Ultra rare ! Restoration of the Rarest Knife in the World You've Never Seen Before!

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Restoration of a Very Rare knife - You Have Never Seen Such An knife !
Restoration of a rare knife
I restored this knife and made a very nice restoration video. I have never seen a restoration video like this. what do you think?
What do you think this knife is for?
00:00 review
00:10 Start restoration
00:44 brushing
01:21 Removing rust from an knife
02:02 Rust removal by electrolysis
03:06 Washing the knife
04:11 Guard Restoration
05:04 Super Blue
05:17 Oil
05:31 Detaching the Small Blade for Restoration
06:14 Wire brushing
06:30 Smoothing the surfaces with a grinding stone
07:05 Super Blue and Oil
07:46 to sharpen
08:04 Restoration of the Large Knife Blade
08:11 Wire brushing
08:44 Smoothing the Surfaces
09:33 Polishing
09:58 Connecting the knife head with the handle
11:19 Before
11:26 after
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Restoration // Restoration of a 350-year-old dagger
sword restoration
knife restoration
sword restoration
knife restoration
dagger restoration
perfect restoration
restoration videos
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Restoration of a rare knife
I restored this knife and made a very nice restoration video. I have never seen a restoration video like this. what do you think?
What do you think this knife is for?
00:00 review
00:10 Start restoration
00:44 brushing
01:21 Removing rust from an knife
02:02 Rust removal by electrolysis
03:06 Washing the knife
04:11 Guard Restoration
05:04 Super Blue
05:17 Oil
05:31 Detaching the Small Blade for Restoration
06:14 Wire brushing
06:30 Smoothing the surfaces with a grinding stone
07:05 Super Blue and Oil
07:46 to sharpen
08:04 Restoration of the Large Knife Blade
08:11 Wire brushing
08:44 Smoothing the Surfaces
09:33 Polishing
09:58 Connecting the knife head with the handle
11:19 Before
11:26 after
next watch:
restoration//How to restoration a 400 year old war sword?
Restoration // Restoration of a 350-year-old dagger
sword restoration
knife restoration
sword restoration
knife restoration
dagger restoration
perfect restoration
restoration videos
rusty restoration
#restoration #restorationvideos #restoring #antique #repair #rescue #antiquerestoration #asmrrestoration #restoringoldtools #oldtools #rusty #rustyrestoration #restorationvideos #restoringoldthings