You Think You Are Smart? There Are 9 Types of Intelligence!

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In 1983 an American developmental psychologist Howard Gardener described 9 types of intelligence:

Naturalist (nature smart)
Musical (sound smart)
Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)
Existential (life smart)
Interpersonal (people smart)
Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
Linguistic (word smart)
Intra-personal (self smart)
Spatial (picture smart)

Special thanks for our Patreon supporters: Ville Medeiros, Chutimon Nuangnit, Cedric Wang, Mike, Eva Marie Koblin, Julien Dumesnil, Mathis, and the others. You are amazing !!!

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Well, I don't think people fall into just one category of smart, I think they all have a different level of each type of smart.


Not everybody is a natural at believe this should be teachers destroy a love for subjects...think of the terrible teachers we may have had at school /


"You Think You Are Dumb? There Are 9 Types Of Intelligence" would be a much more attractive title...


These intelligences are used to modify teaching methods and strategies because each learner has different needs and learning style. Great video!


We tend to focus too much on just a few categories. There are people you wouldn't think of as smart, but who are brilliant in their area of expertise.


Each of these categories play a very unique part in whatever task/situation/state they are placed to/faced with. I love how they come together to create the "bridge project" in the story. If only our world recognizes our strengths and put it into something extraordinary then the world could become a better place. Because i strongly believe that everyone belongs. ❤️


I think what this theory is ultimately trying to convey is the different ways people are able to understand and apply information. In essence, it's focusing on your learning styles and not just something you happen to be good at as this video may portray. And yes, we all can fall into more than one intelligence at varying points in our lives.


I think you just talked about the departments in a company
PR, HR, Marketing, Finance, Entertainment etc etc


I know I'm smart enough to know I'm not smart at all 👌


I disagree with the categories in this theory but do agree that people are smart in different areas. I believe that there should a technology "smart" category and some others could be added or removed.


That's a beautiful presentation - clear, crisp, concise and complete.
No time waste.


Yes, definitely! There is a "teach smart". I know it exists because it is my greatest strength. You first have to be, naturally, very easily confused; then you have to make every conceivable mistake you can possibly make before you get anything right. After this, you will know, exactly, what order things must occur in; and you will be able to, effectively, explain just about any pitfall that can possibly come up in the learning/training process. You must have to first deal with tremendous weaknesses before you can atain this strength.


Equivocating talent and skill with intelligence. An intelligent person who chooses to develop an apptitude in any of those areas will progress faster than a less intelligent person.


I feel dumber after watching this video.


quantifying, cathegorising and explaining is certaily helping understand a new idea. Einstein (I think) said: if you aren't able to explain a new concept simply enough, that means that you haven't understood it well enough. I am delighted to watch the way you combine visual with narration on explaining new (or new to me) concepts! In a real world I think each of us is operating on a combinations of all those qualities - we have learnt to develop one or more of them intro a skill or weakness depending on the opportunities we had in our childhood. Keep up the best work!


I also doubt that solving math puzzles is the only type intelligence there is but unfortunately it is still the basis for a lot of college and job selections.


I think there is definitely truth to the multiple intelligence theory (even if it's not easy to test it), but some of the categories are starting to get too close to the personality category. For example, existential or pedagogical intelligence can easily be aspects of personality and partially aspects of the other types of intelligence mentioned. Interpersonal and intrapersonal can also to a large degree be associated with personality, though I like to think some aspects of them can be classed as a talent. For example, being good at understanding other people and delivering information in a convincing way would be interpersonal intelligence. And being good at accurately self-reflecting and establishing goals for oneself would be intrapersonal intelligence. Naturalist intelligence is not only about liking animals and nature (that would be personality). It's more about being able to understand other living things and having the ability to tend to them and care for them.

IQ and EQ would have correlations with many of these. IQ would correlate with majority of these - logical, verbal, spatial, and possibly to some degree the others as well, since IQ is about how fast you learn new things. EQ, I believe, would mainly correlate with interpersonal, naturalist, and possibly intrapersonal intelligence.


I like how they casually mention Mrs. Music Smart was part of the project because she wrote a song about a bridge. As if that's a totally normal thing that happens.


Today most of the skills mentioned here are used in different combinations.


1:08 "he developed the passion for all living beings" but he´s roasting a chicken? hahaha that was funny!!!
