How To Serve BIGGER | Technique & DRILLS

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A bigger serve can be an easy way to free points and better position in the points you do play. In this video I give you a few exercises that help to get your MPH up. HAVE FUN😁

Here is the original technical video
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Enjoyed this, will give it a try. Thanks!


One of the best serve videos I've ever seen. That's the best way to improve the serve: progression. Adding the movements separately until the whole swing comes naturally


Super Video- very good explained and top Drills to came on the point‼️
Thank you - love it‼️👍🏼


I'm very impressed with your channel. I'm not surprised you are growing it so quickly. You are a natural in front of the camera it would seem!


Thank you, thank you Will! It is great to finally have someone who shows how to improve a stroke by breaking it down with all the important step by step descriptions and drills including how to prevent injuries with the proper warmup. Great job!


Loved the perspective you gave on pronation. Wonderful approach to the biomechanics. Very helpful.


Great breakdowns coach💯. I’m going to try all the tips.


Great video Will and an excellent explanation of the muscle groups involved and the biomechanics of the serve. Playing more matches (instead of just rallying) has made me realize how important a strong first serve is to more easily hold your service games and put more pressure on the opponents service games. I'm looking forward to putting these drills and tips to use to improve my serve! Thanks coach! 👊


Congratulations on the 10K subscribers Will! Can't believe how fast you accomplished this goal. Your content is great and your hard work shows. A video that I'd be personally interested in is a recording of your own match play and performs some post-analysis for why you chose certain decisions and how you dealt with all of the challenges of the match.


Thank you for this video. The difficult part is to do these exercises is maintaining good toss since muscle memory stores normal body position, not one legged position. So if one wants to improve serve by turning away from toss, rotating left hip into court and bending knees more when doing pinpoint serve, how do you suggest adopt toss for making these changes?


I was training serves yesterday. And now i’ll i do it again your way, i hope to improve 🙏🏻


Great content. I have started to watch this video with much anticipation that you're going to address the biomechanics of the ball toss, because you had sort of promised in your reply to my comment a few weeks ago to address this very important issue in your "next serve video". I'm truly at a loss as to the lack of focus on the ball toss biomechanics by coaches and video instruction coaches alike. All the great stuff you guys put out about the serve rhythm, smooth notion, muscle engagement etc... etc...are all for waste if the toss is not there.


This is fantastic, I’ve searched high and low for clear explanations about the different roles of the legs. Looking forward to getting to work on those drills in particular 👍🏽 Could you elaborate a bit on the timing/hitting the net issue you mention around 11:20 in? I’ve always put it down to tossing too far inside the court or overrotating but this actually makes more sense now I saw you do it and then mention it immediately. Is it a toss height correction as you speed the swing up or more a ”patience” thing?

Thanks again


This is such a good video, I can't wait to try these out! Got an idea of how long this whole set of drills should take? Thanks for including a few serves at the end too, really helps me to learn


I was caught by these drills... Sure next time on court I'll put them into practice and go back to you here to share the results. My fastest recorded valid serve is 98mph, and looks like a wall I cannot jump... Thanks for sharing your knowledge and natural way of expressing yourself on camera


Will, very nicely done. Just for clarification, am I correct that you're using a continental grip with each serve exercise? Thanks much.


Great tips, love your channel. One question: what is the correct weight distribution between the front foot and back foot during the ball toss, especially when you release the ball?


It is a shame that I am only allowed to give 1 like to this video. Definitely going to try out the flamingo drill next time on the court. Thank you! 😊


Thanks Will I am struggling with the serve. I have to breakdown before I can combine everything


As always spot on and very applicable. Quick question though Will - it seems like you hold your racquet a bit high when you serve (no heal pad overlap). Personal quirk or ...? Wouldn't holding the racquet a bit lower increase wrist range of motion?
