mailbag 9

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It's mailbag weekend!

So much stuff to look at, and I just can't wait until the end of the month, so here's the second bonus mailbag of the weekend.

LED strip:

Amplifier module:


Big Red Button:

Bluetooth MP3 thing:

More switches:

Battery discharge tester:


As with all of my videos, this isn't the only way to do it.
It's probably not the best way to do it.

But it's how I do it.


Рекомендации по теме

I used to work with high power switch mode power supplies as a hobby. My workbench had an emergency stop button to cut power. Even if there is only few kilowats available from the wall socket, when you'd need a quick powerdown you will so like the button! I needed to use it only a couple times when magic smoke escaped and did not blow the fuse instantly.
I thnk anyone working with mains (more than very rarely) should have a button along with all the isolation transformers to keep you safe.


I think that "4 Euro Horn " as you call it, means 4 Ohm.
Also: I think we bid on the same things sometimes. If we do I could not bid on the stuff you do. My eBay name would look like " 9****x" when I bid. What would yours be so I don't bid on stuff you do.?


for having work with that kind of emergency button i would never put 600 V on that lol normaly in machinery its 12 volts on contole


What's the significance of the Rx on a lot of your parcels Love these videos keep up the good work  K


New subscriber. I like your mail bag. Maybe I'll get one of those MP3/bluetooth boards. Would be fun to design a 3D printable enclosure for it .
