Custom hooks in react | currency Project

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In this video we'll learn about custom hooks. how to create custom hooks how to use them along with that we'll look how to make api call and will discuss about optimization techniques and how to create reusable component.
While creating hook make sure you are using .js extension because
they don't return jsx they are js functions and you should follow the standard approach for creating hook that is hook should be started from use word.
0:00 - 4:08 Intro
4:08 - 6:00 code intro
6:00 - 9:18 project setup
9:17 - 22:15 creating custom hook
22:16 - 37:46 creating component
37:46 - 39:09 Approach for exporting component
39:10 - 43:28 useId hook
43:28 - 47:00 state setup
47:00 - 58:13 working on functionality
58:13 - 59:30 debuging
59:30 - 1:00:00 checking functionality
1:00:00 - 1:01:37 assignment
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While creating hook make sure you are using .js extension because
they don't return jsx they are js functions and you should follow the standard approach for creating hook that is hook should be started from use word.
0:00 - 4:08 Intro
4:08 - 6:00 code intro
6:00 - 9:18 project setup
9:17 - 22:15 creating custom hook
22:16 - 37:46 creating component
37:46 - 39:09 Approach for exporting component
39:10 - 43:28 useId hook
43:28 - 47:00 state setup
47:00 - 58:13 working on functionality
58:13 - 59:30 debuging
59:30 - 1:00:00 checking functionality
1:00:00 - 1:01:37 assignment
Sara code yaha milta h
Discord pe yaha paaye jaate h:
Instagram pe yaha paaye jaate h: