⚠️TW⚠️Y/N got caught by the #deatheaters #harrypotter #viral #mattheoriddle #benjaminwadsworth

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ok so apparently emma's screams were so realistic that when daniel, rupert, and tom heard her for the first time, they ran to her side thinking she was actually hurt.


It wasn’t getting tortured that hurt….it was Mattheo having to watch us 😭😭💔💔




Y/n got tortured but mattheo having to watch was torture from him😢

Pov: you and mattheo are best friends and are really close. Your in Slytherin but there is one problem. Your a potter. Even tho Harry is the chosen one you are very powerful. One day you were hanging out with Harry hermoine and Ron not knowing a meeting was going on. You were walking through the woods when the meeting was let out and Draco spotted you guys (Draco hates you) Voldemort decided to torture you to get you to going him but even through the torture you refused

Y/n: your name
D/n: Draco's name
M/n: mattheos name
Hp/n: Harry's name
H/n: Hermiones name
R/n: Ron's name
V/n: Voldemort's name
B/n: belllatrix name

D/n: *sees you guys* (laughs) Voldemort the potters are over there.
M/n: oh no...RUN.
H/n: ???
R/n: it's Voldemort run
*you guys run*
V/n: ahhhh y/n potter *smirks*
M/n: dad please don't
V/n: *ignores* get the girl (says to death eater)
*the death eater go after you guys*
M/n: no please don't
*they ignore him*
hp/n: come on y/n
Y/n: I'm going in going
*the death eaters surround you and hp/n*
Y/n: shoot
Death eater 1:*shoots a spell at hp/n and he falls to the ground*
M/n: *runs over to help y/n* y/n!!!!
V/n: *laughs and grabs y/n*
Mattheo: let her go
*time skip to the torturing*
B/n: *torturing you*
Y/n: *screaming/yelling in pain*
M/n: *tears in eyes and being tortured by watching*
V/n: join us y/n and we will stop.
Y/n: *speaks through tears* n...never
B/n: *continues torturing y/n*
M/n: *continues to be forced to watch and is in tears*
Y/n: *screams in pain*
V/n: (laughs)
B/n: *continues the torture*
M/n: *literally crying*
Y/n: *yelling out in pain*
V/n: you never learn
M/n: please let her leave
V/n: ha no
B/n: *continues to torture you*
M/n: *begging* please....
*after a few more minutes of torture they finally leave leaving you really badly hurt and on the ground with mattheo still there tied to a chair*

Part two sense I basically just added to the first part

Y/n: *lays there in to much pain to move or do anything*
M/n: *tries desperately to get out of the chair* hang on y/n please just hang on *cries trying to get out the chairs*
M/n: it's gonna be ok y/n..just hold on please...just hold on.
Y/n: *nods weakly*
M/n: *after a few second he finally manages to break free and runs to y/ns side and hold her in his arms* y/n *tears flowing down his cheeks*
Y/n: *weakly moves hand to his cheek and wiped his tears* i...it's ok....I-I'm....ok *weakly smiles*
M/n: your not ok y/n your not *looks extremely sad* I need to get you to the hospital wing *picks you up bridal style and takes you to the hospital wing*
Y/n: *can barely keep her eyes open*
M/n: just hang on....hang on..we are almost there.
Y/n: *nods very weakly and drifts in and out of consciousness*
M/n: we're almost there

Part 3? 2 likes for it

Part 3!!!

Mattheo: we are almost there.
Y/n: *falls unconscious*
Mattheo: shit shit shit shit I gotta get you to the hospital wing *rushes there*
*after a few minutes mattheo gets y/n to the hospital wing talking for the nurse he sets y/n on the bed and the nurses start to examine y/n and treat y/n*
Mattheo: please be ok please be ok.
Harry: *comes running in* what the hell did you do to my sister riddle.
Mattheo: I didn't do anything. It was my father.
Harry: that bald bitch I'm going to fucking kill him.
Mattheo: you and me both.
Nurse: y/n is going to be ok but she needs to stay a few nights to make sure she heals right.
Harry & mattheo: ok.

Guys I need ideas for a part 4 of y'all want to to do one so let me know I'm the reply's.

