Gamechanger?! Lucas di Grassi Tries Vegan Burger At Lewis Hamilton’s Restaurant

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Join Lucas di Grassi and Saunders at Neat Burger as the duo discuss plant based diets, Formula E and all things in between at London's new vegan burger restaurant. If you want to lower your carbon footprint and reduce your emissions via vegan and plant-based food, this is the video to watch!

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Oh nice 👍 Clean Eating and Clean Race, one more Reason I love Formula E


electric cars
street circuits
and clean food for the planet
more of channel racing try ti explain alternatives to fight the contamination
more video like this good job fe and lucas


Hope you enjoyed the video everyone. An interesting and important topic. It can be really empowering to know that little changes to our routine/diet can make a difference, great to be able to chat with Lucas about it and get his take 💪👊 - P.S The burgers were decent!


Ideally you cycle into town and get the plant based food. Or ride an eScooter or whatever else you choose to do.

Unfortunately we’re past the stage where you can just do bits here and there and it’s ok. Because it’s not. Oslo had no snow in the whole of January. Only big changes can help us now.

Every winter sport I watch the commentator mentions the weird weather. And most of the summer sports last year were impacted by either extreme heat, rain, or some other kind of extreme weather. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were no snow sports next year. That’s how fast this is moving now. All bets are off.


Here in Southern California I make a plant-based Impossible Burger every week at home (in grocery stores here). Haven't had a cow burger for 30 years, but the Impossible Burger is indistinguishable. Impossible Pork/sausage has just had limited release. Impossible plant-based chicken and shrimp on the way.


Finally, media with sense! Love this, love FE. More of this guys.


You guys just made my day, I really enjoy Formula E and how much you care about the plants, but a video about veganism? I got the chills just reading the video title, you guys are amazing!


The sustainable food goes really well with sustainable racing. I appreciate your efforts of making this world a better place. I will join, when the hotdogs become affordable


I would like it to taste good but I'm honestly just wondering the difference in protien levels between the two is


Idk if y'all have seen these but Renault F1 has been sharing their motorhome recipes on Twitter, I think FE should do that but with vegan foods, whether it's like Renault with just the recipe or a video (I would like videos but just the recipes are fine), but make it a simple vegan foods for people who aren't used to cooking vegan and with ingredients that available for almost everyone.

Anyway, this video is great at pointing out the simple things we can do to help the planet, yes the system is broken and it doesn't do the planet any good but the simple little things we do matters.


Awesome, I’m plant based and will keep driving my V8 😄


This is all already there in India! McDonald's had to change its menu to meet the requirements of India's culture!!
But Neat!!


Um ótimo piloto que representa bem nosso país 🇧🇷


You should come to india....there’s a vegan burger called


It's great to do what you can, but the "consumer choice fallacy" with regard to climate change can't blind us to the truth that we ALSO must petition governments to set up meaningful rules around emissions and pollution, and enforce them; and petition corporations to clean up their acts in general, and abide by environmental regulations in good faith. It's been said that averting the worst elements of climate change (because we're already in the midst of it) will require a WW2-level effort of global mobilization. Yes, improve your diets, use more efficient transportation, and use as little plastic disposable stuff as possible. But also push for wider systemic change. Thanks for posting this video FE!


You all should break down the impact of each kind of meat (that is commonly consumed).


where do you get the electricity from? coal or sunlight?


No one is saying you have to be 100% vegan or nothing. Just having only 1 meat meal per day can go a long way to helping climate change, not to mention how much better it is on our personal health.


A good meat burger relies also on the toppings. A good vegan burger does the same and taste just as good.
