Unnerving Images with Emotional Music

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All pictures illustrated by @trevorhenderson on Instagram
0:00 Luma - Super Mario Galaxy
0:20 Link’s Memories (Mipha’s Touch) - TLoZ: Breath of the Wild
0:40 Riki’s Kindness - Xenoblade Chronicles
1:00 Staff Credits - SMW2: Yoshi’s Island
1:20 Fi’s Farewell - TLoZ: Skyward Sword
1:40 A Friend on My Mind - Xenoblade Chronicles
2:00 Dream a New Dream for Tomorrow - Kirby Dream Collection
2:20 Zelda’s Lullaby - TLoZ: Skyward Sword
2:40 The Luma and the Hat - Super Mario Galaxy 2
3:00 1am - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
3:20 Spirit of the Night - Secret of Mana
3:40 Courage - TLoZ: Twilight Princess
4:00 Emma’s Theme - Pokémon X & Y
4:20 Elysium - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
4:40 A Distant Promise - Chrono Trigger
5:00 Hilda’s Theme - TLoZ: A Link Between Worlds
5:20 Love Theme - Mother 3
5:40 N’s Farewell - Pokémon Black & White
6:00 Reminiscence (Music Box) - Xenoblade Chronicles
6:20 The Roost - Animal Crossing: City Folk


This video sounds like we've finally accepted the abominations into our lives and we're all great friends now


This makes them seem like graceful creatures in a studio ghibli film


1:40 It sounds like that giant cow is staring dramatically into the sunset after some tragic event.


It sounds like they have super sad backstories, turning them into the creature they are now.


This made me feel an emotion that doesn't even exist.


The real nightmare demons, were the friends we met along the way.


That first song gave me sad nostalgia.


0:00 A large creature passes over the plains, making sure not to harm the foliage
0:21 The creature you saw staring at you so many nights returns back to his home, he's done protecting you
0:40 You spot the large spider creature you heard lived under this bridge, he's actually kind of nice
1:00 A figure smiles and waves at you as you go for a nighttime walk, you wave back
1:20 You notice a creature lost in your neighborhood, you decide to help it return to the forest
1:40 The guardian of your town finally accepts that his kind have learned to live with humans, his duty is done
2:00 A lonely spirit walks the road where he met his lover in his past life
2:20 A large ocean spirit watches you relax on the beach, you can't help but smile
2:40 An insanely large forest creature stands in the smoky air, sad that his land may be affected by wildfires, but willing to accept that
3:00 You spot a creature trying to find it's way out of a parking garage while you walk to your car, you lead it to the entrance
3:20 It's returned again, you're still not sure if it's going to run away like last time if you approach it
3:40 Your childhood friend stops by to say hello from the afterlife
4:00 A wild creature runs across your yard
4:20 Your town's sirens have been replaced by this creature, he doesn't understand how loud his sirens are and gets excited pretty easily
4:40 A strange man waits for the bus
5:00 The creature that lives here is always amazed by lightbulbs
5:20 You're supposed to be renovating this house, but you feel like this spirit doesn't want you to
5:40 This is the third time you've encountered him while on your nightly walks, he's always in the same area
6:00 A sad spirit stares at you in fear, you assure him that you're friendly
6:20 You've found more of the siren creatures, they all act like they've known you for their whole life


The monsters long for peace... just as we do...


0:00 An unlikely friend unfortunately leaving to return home.
0:20 A misunderstood kind soul cast out from society due to looks.
0:40 An old friend coming in for a warm embrace.
1:00 A soldier returning home to surprise his family in the middle of the night.
1:20 A poor lost soul in an unfamiliar area
1:40 A sad warrior looking over his home one last time.


I wanna be friends with all of them now. This music makes it seem like they're helpless, confused little souls who just need companionship.


The ritual was complete. The moon had been smothered by thick clouds, the night void of light save for the sickly orange glow of the awakening runes. The sigils crackled to life with an arcane power, whipping up a chilling wind and causing the surrounding trees to shudder. Twenty feet away, a man in a robe stood firm, clutching his tome tightly to his chest. He was surrounded by an intricate web of salt and sage, glyphs carefully carved to keep his summoned beast at bay. Atchitoo, the Nightmare Chatterer borne from the the fears of the waking and the terrors of the sleep. The glyphs flicker once. Then again. Then once more as the limpid glow slithers up to form two glowing orbs. The man cannot see, but he can hear crunching and wet popping as some approximation of a body stretches and lengthens behind the luminous eyes. The eyes fixed on the man before it, and burned brighter with a predatory focus. The fool! The sigil! It was all wrong, written for its sister! The beast tensed, ready to pounce. The warding glyphs twitched and fluttered away before the approaching titan. The man realized his mistake and feared the end. But then the heavy clouds parted, revealing the full moon and bathing the clearing in its light. The creature stopped mid-lunge. It took in its new surroundings, the screams of its old one still ringing in its ears. Crickets and frogs took courage at the appearance of the moon, and began to sing. The creature considered. It had hunted before in its World of Terror. Its stalked victims, struggled for survival, ripped and tore at its siblings, but all this time it was always fighting. The quiet sounds of the forest surrounded it. Its fellow fiends were gone, far away. In all of its existence, Atchitoo the Nightmare Chatterer had never been safe. An owl hooted, far off in the wood. The monster shifted, and pulled its attention away from the man, twisting and slithering off into the forest. With a deep sighing sound, it was gone. The man stood clutching the book, frozen in disbelief. Miles away from the clearing in a bed of fallen trees and foliage, serenaded by the creatures of the night, Atchitoo would sleep.


6:20 sirenhead is looking real peaceful there


0:00 "New friends are so hard to make these days, especially when you're this big... Maybe you could be my friend?"
0:20 "It's really cold out here... I wish someone could help."
0:40 "Oh... hi... Wait, why are you running? I just wanted to be friends..."
1:00 "...Beautiful night, isn't it?"
1:20 "Hey, um... I'm new around here, can you give me some directions, please?"
1:40 "Look at all the little people... living their peaceful lives... I wish it could be like that for us, too."
2:00 "I've had a long day at work... Oh, hi."
2:20 "Hello, traveler! I have some goods that you may be interested in."
2:40 "When it's foggy, I find the world the most beautiful it can be."
3:00 "Hey, I dropped my keys around here, can you help me find them?"
3:20 "It's so dark... I can barely see... Thankfully these little lanterns can help me."
3:40 "The lights are so pretty... Wouldn't you agree?"
4:00 "Uh... I think the little person saw me... Hello?"
4:20 "Sunsets are so pretty. The colors are so pretty."
4:40 "Whenever a bus comes by, they always just leave immediately... I wonder why?"
5:00 "It's dark and scary... I'll just... Hang out by this light..."
5:20 "It's really late... I should probably go to bed."
5:40 "Ugh... Having no arms is really difficult. Could you lend me a hand?"
6:00 "Oh... hi. I hope you can let me stay here... Just for one night..."
6:20 "Whenever celebrity life gets hard, I sit here and just watch the sunset. It really calms my nerves."


Honestly if you were close friends with these monsters It’ll be biggest flex of your life


0:40 feels like a scene in a movie where a girl from a small town hears rumors of a strange and rare creature living nearby, and ventures out to capture it. she manages to sneak a glimpse of it through a grate and sees it in all its grace, tending to its young. the girl watches it care for the spiderlings and the creature turns and blinks passively at her, then leaves her in awe


This does have a soothing factor, the settings of these pictures in particular


1:41 this one. i like this one :) big woodland monster friend


The video be like:
"Good ending: the monsters finally can rest in peace and harmony, good bye creatures"