PART 4!! 🎉🎉🥳🥳

@sierras-LPS @florenciaMartinez-hx8zm @Mad_dieee
@Random_Edits @CharleyMcAuliffe
credits to @Miss_Emilial4 for the idea

*mattheo and harry both leave the room and y/n stays to rest but she ends up going into a coma (idk how just pretend she hit her head or smth 😭) and she stays like that for a few weeks til she finally wakes up not remembering anyone but the nurse*

y/n: *slowly wakes up* h-huh? (tries to sit up but the nurse lightly pushes her back down.
nurse: hun you need to rest a bit.
y/n: o-ok?...what happened..and why am i so sore
nurse: it's a long story hun but you need to get some more rest..im gonna call mattheo and harry and tell them your awake theh are very worried
y/n: huh..? harry and mattheo? i....don't know those people
nurse: *a little shocked* harry your brother...and mattheo your best friend..?
y/n: sorry but i don't remember a harry or mattheo
nurse: oh this is to herself and looks back at y/n) imma ask you some questions..answer then the best you can ok?
y/n: ok

*the nurse starts asking y/n questions about y/n herself and her life and the people she knows but realized she has gotten amnesia*

nurse: oh
y/n: what is it
nurse: (sighs) you've gotten amnesia
y/n: i....what?
nurse: i'm sorry hun

nurse: you should be resting now (leaves the room)
y/n: (is left there i. shock but decides to get some sleep)

70 likes for part 5

Part 5!!
(btw sorry if it's a bit short it's currently 3:30 AM rn 😊)

*later that day*
y/n: (wakes up and sits up still not remembering anything)
nurse: oh good your awake.
y/n: (yawns) what happened
nurse: (explains everything)
y/n: oh...wel-
*mattheo and harry burst threw the door*
mattheo: y/n!
harry: oh my gosh y/n!

*they both come up and hug y/n while y/n is a bit confused*
y/n: uhm..im sorry but do i know you two?
harry: wha-what..
nurse: boys i have to tell you something
mattheo and harry: (let go of y/n and looks at the nurse with a concerned look)
nurse: y/n has gotten doesn't remember a thing not even you to..
mattheo: (shocked and tears up)
harry: (also shocked and tears up)
mattheo: but im her best friend...
harry: im her brother!
nurse: i know i know but unfortunately she's lost her memory and i don't know if it will come back or not we will just have to wait and see.
mattheo: (looks at y/n)
harry: (looks at y/n)
y/n: (looks confused) im sorry but do i know you two?
mattheo: i'm your best friend
harry: and im your brother
y/n: my brother..?
harry: yes your brother....harry potter...you have to remember me..
y/n: im sorry but..i don't
harry: (tears up)
mattheo: (also tears up)
nurse: im sorry boys....i'll keep you two informed but i think it's best you leave for now.

*mattheo and harry both reluctantly nods and leaves the room while the nurse checks y/ns vitals and leaves the room so y/n can rest*

90 likes for part 6!

PART 6!!🎉🎉
(sorry if it's short i'm running out of ideas)

*after a few days of rest y/ns memory starts to come back but it's still pretty fuzzy. y/n still has to stay in the infirmary til her memory starts to come back tho but she's staring to remember her friends*

(setting, 12:00 lunch time (idk the lunch time in hogwarts) y/n is still at the infirmary)

nurse: here you go y/n *hands y/n some food
y/n: thanks *slowly starts to eat*
nurse: ok so i've noticed that your memory is starting to come back which is good
y/n: *nods*
nurse: ok, do you remember harry?
y/n: *thinks for a few moments* i think brother?
nurse: yes he is, i'm gonna ask you some more questions answer then the best you can
y/n: *nods*
*the nurse starts to ask y/n some questions about her life and friends etc and y/n answers then the best she can and her memory is coming back*
nurse: ok that's all i wanted get some rest *gets up and leaves the room*
y/n: *puts the tray on the side table and lays down trying to remember everything*

(guys i need ideas if you want a part seven cause i'm running out)
part 7 at 130 likes

Part 7 in reply's!!!!


let’s continue this horrible pov…


*he gets released from the chair*

Y/n:*crying*matt it hurts…

Mattheo: I know baby I know it’s ok I’m here *starts crying*

*you get rushed to the hospital wing*

*a few days later (your recovering)*

*y/n has started to not eat a lot and would never come out her dorm at night (she used to always party at night)*

