid game and late game.

I will be starting with everything you need to know to get started with slayer. Then I will move onto important information for the mid game and finally the late game. Slayer is one of the slowest skills in the game, so I will be showing you as many ways to speed the skill up.

0:00 - Why Train Slayer?
1:44 - What is Slayer?
2:36 - Early Game Slayer
4:09 - Slayer Masters
6:26 - Slayer Equipment
8:45 - Early Game Slayer Tasks
9:59 - Mid Game Slayer
11:04 - Slayer Points
13:45 - Mid Game Equipment
15:10 - Block Lists and Skipping
18:27 - Late Game Slayer

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Really cool to see a 1-99 video that isn’t dated years back. Thank you for the content sir


I have noticed 7 things that I missed in this video:

1. Larran's and Brimstone keys are the main argument for doing Konar or Krystillia, respectively. It can be very good for 'poor' mid level people to do a couple dozen tasks on those masters to obtain a few of those keys, so they can unlock those gear upgrades that cost a few mill at most. Doing Konar every 10th task for the large amount of points is almost a necessity at this point, especially early/mid game when you still have to unlock stuff.

2. Miscellaneous items that make slayer a lot more efficient and easy to do. Think bonecrusher, ash sanctifier, holy wrench, proselyte, soul bearer, slayer rings, etc. They honestly make slayer a lot more efficient, and at times cheaper as well.

3. Thralls. They up your dps on 'annoying' tasks by a lot and work on most, if not all key bosses as well. In a single task it won't make much of a difference, but after 10k boss kills on your way to 99, it will have saved you 50 hours easily, which is huge.

4. This video is made for main accounts that have access to the GE to buy gear, food, potions. I feel like that could have been specified. Ironman slayer is completely different when looking at efficiency.

5. The offering spells. As a main you can just buy wrath runes and cast the spells, giving you insane amounts of prayer xp for free. Considering the fact you need 70 prayer, or 74/77, to do most bosses efficiently, and 85 for a diary, I feel like this could have been mentioned as well, perhaps in the 'late game' section.

6. Diary rewards that make your life much easier. Think Konar teleport with Rada's Blessing, noted bones from red dragons with karamja diary and the noted dagannoth bones with fremennik.

7. Boss slayer makes a ton of money, but what drops am I looking for? Mention the Hydra's Claw, Cerberus crystals, Sire's bludgeon fragments, etc.

This may seem like quite a list filled with critique. I actually thought this was an excellent video with loads of key information and great examples (like the do/don't do tasks and showing how to stack Dust Devils!). The things I've listed are mainly what I find to be greatly useful during slayer and pretty much musthaves if going for efficiency in the late game. Once you need like 600k for a level, those things add up quickly to save you dozens of hours in the long run.


Missed your 1-99 series. Still got some left to do from what I remember and glad your getting back into em.


Never understood why most Slayer guides recommend blocking fossil island wyverns. You're only assigned 13 so the task can be completed in 15 minutes if you're 90+ combat, they're right next to a bank and their average drop value is 10k. The XP is pretty bad but you'll be onto the next task before you even notice.


25:21 This should be way earlier in the video and highlighted as something strongly recommended for early game slayer. Once you get the slayer reward system solved, including researching optimal tasks and block lists, the entire skill just feels more streamlined and easy to train.


This is the best slayer guide I've seen to date for new people. (I've watched a ton of them). Great job man.


So happy to see that youre still making videos! Just got back into the game after a year. Made a new account. love these guides! looking forward to your best skilling methods of 2022!


Already 99, but came to support this chad


i recently hit 97 slayer and i cant wait to finish it, the cape is badass and i can then finally chillax and skill


I will say that the slayer helm is not only a quality of life, I mean if you get an Abereant spectre task, then you can still get the damage buffer from the mask while still wearing the nose peg. But still, a really great guide!


Step one. Hit things youre told. Step two. NEVER STOP.

id say once ya hit bossing it really turns into a whole new fun skill tbh!


At 13:00 when you talk about the slayer mask, the great thing about it is the fact you can use black mask along with earmuffs or nose peg. If you just had a black mask you can’t use it if you need to wear a nose peg..


That massive “OOF!” When your brimstone key despawns as you are running to it at 20:36


I know I'm quite late here, but I think something that was overlooked is Konar and Brimstone keys. While not the most valuable thing, each chest averages around 100k and can hit up to 300k+ which while in the grand scheme it's not that much, for many tasks, that can help pay for the use of arrows, magic, and especially the cannon. If you can skip tasks consistently, and aren't too concerned about bossing, I've found her to be a really strong choice for me


20:34 RIP Brimstone key. :’( Thanks for the upload, I was getting tired of having to level slayer to get my tears of guthix into runecrafting. Gonna make a big push this weekend.


Okay, that is so weird lol. I just got 87 smithing a couple days ago and thought I'd move on soon to slayer since I think I've accumulated enough money to fund some "slayering" and this comes out! Perfect, thank you man!


Got my combats to 70 ish except range, i ll train it while cannonballing, thanks to you ill be training slayer for the first time in my life


That was so much better than any otgher guide as a beginner in slayer.


This is the year for of a f2p tp bond again 2022 always fun to watch to see your knowledge of the gam


At 94 slayer I just started questing. Dragon slayer and rune plate here I come!
