New Technology. Telegram bots - From idea to production

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InnoIT Consulting is delighted to host the Python Barcelona Community for our next meetup on Thursday, March 24th at 18h30.

New Technology. Telegram bots - From idea to production

WHEN: Thursday, March 24th at 18h30 (1h speech & 1h networking &catering)
WHERE: “Aticco Co-Working Verdaguer”, Carrer de Provença, 339, 08037 Barcelona

Language: English. Free of charges.
We have a capacity limit: max 70 people
Feel free to circulate it among your colleagues and network.

Creating and deploying telegram bots is easy with the Python Telegram Bot Library and Heroku! In this talk, we'll take a look at all the components and how you can quickly get up and running with your own Telegram bot.

Our Speaker
Ferran Jovell did his bachelor's in physics, then a master in applied mathematics, and later a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering. In the later stages of the doctorate, he started programming more seriously to analyze some data which later turned into a programming career that now has turned into Sofware Engineering. Currently working as a Full Stack Developer at Hybrid Theory.
You can find him on his Twitter: @mrswats
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