Mattheo:y/n…please eat even if it’s one bite please…

Y/n: I’m not hungry I promise I ate earlier
*Mattheo knows what’s happening*

Mattheo: y/n if you don’t eat this meal tonight we will never talk again

*you and Mattheo head to your dorm (you share a dorm)*

Mattheo: goodnight y/n
*you climb into his bed*

Y/n:goodnight love





*me eager to look up how they tortured them but dont want my friends to see my search history*

Should i, nope, but, no i will not


I feel like I would laugh if they'd hurt me. Idk why😂 I am just crazy af


Use me as a petition to make this a series

We got 20 people to sign and 227 likes and it is still not a series? @Mattheo-Riddle you heard the fans.


part 2

"unfortunately i don't think u can do anything mattheo, except sit there, AND FCKING WATCH!" he flinches and u notice "please don't make him watch j-just let him go somewhere else." u say. "mattheo make the girl shut up." bellatrix says. "i- i- i cant... i cant watch this ill do anything hurt anyone else torture anyone else even kill anyone else i dont care what u do to them just not y/n." mattheo says with *the eyes* "stop with the eyes mattheo it's not getting u anywhere." voldemort says "just cut the girl already ur taking forever." u look at mattheo and he looks at u. "dad don't hurt her i'm begging u whatever u guys are doing to her just drop it she never did anything." mattheo says. "she's a potter, her and her brother survived and now it's time for payback." he says and mattheo locks eyes with u again. "u-ur gonna kill me and my brother?" u ask. "no of course not, it wouldn't be fun that way." mattheo looks at u but u don't say anything. "i mean unless u want me to kill u, ur parents are already dead so-" mattheo interupts him "dad stop it please.." lucius comes over and takes mattheo away from u and voldemort but u can tell draco also doesn't like what they are doing. "dad please..." draco pleads but no answer. voldemort does the crucio spell on u and u scream, draco and mattheo both turn away and stop looking but they are forced to look again. ur in a lot of pain and u fall to the ground, bellatrix holds u down and voldemort carves "slut" into one arm and "hoe" on the other. (btw ur really popular at hogwarts so u dated a lot of guys that's why he wrote that) u scream as he carves the knife into ur arm and mattheo gets visibly upset. voldemort starts making little tiny cuts all over ur legs and arms (not even an inch long each and not deep at all like tiny paper cuts everywhere) "DAD STOP DOING THAT TO HER PLEASE SHE DOESNT DESERVE IT." he yells. "hush it, riddle." lucius says and slaps him in the face. u have no clue where enzo and theodore are, considering they aren't death eaters they are probably next. "now everyone, *he grabs ur arm and forces u to stand up* this is what happens to u if u don't obey me and MY rules as a slytherin, death eater or not even tho u SHOULD be a death eater." he then throws u back down and walks off to get someone else. mattheo starts running towards u after he leaves "y/n! i'm so sorry baby i'm so sorry i'm so sorry" he picks u up and pulls u into a hug, a really tight one and draco runs over too, also hugging u but more like a side hug. "i'm sorry y/n i tried to make my dad have them stop he didn't listen!" draco says. "n-no it's not ur fault. u hug mattheo again and he kisses u on the head. ur getting blood all over him but he doesn't care. "shit y/n what did he write on ur arms?" mattheo asks u and u put ur arms over to him and he reads it. "y/n none of that is true ur not a slut or a hoe ok it's not true. "that's stuck there as a scar forever now" u start crying and then mattheo starts crying hugging u, then draco starts crying and hugs both of u. "we're very sorry we are death eaters we only did it to please our parents not even realizing what the death eaters did to innocent people like u." mattheo says. "i wouldve never done this if i knew what they did before getting asked if i wanted to do it." draco says. both of them are still crying but ur mainly done, u then see them bring out theodore and hermione. 2 of ur pretty close friends. "y/n, since u were the last person u can pick who goes back in and who doesn't." voldemort says. u look at mattheo. "don't look at him, look at me. he's not here to help u."

