Planting Dahlias | Taking Them Out of Storage Dividing & Pre-Sprouting

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Dahlias are so beautiful! Learn how to easily divide and wake up (or pre-sprout) your Dahlia tubers for pretty summer blooms! I had overwintered these dahlia tubers in my garage and am ready to take them out of storage!

** Start your dahlias no more than 6 weeks before transplanting them outside. They should be completed covered and optimally you'll have them in a 70 degree room for pre-sprouting.

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#dahlias #dahlia #cutflowers
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10! I have two! This is the first year I put them away like you did, I can't wait to see how they are doing!


This is my first year to overwinter tubers. I purchased a few, was gifted some from friends and started some from seed last year. I have a large cardboard box, and I’ve been checking on them every month. Your video gives me confidence to tackle pre sprouting today. Our last frost date is May 20. Fingers crossed. 🤞 😉


I overwintered two tubers. Thank you for your advice. I plan to pot them up and put them on a windowsill. This is my first time doing this. Thank you for your encouragement!


Hi Vita. Its hard to tell you've only done this a few times. You look like a pro at it. Great job. My tubers never have little sprouts like your's so I just spread them in a 10 by 20 tray and see what happens. Then I clip the ones that grow and sprout them in soil. It seems to work with only a few losses. Thanks, great video, as usual. Glenda


Wow! 10 boxes of Dahlia tubers!!! That is awesome. This is my first year successfully overwintering tubers. I'm excited and a bit intimidated by the process. I've potted up a few that were easy to divide. I haven't tackled the big ones yet, but you've given me more confidence to get it done! Thank you for your informative and encouraging videos.


This is my second year of overwintering dahlias and I was scared to split them last year because I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t want to ruin them. I just planted them as is after the first frost. I will definitely split them this year and start them now. I’m excited to have more plants and to have the head start before placing them in my garden. Thanks for sharing your experience in your videos.


Great timely video! I've been meaning to start this process with all my tubers. This is my first year overwintering dahlia tubers so fingers crossed:)


I use the no holes in tray method to sprout my dahlias. Cover with moisten soil and won't water them until first green 🍃 leaves appear. Works every time.


I’m forced into the bag technique because of construction in my garage. I’m concerned it’s too early since our last freeze date is May 15.
