The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Delois Wattles (Money-Making Audio Book from LibriVox)

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This free English audio book has been narrated and recorded by Diana Majlinger.

Would you like to be rich? Yes? Well, who wouldn't.

The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by the New Thought Movement writer Wallace D. Wattles. The book is still in print after almost 100 years. According to USA Today, the text is "divided into 17 short, straight-to-the-point chapters that explain how to overcome mental barriers, and how creation, not competition, is the hidden key to wealth attraction."

This audio book consists of the following chapters:

Chapter 1 — The Right to Be Rich
Chapter 2 — There Is a Science of Getting Rich
Chapter 3 — Is Opportunity Monopolized?
Chapter 4 — The First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich
Chapter 5 — Increasing Life
Chapter 6 — How Riches Come to You
Chapter 7 — Gratitude
Chapter 8 — Thinking in the Certain Way
Chapter 9 — How to Use the Will
Chapter 10 — Further Use of the Will
Chapter 11 — Acting in the Certain Way
Chapter 12 — Efficient Action
Chapter 13 — Getting into the Right Business
Chapter 14 — The Impression of Increase
Chapter 15 — The Advancing Man
Chapter 16 — Some Cautions, and Concluding Observations
Chapter 17 — Summary of the Science of Getting Rich

Other books from the trilogy are available on YouTube at:

The Science of Being Well

The Science of Being Great
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The saying I believe is so true, when the student is ready the teacher will appear! On the 1st April 1910 this book was first published and I dare say now that it is an audible will be more popular than ever. There is nothing complicated about this book or the recording except in the mind of the reader or listener. We want to understand the message Mr. Wattles spruiks so badly that we complicate it by trying to listen. What we must do is listen without listening read without reading. There are some very clear messages here, believe that you can create anything in your mind and faith to realise it, Gratitude when it finally arrives and to never stop being grateful. And finally stop living on the competitive plain and start living in the creative plain. I have read this book 100 times and listened for forty days in a row and still I have not read or listened enough. There is more to do; all the very best to all who stumble on Mr Wattles teachings your journey is just beginning and it was NO accident!


I still listen to this recording...I love it.


😊her pretty pronunciation!! So musical!


Much thanks to this channel first and to librivox for making this available for free and also to the narrator who took the time to volunteer for free to record this book for us to enjoy and enlighten.
thank you


I love the lady's accent. Hard to tell Scottish or Irish.


the narrations is good. ignore the negative. 


Please upload highly recommended books
1.Never eat alone
2.Made to stick
3.This is How
4.The unwritten laws of business
Hope you would upload


Thank you for this channel 😎😎Keep doing 👍👌💪🤘


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Also, I commend you to check out another title on my channel--The Art of Money Getting by P. T. Barnum.


Can I make a request for next audiobook in your voice????


2 months ago I was a struggling rideshare driver with a side business, depressed and going nowhere. This week my business did 14k in revenue. If I can give one piece of advice to those searching for the way out, it is this; READ THIS BOOK, AND DO EXACTLY AS IT TELLS YOU TO DO. it is a scientific method, and like any exact science, it must be done exactly. THIS PROCESS WILL NOT FAIL.


Since this is very important topic, I started making a video series for " The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles"


the narrator chick sounds some better later around the middle of the video,
as its not quite as speedy - this type of thinking is being repeated in many different forms systems, religions etc..


Illustrations would pair well with this. Is there that version?


Don't you like this narration, do you?


It's better to just wait. If necessary forever, than have people with grating voices like this read the books. This problem seems characteristic of Librivox.