part 3?
i'm making pr 3 even tho no one asked since im bored

u look at hermione, her already thinking ur gonna choose theodore. "don't pick me to leave y/n, pick granger." theodore says. "uhmmm i pick... theodore..." u say. "ok granger ur free to leave." there was a misunderstanding "wait what n-no i meant theodore leaves and-" voldemort interupts u. "too late, i meant u choose who stays and who leaves so the first person u said would stay." he says. "WAIT NO U NEVER SAID THAT THATS UNFAIR! THATS UNFAIR U DIDNT SAY THAT THE FIRST PERSON I SAID WOULD STAY I THOUGHT I WAS PICKING WHO LEAVES!" u and theodore have been really close recently since u guys relate a lot and have known each other for a long time. "please don't hurt him i'm begging u." u say. "oh i will, thanks" he says with a smirk. "NO NO I- PLEASE DONT!" u start screaming as lucius comes out and drags u away, draco and mattheo hesitantly follow. "fck u get ur hands off me!" u say to lucius but he doesn't listen. "watch ur mouth, potter." he says, throwing u towards draco and mattheo. "draco the death eaters took everyone's wand. go get mind or urs or mattheos." u say. "why? ohh..." draco sneaks away from everyone and goes to the wands and gets y/n hers. u notice voldemort made small cuts on theodore too everywhere and has done the crucio spell multiple times on him. "guys trust me..." u say. "STOP! STOP HURTING MY FRIENDS... i'll- i'll become a death eater just don't hurt them." he stops and starts walking up to u, when he's close enough u pull out ur wand "AVADA KEDAVRA!" u shout and kill voldemort and do the same spell on bellatrix killing her. "theodore!"
*dracos pov*
my dad is coming over here oh no... "DRACO!! HOW DID THE GIRL GET HER WAND, UR THE ONLY ONE OTHER THAN US WHO KNOWS WHERE THE WANDS ARE!" he says. "u do know that boy is my friend too, and mattheos... i'm sorry but...
*regular pov*
"T-theodore!" u scream but he's passed out. "THEODORE! WAKE UP!" mattheo and draco look over then mattheo starts running over but not draco since his dad is yelling at him. "t-theo won't wake up h-help him mattheo idk what to do." u start breathing really fast and heavy "f-fck mattheo just help him i can help myself with this.." u fall to the ground crying and not being able to breathe and u pull theodore into a hug

part 4 later


I need a wattpad story with this trop in it


*voldy let’s yn go*
Voldy:fine mattheo come here then
*yn runs up to mattheo and hugs him tightly*
Yn: *whispers* thank you
Mattheo: *kisses yn on the forehead* don’t worry abt it
*yn runs out of the room*
*mattheo walk up to voldy*
Voldy: *holds wand up to mattheos head* you never learn-
Yn: *runs back into room* *points wand at Voldy* AVADA KADAVRA!!
*voldy dies along with all the other death eaters*
Mattheo: *stunned* 😮
*yn and mathheo just stare at eachother*
*yn runs at mathheo and hugs him*


Ok get a cup of tea. POV:you are Mattheo ls ex, you still loved him and so did he, This is when you are 17, you were in the forest running from Bellatrix, yiu get surrounded by other Deatg Eaters, The take you to the Malfoy House, The use the crucio and stuff like that😢


The fact that this is actually a part from hp too. That scream was just omg. Emma watson is a great actress


*y/n being tortured by the deatheaters*
*mattheo being forced to watch*
*y/n screams in pain*
Voldemort: you never learn
Mattheo:I'll do anything, just leave Y/n alone.


POV: Mattheo won’t come home because I see he’s in love with y/n and they planned to make an escape because they wanted to be together and the death eaters caught them and made him watch. After he says he will do anything the death eaters make him take her place and he is ready but she has to watch.

After about 2 hours of her watching he asked if they wanted to switch places again and she said yes because she doesn’t want him to get hurt but he’s says no because of how much he loves her


hermione/Emma's screams made everybody on set uncomfortable because they were so realistic


my dumbass be watching too many imagine scenarios. because i went in the comments for a part 2 😂😂😂


The scream makes me want to cry and whats even worse is that Mattheo has to watch ❤😭


I’m gonna fricking cry, this is so sad
