Closing arguments begin in Alex Murdaugh murder trial | Day 25

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Warning: This video may be disturbing for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

Prosecutor Creighton Waters delivered his closing argument in Alex Murdaugh's murder trial after the jury traveled to the crime scene Wednesday morning. Jurors were joined by Judge Clifton Newman and attorneys for both sides to view the South Carolina home where Murdaugh's wife and son were fatally shot in June 2021. Murdaugh has pleaded not guilty.

Prosecutors called rebuttal witnesses to the stand Tuesday before concluding testimony in the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh, who is accused of killing his wife and son. On Wednesday morning, the jury is expected to visit the South Carolina home where Paul and Maggie Murdaugh were fatally shot in June 2021. Prosecutors have opposed the visit because the scene has changed significantly in the 20 months since the killings.

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I noticed AM speaks to people as if it’s his world, everyone else is just living in it lol like he assumes whatever “big” thing going on in his life, everyone else is aware of enough where he could just mention “boat crash” & expects every single person to understand immediately. He says “Maggie was home, idk if Blanca was there or not..” the investigator had to stop him & ask “who is Blanca?” AM says “my housekeeper.. nanny”.. when I’m speaking to someone I don’t know, I wouldn’t drop only my brothers first name and continue on assuming they know “jack” is my brother.. lol it’s nothing big or even relevant.. just a weird thing I picked up on a lot throughout all these interviews & questions .. “I went to almeda” him and his family call going to his parents house “almeda”.. they had to ask him to clarify that lol the “dove field” like they’re supposed to know that’s a specific place on his actual property.. he had to clarify “Em” was a nickname for Libby/his mom lol John Marvin again, had to clarify that’s my brother.. or “edistow” like dude when y’all say she was in edistow that meant she was at the beach house y’all owned there lol 🤦🏼‍♀️ I don’t think it’s intentional it’s just the only mindset one would have to have to throw these names & terms out that only him & his family used when speaking to outsiders so casually & normally.. it’s a mindset of it’s my world, everyone else just lives in it. It’s beyond narcissistic


Prosecution closing could have been SO much better. Very disappointed. Motive could have been stronger and really driven home. 1) Alex getting Paul out of the picture would be a BIG win for him. No more boating accident trials, paying for Paul's defense and future appeals; no more supporting Paul's lifestyle. 2) Same with Maggie (especially if divorce HAD been discussed). Sometimes, it's about how much you can financially SAVE, as opposed to how much you can financially gain. Too, Alex said he "knew for a FACT" the killer had thought about it for a long time and harbored hate in his heart." The only way Alex could have known that "for a fact" was if HE was the killer! Did he start thinking about it in 2019?


When AM's called a 'master liar', did you see that tiny smile - duper's delight. He did it again at the end of the prosecution's summary - when Mr. Waters said he was good at it (lying). Tiny smile - duper's delight.


So what’s the motive. A guy that supposedly try to cover up multiple murders for his sons turns around and then murders one of them. I think buster has a lot to do with this that isn’t being brought to light.


this guy is starting to bother me...I think he was bullied as a kid


At very end Buster waits for his dad to give him a "Bye, " or a wave, nothing from Alex.


Why does people lie? To cover up the truth. Slam dunk .... bye bye Murdaugh


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
St John 3:16!❤️


Why he cried a lot and a lot more when witnesses were testifying but stoic and indifferent now that Mr. Waters is point by point, on target, very, very detailed in reliving Alec's wife and son's condition after the killing in Waters' prosecution closing arguments. And then, again, when Mr. Waters is discussing and showing the photos of the condition of the skull of Paul, the accused begin to realize again the magnitude of the injuries the boy had been inflicted with.


In addition to the kennel video..the tire marks on Maggies thigh puts Alex there when she was killed.


Don't think the Prosecutor is talking about the murders enough, he is focusing TOO MUCH on other things Murdaugh did. Get to the murders.okay?


Wow, this closing argument is incredibly boring....the prosecutor has a very slow cadence to his speech, and is so repetitive, droning on about all the details he's discussed in depth previously. He should have selected two or three main points and hammered them home!


The DA should have taken over the closing argument. To sit there in the back and watch this is disqualifying. You hope he does if there's a rebuttal to the Defense close.


The lady wearing the dark top with white poker dots is awake most part of the trails she is sleeping she's seated next to the Judge .
Wasting tax payers money .


It's a shame that justified Murdoch's lying saying that he was a the Addict, the deal was in the works Murdoch will walk!!🤬 Privileged life of being a Republican ⁉️🎯


I think one thing that should've been mentioned is that the Blackout rifle in questions is called that because it's chambered in .300 BLK caliber, which is subsonic. He was counting on the fact that using such a rifle would result in the sound not traveling as far. This is a type of weapon used for its stopping power in close range and ability to have a reduced sound signature.


Wow, I think he shot his kid and wife, but I've come to that conclusion in spite of the prosecution. I don't think they have proven or they know the real why and how. Before he testified I thought he was 98% guilty. After I think maybe 85% guilty. I think their lack of clarity can easily raise reasonable doubt in at least 1 juror. Especially if there were jurors crying while he testified. Imagine if he had likable lawyers? The only likable person in this is the judge.


Man i thought I was getting punished watching this guy


Just PLEAD THE FIFTH like Daddy Trumpfh does
