I Installed 130+ GTA San Andreas Mods

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I installed 130+ mods in GTA San Andreas. These Mods Enhance the World, Peds Behaviour, Dynamism in the game, Graphics, Gameplay, Police A.I, Enhanced Vehicles, Quality of Life options and a LOT MORE !!

Subscribe if you like what I do here on the Channel: @baigagee

I wanna Thank the Modders for making these *AWESOME MODS !!* and The community for keeping GTA SAN Alive.

*Special Thanks to:*


*Mods used in this mod list:*

Improved Streaming
ROSA Project Evolved
Improved and Fixed Original Vegetation
Illuminated Vinewood Sign
Welcome Las Venturus Sign
Lighthouse & Pyramid Fix
Realistic Beach
Smuff Nut
Pacific Park Ferris Wheel
Original HQ Palms
LS Lit Church
Missing Lamppost Fix
Formal 2k Grass
Lamppost Insects
Shoreline Waves
Flying Stuff
Uncompressed SFX Pack
The Birds Update
Enterable Hidden Interiors
Project Props
Shoes on Wire
Mesh Smoothed Pack
Mesh Smoothed Pack by Hysen
3D Models in Ammunition
SADE Big Ear Telescope to SA
Sidewalk Weed
Breakable Vending Machines
UFO Bar Lit
Wind Farm
Wind Project
Real Traffic Fix
Truck & Trailers
Clever Trams
Peds Buy Food
Peds Lean
Pedestrians Using Map Objects
Ambient Taxi
Homeless Trash Bags
Fair Police
Realistic Peds Remake
Realistic Population
Money Truck
NPC Tuning
Air Traffic
Busy Peds Mod
Hard Rain Remake
Lively Trailers
Streets Cleaners
Urbanize Project
Life Situations (10 separate mods)
AI Upscaled Characters
Original Peds Vary
Ped Tweaks
Proper Vehicles Retex
Revamped Vehicles Project
Radar Zoom
Original Adapted Vehicles
Wheel Detach
Animated Tank
Attach Vehicle
Bike Flip Fix
Lights On & Off
Enterable Vehicles (5 separate mods)
Transfender Fix
Turn Engine On & Off GTA 4 Style
Fire Truck Working Ladder
Real SkyBox
Project 2DFX
Enhanced Classic Graphics
PS2 Timecyc
Project Immerse Yourself
Project Lumos
Smooth Lens Flare
Proper Player Retex
Hairstyle & Beards
Stories Sprinting
Combat FX Upgrade
First Person Mod
Manual Driveby Remake
Mod Ragdoll Bullet Physics
Improved Default Armory
Improved Movements
Hide From Cops
Improved Intelligence
Void Radio Wheel
Void Weapon Wheel
More Realistic Reaload Weapon Animations Mod
Car wash
Change Gear Animation
Cheat Menu By Grinch_
Handbreak Mod
Ladders Mod
Starter GTA 4
Basketball Fix
Parachute Fix
Mobile Hands
Atmosphere Interface Pack
Loadscreens 4k Definitive
Mobile Font Fix
Cars Divert
Hangout with Story Characters
SA Cutscene Characters for Gameplay
Gang Rider
24/7 Robbery
Graffiti Anywhere
Facial Animation Fix
Taxi Ride Mod
Call Taxi Mod
Faster Clothes Change
Interaction Menu

Рекомендации по теме

sick video dude, loved the authentic commentary. only thing that I could critique is some of the background music which took away from the heart of the video, if that makes sense. Subbed, hope to see you develop your style on youtube and drop some more bangers.


When I think of GTA SA remastered. This is what I had in mind.... Not weird texture and meshes.


Finally found another youtuber who has lists of mods so i can compare it to justgesha's, internetrob's, and catsmackarro's mods


This is 10000x better than definitive edition


Imagine playing this version as your first introduction to the game?


This is hands down the best collection of mods for San Andreas in my opinion. There's 10 million videos on youtube that show you how to make your SA look photorealistic with crazy enbs, modern cars, and textures that make it look like a completely new game. It is so refreshing to find (a pretty substantial) mod video that highlights mods that fit with not only the aesthetic but the gameplay itself.

I'm so glad there's more people that can appreciate the charm of SA's graphical style and choose to only improve not replace what's already offered in the game. Bless you for exposing me to so many amazing mods! Time to start another playthrough.


Amazing video, just few tips:
-Improved and Fixed Original Vegetation isn't compatible with the Wind mod, so i reccomend removing this mod from the list or just find another mod which is compatible with the Wind mod.
-Basketball Fix isn't necessary since that issue is already fixed by SilentPatch.
-Project Immerse Yourself is an old mod, I recommend using Project re:LIT since it's more stable and offers more compatibility with other mods.
-I reccomed using Adapted Models for Skygfx Wind since it adapts some models to the Wind mod.
-I highly reccomend the San Andreas Ambient Sound (SAAS) mod, it adds ambient sound to the game, it's just a sweet mod.
-I recommend the Collectibles on Radar mod, it shows you collectibles (Oysters, Graffitis, Photos, etc...) location on radar, it's too useful if you want to 100% the game.

Other than that you did a fantastic video, can't wait for Vice City! 🙂


This gotta be one of the best vanilla friendly modpacks i've ever seen bro insta sub


modders are amazing man, i still remember playing san andreas in my cousins house and being blown away by how good the graphics looks on the og ps2


After countless hours playing around and experimenting with a collection of mods very similar to this and others, I would like to mention some issues I've experienced in the past with some that were included in this video to look out for, along with a few mods I highly recommend that you may have missed:

- Project Props + Urbanize: both mods try to add objects in the same spot around some areas of the map, resulting in props from both mods clipping inside eachother, like on OJ Loc's porch.

