Vite 2.0 Crash Course | Super Fast Build Tool for JavaScript, React, Vue, Svelte, & Lit (2021)
Product landing page with Vite and ReactJS | No extra package used
Builds with Vite #26 - Server options
Converting to Vite from Create React App - lower your boot time to almost nothing!
ReactJS setup with Vite, ESLint and Prettier | Ultimate guide to setup a React project.
Full Stack Blog Website using React Js, Tailwind Css, Vite | React Js beginner tutorial
React For Beginners 3 : Create React App Using Vite
Vite and Module Federation Makes Micro-Frontends EASY!
For a moment I thought Vercel, made NextJS work with Vite upon reading the title. At the end I was like oh this is more of a migration from Vite. 😂
I need to keep this video in a tab somewhere available at all times. Thanks.
just add vite support instead of webpack. it is really annoying to wait 10 seconds evrey time i save changes
Great video Lee!
That being said, this is a good example when your application is a small application and you are early in your dev cycle.
I would love to see the same exercise (migrating from vite to next) with a big SPA codebase with bighuge redux-toolkit slices, lots of react-router middlewares and loaders and authorizations and whatnot, big react-hook-form forms, the whole shebang and the kitchen sink. Oh, and your API is not in next or JS/TS because of course it's not.
Great video! Can we please get a followup on unit testing (with jest & react-testing-library) forms that use the action prop?
Actually, question : what is the best way programmatically to know if a component is a "server" one or a "client" one ?
(without relying on the fail import error when you try to import hooks in a server component or if the developer uses "use client", for example, I mean)
Like is there a way to get Next.js thoughts about a component and then, use it as a boolean to display a message ?
Maybe it's a weird question but I was curious ^^"
Simple, but great video. Thanks Lee ❤
In vite, how did you set up the GET/POST handlers on the server with such minimal code? Can we get a repo?
Let's say if the user has made changes in a current page and action saved that change and redirect to some other page where that data needs to be displayed,
Will this work?
revalidatePath("some other page")
redirect("some other page")
im missing something with the useOptimistic @ 13:40 - how is the `sending` flag getting set back to false? the text conditionally displayed based on that value no?
I think one of the things that is not spoken about with regards to "just fetching it from a server component", is fetching from an external API that requires authentication. I think it's a common enough use case, probably more common than a Next.js app itself interacting with a database, and yet no one ever makes examples.
Nice video.
I have two questions
1. Can I use the optimistic hook without a form and Form action ?
I use a simple textarea and on Click it will send a post request over axios to my laravel Backend.
2.When will Turbopack production be ready for next JS production builds ?
I was curious about the "with Vite" part, but seems like we removed it altogether from package.json??
Sorry for asking this, but what theme are you using for VSCODE?
Basically the db.js file reads, while the actions.js file writes.
useOptimistic should be clearing the input fields by default.
Hey, how Next.JS stuffs live without SQL or database features?
lol never thought we would be seeing this
remix baked into react19 with just a bunch of made up hooks, nice. waiting for rr7