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KPSS sonuçlarının açıklanmasının ardından öğretmen atama puanları ve kontenjanları ile ilgili araştırmalar hız kazandı. Ağustos ayında düzenlenen KPSS’ye giren adaylar 15 bin öğretmen atamasını beklemeye başladılar. Sözleşmeli öğretmenlik başvuruları 27 Eylül tarihinde başlayacak. Aşağıdaki link üzerinden mart ayında gerçekleştirilen öğretmen atamalarının taban puanlarına ulaşabilirsiniz.


15 bin öğretmen ataması kontenjanları henüz açıklanmadı. Aşağıdaki link üzerinden mart ayında gerçekleştirilen 20 bin öğretmen ataması taban puanlarına ulaşabilirsiniz.

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Milletle dalga geçer gibi gecen seneyle puanları dengelemek icin herkese 4 puan düşük verip yerlerine oturttular.


5)They have included Afghánistán cans again, they are dying now. Britain also coughed IP what may have helped her there. The elite sniper Nur, working for the cutting edges (for y Britain jednotku) was shot in front of his wife and 5 Children. What will happen to them now? Will Britain ať least take Care of these victims?


I wish You a beautiful Good Morning And a clear mind, peace and balance to everyone. My slaughter and a friend left fine, they have already SENT hotel Videos (in Tunnis, Djerba), they are in a traditional Arab hotel. I've already FOUND a beautiful Tunnisian song... It reminds Alzir (Algerie) and WHETHER, according to the singing, the connection to Syria. I would also like to experience the beautiful Arab atmosphere, the singing of minarets, the camel... I feel, I have a relationships to it, feelings... But reason says carefully with feelings..
I imagine many femininity, executions, etc. And I have had enough. Aber only fuer Turistik, Urlaib. An Arab cannot love a Woman, He is not brought up to do so, our culture is different.


6)many betrayed Afghans may Eventually join the ranks of hired (kdyby žila Hurrem Sultán, nestačila by se divit, ne, Turecko musí povstat znovu ve velikou Sultanat říši, ukázat velkolepou tvar, ale moudré, humanne, vztycit se nade všemi ve velikosti a moudrosti. Najednou nějak jinak cítím, vnímám, uvědomuji), holders, assassins to serve the Taliban, not 150, 000 Taliban en, but perhaps třeba a Million new Taliban en, was dann?.. Of those Who want revenge on the West. Maybe the US escaped from Afghánistán to unleash Terror do that they could then Attack the Bomb on Afghánistán. They will kill Turkey and what is deployed there? Turkey se dobře nyní vyzbrojuje, tedy snad si nikdo nedovolí, .
