Federal Judges Rule AR-15s Are Not Protected By The Second Amendment

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A 3 judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit overturned an injunction against Illinois’ “assault weapons” ban, deciding that AR-15s are not protected by the Second Amendment.

The Ronald Raegan & Bill Clinton appointees Frank Easterbrook and Diane P. Wood constituted the panel majority in overturning the injunction. They noted that Heller (2008) held, “like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”

The level of irony in a decision like this is mind-numbing.

Can someone please explain to me how a rifle that was specifically designed for civilian use, is on the lower end of power compared to other rifles, and is the most popular rifle in the country is not protected by the Second Amendment? The Second Amendment doesn't specify the right to keep and bear only certain guns that don't scare the government; it states the right to keep and bear ARMS.

The 2 Judges went on to note that in Heller, the Supreme Court of the United States found that machine guns were not protected under the Second Amendment because they were not “bearable” arms, and that is “because they can be dedicated exclusively to military use.”

Easterbrook and Wood then focused on similarities they found between AR-15s and M16s, the latter of which can be fired in full-auto or three-round burst modes. They wrote:

"The similarity between the AR-15 and the M16 only increases when we take into account how easy it is to modify the AR-15 by adding a “bump stock” (as the shooter in the 2017 Las Vegas event had done) or auto-sear to it, thereby making it, in essence, a fully automatic weapon. In a decision addressing a ban on bump stocks enacted by the Maryland legislature, another federal court found that bump-stock devices enable “rates of fire between 400 to 800 rounds per minute.”

They also noted that both guns use the same ammunition and “deliver the same kinetic energy.”

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The government we currently have is exactly why the Second Amendment exists.💪🏻🇺🇸👍🏻


ANY Judge who rules against the Constitution should be immediately disbarred.


"Government officials" like this are the exact reason for the Second Amendment.


The fact that gun rights can be stripped away by literally ONE non elected person's vote is outrageous.


The government has forgotten that the constitution isn’t a limit on the people, it’s a limit on the government


"Freedoms have their limits." Spoken like a true tyrant.


Of course that’s what they said, how else would a tyrannical government rule? 🙄 This is EXACTLY why American citizens need their firearms!!!


The Supreme Court needs to stop “staying out of it” when it comes to laws that directly deal with our amendments, they should be forced to hear it


Full stop! Didn't the courts just rule that California's ban on these unconstitutional?


SHALL NOT BE Judges can NOT be activists!


They're really starting to fall into that "Tyrannical Government" category. The 2nd Amendment needs to be used to its full purpose


really starting to think that Judges shouldn't be Judges for life if this is the sort of stupidity we have to deal with.


Not one single gun owner in Illinois is surprised by this. This will undoubtedly go to the Supreme Court, and Illinois gun owners have already spoken, by not complying.


Opinions said, "even our most important freedoms have limits"

These are the words of tyrants


No judge has any authority to deny or violate the rights of any American citizen.


This is crazy ….. how can we as citizens get rid of all these judges who aren’t holding up their oath?


Any ruling against the 2nd amendment is null and void. Our rights will not be infringed. Nuff said.


The fact this circuit decision directly contradicts the United States Supreme Court is puzzling.


This is nuts. What part of "shall not be infringed" do the 7th Circuit judges NOT GET??? But we shouldn't have social credit scores, either!


The most owned firearm in America isn’t protected by the second amendment. That’s doesn’t seem wrong at all
