300 Years are Missing - Prof Simon

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300 years are missing - German researchers claim that 300 years are missing from human history. Early medieval time had a 'MATRIX GLITCH' and 2021 is really 1721 ! They try and prove their case with some amazing evidence of strange buildings and secrets in our calendar. Is 300 years missing from human life? Prof Simon investigates the mystery of 1724

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Link to the German research
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Well, welcome to the guess we have almost 300 years to prepare for Y2K again.


You have no idea how many questions you just answered for me.

I’ve did hours and hours of research on this and you’ve finally confirmed my suspicion. We decided to skip 300 years.

This really changes my view on lots of thing. I love you. Thank you.


Professor ... this has been, by far, one of the greatest videos I've seen in recent time. Thank you for sharing.


I’ve found that after a few beers I lose time. Therefore beer makes you time travel. ⏰


We had a maths teacher who posed this concept to us in secondary school, he made a joke of it but watching this brought it all back.


I have been feeling the same thing for a long time. The truth is missing.


Very interesting. Does that mean we are therefore 300 years closer to the age of the Vikings etc.?

This blew my mind.


That was bloody great, thanks so much. I’m going to have to start supporting my favs on patreon.


I have studied missing Chronology for years. Here are some good resources which I have encountered that might be of interest.

Missing Time – A problem with Historical Chronology
Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest
David M. Rohl
Crown Books, New York 1995

A Test of Time
Sturt W. Manning
Oxbow Books, Oxford UK 1999

Centuries of Darkness
Peter James
Jonathan Cape, London UK 1992

History: Fiction or Science
Anatoly T. Fomenko
Delamere Publishing, Isle of Mann UK 2003
Chronology published in 7 Volumes


In fact, he isn't the first to conclude this at all. There was a man by the name of Anatoly Fomenko of Russia that stated this in his collection of works called "New Chronology". Get ready for a roller coaster ride from then on as there are many books, 7 I believe. All of you would love to delve into this one.


One thing about time that I find intriguing is that although we measure it universally, we all perceive it somewhat differently. A minute may go by fast for some but for others in the same room it may appear to drag out as they count it.


I said that the time line was wrong in humanities class when I was 12 years old. The teacher and and the rest of the class just gave me the "Robinson shut up" look. I've always been fascinated by the "Holy Roman Catholic" churches genocide of the Cathars. It makes more sense if it happened 300 years earlier.


I remember seeing calendars that skipped a couple weeks -- thirteen to seventeen days, depending exactly when a particular place made the transition (fun fact: Isaac Asimov was born in Russia under the Julian calendar; his parents immigrated with him to America while he was an infant, with the result that he was on record as not being sure what his exact birthday was).

This discrepancy was simply due to the fact that Julian had too many leap years -- every 4th year, compared to "except century years that are not also divisible by 400" as the Gregorian does, but that would take *much* more than a couple millennia to add up to 300 years of discrepancy...


Just watched this for the first time today, and can I just say, I am here, all day long, and twice on Sundays, for Stories like this
Brilliant, is the only way I can describe it. Please do more on this Prof, or more of the same kind of Historic Mysteries
with no answer today


The theory has but one quasi-credible advocate, Russian mathematician Fomenko. His specialty is topology and differential geometry, and he's written a few worthwhile mathematics books and one great one published by Springer Verlag, as well as several books on this bizarre hypothesis. Fomenko attempts to use astronomical data to support his hypothesis. I find it clever, but naive and unconvincing. There are detailed continual records in Byzantium, the Middle East and especially China that are so detailed that this hypothesis is easily disproven. Sorry conspiracy believers, this one's a dead end.


Professor Simon looks like a Viking Scientist. Huge respect to you, Sir. My grandest salute.


I'm astonished and amazed and I love the feeling of being astonished and amazed. Thank you.


I find this unconvincing. As a Brit, how do you explain the list of British monarchs, with the years they reigned, going back William the Conqueror? You mentioned the Jewish calendar. I'm a Jewish history buff, and the only anomaly I know of in our calendar occurred in the Persian period, around 400 BCE, not in the medieval period. Also what about the Islamic calendar?


This is the best channel on YouTube. Its my new favorite, Subbed


I remember when I was studying physics as part of me electrical engineering training, the physics professor brought up this subject. He mentioned about buildings having mixed design that were out of place or era in relation to each other. There was mention about the Lunar calendar also having this missing 300 years. He also mentioned about a theory where the Earth for some explainable reason could have gone through some type of temporal time line dilation distortion or event. The cause could be from something coming in close range to the Earth that had a strong gravitational wave affect or something we have no idea about.

I had an uncle who was a geophysicist working in research for government. He had a PHD in physics. A specialty of his was gravity and geomagnetic field research. When I mentioned about this missing 300 year event he also agreed with what the physics instructor told me.