- Rosa Project Evolved: will require a somewhat strong PC, and I'm not sure how well-optimized it is. Using a 1660ti with 16GB RAM with this mod combined with the graphics mods in this video + recommended settings for everything from known community members, my FPS consistently dipped between 45-50.
Also seems that you'll need to use a specialized version of Proper Fixes if you use Rosa, according to the MixMods page.

- Realistic Reload Animations: don't install the animation for shotgun reloading. It always plays the long animation of loading 7 shells, regardless of how many shots you actually fired, and it gets annoying quick.

- First Person Mod: just make sure to go back into third person during certain missions, it's caused crashes for people doing playthroughs with it.

- Cars Divert: the traffic trying to divert will experience the same issue as NPCs "diving straight into your car" if they divert while you're driving in any direction that isn't in a perfectly straight line.

- Fixed Vegetation + LOD Vegetation: even though LOD Vegetation wasn't mentioned in this video, if you try to use both of these together, the distant LOD models for the large trees in the countryside will be completely white/textureless. Fixed Vegetation is also incompatible with the Wind Mod (last time I checked at least).

- Mesh Smoothed Pack: despite the fact many meshes are, yes, visually smoother, their actual hitboxes are still the same as their low-poly original models. You'll notice this driving along a bridge that's around the area of Madd Dogg's mansion, where your car will seem to be either floating or sinking into the road depending on what spot you're on.

- Realistic Population + Story Mode 2.0: even though SM 2.0 is another mod not mentioned in the video (that I also highly recommend) they both modify population values, so if you use them together, set Realistic Population to a higher priority in modloader.

- Parachute Animation Fix is already included in another super useful mod I highly recommend called MixSets.

- Trucks And Trailers: it's fairly common in the countryside for trucks to spawn with the trailers randomly detached for some reason and careening off the road or into traffic.

Those are about the only issues I ran into with mods in this video, but besides that, I'll list some extra mods that I'd recommend you check out incase you haven't seen them before:

- Story Mode 2.0: overhauls the vanilla story mode with various changes and details, along with adding cut dialogue to certain missions, fixing some cutscenes, and adjusting certain mission details and story beats in ways that feels more impactful and makes more sense. Also CJ wears his blue hoodie from the Prologue movie, which is cool.

- MixSets: adds a massive list of tweaks and mechanics that you can adjust to your liking, the most notable being the parachute animation fix, disabling cars from setting on fire from flipping over, modifying car's damage values from various sources (I recommend increasing their bullet resistance if you use PedSkills and Manual Driveby), render distance of cars & NPCs, and so SO many more.

- Framerate Vigilante: fixes various bugs that occur with the vanilla game being run at 60FPS so you can have a smoother experience. Seriously why are we still playing in 24fps in 2024?

- San Andreas Ambient Sounds + Uncompressed SFX Pack + Remastered Gun Sounds: a must-have combo for headphone users, adds various ambient sounds across the world of the game along with higher bitrate sound files (just make sure to disable the Verbose Peds setting in SAAS though, it gets annoying).

- SilentPatch: massive bug fix mod like Proper Fixes, but more on the mechanical side of things.

- Atmosphere Interface Pack + Mobile Font Fixed: makes all the menus and text high-res.

- Food Eating Fix: adds food models that CJ eats from restaurants and vending machines so he's not eating air anymore.

- FullSprint: can hold shift to sprint at max speed instead of having to repeatedly tap it.

- Glowing Pickups: adds glowing colored rings around pickups, weapons, and money like in GTA III and VC.

- MW Project: adds missing water into various pools around the map (have to use the Lite version if you use Proper Fixes).

- Proper Radar: higher-quality radar with true map accuracy.

- Sprint Everywhere: various interiors no longer force you to jog and let you sprint full speed.

- Tutorial Free Roam: some tutorial text like when you respawn at a hospital for the first time will no longer prevent you from moving.


I love that there are people making content/mods around SA. Such a great game


Damnnnn, 130+ mods?! I like it broo good job


dude!! the back flips!!! there are so many to take note in this...thank you for sharing your set of mods!!


Immediately got reminded of InternetRob and sure as hell, he's here in the comments. I absolutely love his SA mods video and yours just hit the spot as well. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing this game get all this much love and appreciation. When I get a new PC, I'm for sure doing this to my favorite game <33


5:32 HGAHAHAHA i love these bloopers. lovely video!


I wish there was a way to get the full collection of these and have an easy time setting it up. Amazing vid, really bringing my childhood to life


I've just finished replaying San Andreas on my original PS2, it's amazing how well the gameplay holds up even today and I really enjoyed the old school vibes. Having seen this I'm now tempted to try and find the original PC version and install these mods, they really do make it look nostalgic and modern at the same time, without ruining it like the Definitive Edition seems to have done. Awesome video, really appreciate the time and effort this must have taken.


Video is super good, and the only thing I felt was a bit off was the echo in the mic.


love your work, little tip: keep a decent distance from your mic to minimize the "ss" and breathing noise other than that everything is art


This makes the game way better, props on taking the time to do this man. Is it possible you can upload a google drive or something of your gta san andreas folder with all the mods installed so we dont have to go through the hassle of installing them all?
