Vim screencast #43: macOS Sierra

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Is there much benefit to upgrading to Sierra? Having to reimplement Karabiner has kept me from doing so. I understand that many might not be in a position to choose, of course.


The Karabiner support was the one reason why I did not upgrade to Sierra's first release. The crucial mapping for me is Caps-Lock to Escape. Sierra's second version added that (which I ended up not needing since I am using Karabiner-Elements).

I had been burned before for having complicated custom keybindings, since I did not have suitable replacement or privileges (I am a student) on my machine at work (it was a windows system at first, which Thank GOD I was able to get changed to Linux). So I settled for very minimal customisations, with the mapping of L-Shift to L-Parenthesis and R-Shift+L-Shift to R-Paren (like the "programmer's keys" thing), in addition to Caps to Esc. I was able to get that working on Ubuntu 14.04 at work as well, without needing anything special. But that means I have had to settle for having only one shift key, which has been a nuisance only when using the mouse.

Karabiner-Elements (KE) supports Caps to Esc, but there is no way to remap any key directly to any of the Parentheses. I have settled with remapping L-Shift to 9, so that at least L-Shift + R-Shift is L-Paren, and have to hunt-n-peck for R-Paren. I hope there is a way to map L-/R-Paren directly some time in the future. Hammerspoon looks interesting. Thanks for the tip.

What was an unexpected worse thing about the shift to KE was support for PC keyboards by KE. Especially the thing about it ignoring the System-Pref based remapping of Alt to Cmd. I had to make another compromise and settle for having only one Alt key on my Mac. No L-Alt. It has been a little painful.

"Compromises" has been a prevalent word along side "Mac" this year.


I had to watch almost 2 minutes of this to learn that "Sierra" is the name of a new release of OS X and none of this concerns me at all. Could you please clarity that in the title or at least the description? Thanks.
