the heymacs - Dancin' Music

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A few flicks ago, the boys found themselves riding high - -
winning Great North Ski & Skate’s music contest got them
some better gear and a chance to get some tunes recorded.
So, file it under “More Than Slightly Disappointed” when
they heard that their sponsor was going under (and just as they
were about to film their 12th flight-of-musical-fancy ! )
But, coincidentally, Doc had just had his palm read . . leaving the
band inspired by what the fortune-teller told him: “Keep on dancing!” And, if one coincidence wasn’t enough, Macky had a song called “DANCIN’ MUSIC ” that seemed to fit the bill perfectly.
The Cowboy called to say he wouldn’t be able to make it (as he was downtown taking care of a jaywalking ticket). But, in one, last, fortunate happenstance, old pal Rusty Nales was in the neighbourhood and was happy to cover the bass chores.

(Oh, yeah . . you might’ve noticed we’re having a heatwave. So, if you see someone in need, your little donation for a coffee might also ensure them some time in the air-conditioned splendour of a local donut shop. Cheers! )
Рекомендации по теме

the band sends out a big "Thanks!" to everyone involved in #12, namely Michael Tomasek (from Chukcanuk Productions) for a great job as videographer & editor this time out, and also his lovely lady Sheila Holliday for helping out in the transportation dept. Both locations were courtesy of Kiddie Car Music and, as usual, we were lucky to have Geratt Gibas from Kiddie Car assisting on all the other set technicalities. That's all folks . . Get Funky !


I love how you guys turn these music videos into little movies. You make me feel like part of the family! Another great song from a mighty fine band.


вы очень хороши, круто лабаете. молодцы ! особенно фронтмен, что в кепке.


Спасибо вам! Моя жена живет, танцует и любит вас! И зовут ее Вера Семёнова, она вам пару раз объяснялась в любви, теперь и я!
Огромное спасибо! Пойте ещё!!!


Да-да-да! Продолжайте танцевать, как на руке написано. Keep on dancing!
