Maps for iPhone is AWESOME now! (FULL Tutorial + iOS17)

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It's been just over a year since I made a video detailing eight tips for the Maps app on iPhone, and it's fair to say that quite a lot has changed since then. With that in mind, I thought I'd put together a full tutorial for how to use the Maps app on your iPhone from start to finish. Whether you're planning a road trip in the car or whether you're looking to get around a city on public transport, the maps app on your iPhone is actually really capable these days, and in my opinion is definitely able to compete with the likes of Google, but it can be a little complicated if you’re not sure what you’re doing with it. Also there's a major new feature coming to iOS 17 that I think is going to be a game changer for a lot of people and I'll talk about that later on in this video.

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0:00 - Intro
0:42 - Settings & Preferences
3:55 - Using the Map
8:12 - Searching
14:19 - Public Transport
15:16 - Favourites & Guides
18:18 - iOS17 Features
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Several people have commented about the "parked car" feature not being available in the settings menu. To enable this, there is a setting buried in the privacy section under location services, system services named "Significant Locations" that has to be enabled. Once enabled, turn the phone off and back on; that should fix the problem


I tend to use Maps as my primary navigation app, but I do have to say that whenever a certain location isn't available or not up to date, on Google Maps it is always up to date/available.


How do I find historical maps in the mobile version? All the online tutorials reference buttons that are no longer there.

I need to be able to see where I am on a trail and the best way to see the trail is when all the leaves are down in a historical view. Spent far too many hours looking for this and searching.


Thank you very much for your videos which I find very useful. also a big thank you for not speaking fast so everyone can understand what you say, it means a lot to me as I come from Denmark


Having watched a handful of your videos now, I really appreciate your presentation methods and get-to-the-point style. No filler, just very useful information presented in a clean and easy to digest way. Thank you for your videos. I really appreciate the work that you put into them.


I've been a lifelong Google Maps user till last month. We helped move our daughter to another state and had to drive 2400 miles. the features of Apple Maps was awesome. I now have been using your videos to setup fav's and locations to help me navigate when we go back to visit next month. Thanks so much for the information, I find it very easy to use and it will help immensely...


I used to use Google maps all the time but have recently moved back to Apple Maps as I find it’s significantly improved over the years. I was very impressed on one journey when it led me in and through an outdoor car park, told me to park and then get out and walk to my destination. Thanks for a very clear and well presented video. I would recommend this to anyone who is using maps for the first time as you’ve clearly explained all of its features and operation. I even learnt a few things myself. Cheers 😊


I use WAZE on any highway trips. It has saved me tons of time and aggravation when it advises getting off a particular route because of a reported accident or event up ahead. It is the MAIN feature I want to have. If Apple was as good, I would switch.


Maps is very much improved these days, but I still flick between 3 mapping apps.

Google Maps has better data integration with transport providers. This is essential for big cities - I hate running to catch something only to realise the Maps timetable is wrong… Waze & Google both have better traffic info. Google is the king of location info & links.

All 3 apps have pros & cons & I would like Maps to be my go to, but it’s a still a long way off the competition by in some areas.


Still missing the traffic heatmap for 2 years now. Seems they are not going to bring it back -> I go with google maps so I always can make spontaneous changes to the route without getting in a jam just because the map won‘t show it.


Ive just come back to Apple after 7 years on Android. It's pretty good now and most of pet peeves have been addressed in some way or another. The two main things that really irk me though are Apple maps just not being as good as Google Maps when using the search function and Siri just not being as good as Google Assistant. Several times I have asked both to do the same task and Google nails it where Siri fails.


I’ve used both quite a lot because I was doing DoorDash for a while. My personal preference by a long shot is Apple Maps. It’s really come along way over the years and recently when I was in Brighton England, one of Apples street view cars drove by me. (They call it look around). A lot of people don’t know that over the last five years Apple has quietly been working on their own version of street view, and it is absolutely amazing. It blows Google Earth street view out of the water.

Also, I find Siri’s voice to be a lot more pleasant than the one Google maps uses to give directions. On my recent trip to England I had no problem getting transit information in the Maps app and it was never wrong. The GPS was phenomenal and I never would’ve been able to get around without it. You don’t realize how powerful the maps app is until you go travelling believe me.

It’s Apple Maps for me.


The parked car feature is elusive. I remember it being an easy feature on my iPhone 6 and now it doesn’t show in the menu on my iPhone 13 Pro Max as you’ve demonstrated in this video. I wonder if there is a location based setting that needs to be enabled to reinstate that feature or if it’s region locked?


I appreciate the consistency in your walkthroughs of your Tutorials. Its refreshing to see that and know that with every video you publish, I know what to expect.


It doesn’t show which direction to go from the starting point,


I, for some reason cannot see the binoculars at the bottom left corner. The icon just does not exist no matter what view I looked through. Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you.


Is this ASMR? There is something so satisfying about hearing something explained clearly and methodically.


I hope one day Maps will be able to rival Waze for driving navigation. I don’t think it will have me swapping anytime soon though.


When Google Maps was the only option, we had no other choice. When Apple made their own map app it was a little rickety at first but I've been using it for years now and really dislike the Google maps interface and have a hard time adapting to it. I only go there if I feel that I might get more information from it than Apple Maps but that has proved to rarely be the case anymore.


I use Apple Maps almost exclusively. I taught my husband to use Apple Maps and he loves it. It’s easy for him to use and that’s exactly what he needs.
