Why Fusion is the BEST Element in Wuthering Waves - Tower of Adversity [Wuthering Waves 1.2]

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Only Fusion Resonators! 5 stars are S0R1, 4 stars are S6R1~

i may be biased. slightly. c:

gonna be my mission to do this every tower cycle i think~! tradition at this point

i put a few notes in, let me know if they're useful or if they're obtrusive etc., still exploring what to do with longer content like this!! if you'd like more or less in please let me know c:

the mortefi solos were same as last time, fairly lenient with encore's gear. i actually felt doing fusion only was a little bit easier than last tower somehow?

inferno rider is by far the messiest again, think it'll be a while before soloing that with a fusion character without sequences qq

any questions please lemme know and i'll do my best to answer if i see!

next i'll probably be showcasing some other comps / fast encore sanhua again as i'm prefarming for xiangli yao!

please i am waiting for a fusion lib character please make them cute please kuro

LEVEL NINE / NieN - Beauty Full Shot
LEVEL NINE / Cosmograph - Reach for the Stars (Feat. Miori Celesta)
STELLA MAGNA / Tsutomu Narita - Vow and Promise
Tsutomu Narita - Burning Out the Blue

0:00 30/30 Crests
0:11 Changli + Encore vs Lv90 Inferno Rider (1-4)
2:22 Chixia Solo vs Lv90 Mourning Aix (3-4)
4:25 Encore Solo vs Lv100 Scar (2-1)
6:23 Changli Solo vs Lv100 Mech Abomination (2-2)
8:25 Encore (Echo Set 1)
8:43 Changli (Echo Set 2)
9:02 Chixia
9:13 Mortefi

#wutheringwaves #wuwa
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Me a not Changli haver: Hmm yes yes true fusion is best


Love the solo run! I would also love to see you utilize the Changli tricks to get emflamement stacks faster on action since she's being played in solo. Two such tricks are the buffering of heavy atk before gaining true sight to launch her mid air and execute a double phoenix by canceling the plunge with a dash, and the other trick also being buffering the heavy atk right before true sight: conquest hits on ground and immediately jumping to instantly do a jump and plunge to skip into her BA3. A missed opportunity, but would be a nice addition to see on your next videos!


Nice run ! I don't have encore also don't train chixia, but your vid / rotation is delightfully.


When you only have one fusion set but three dps units XD.


nice run! it's especially impressive in highliting the skill issues I have. Because I'm yet to clear toa with a full team of lvl 90 characters 😅


Omg the infernal rider with hight ressit fussion but can't live with dou dps


Fusion: the best element of solo dps content


After the release of the new electro character this might be possible with Electro solo as well... We already saw Calcharo soloing Scar/Aux and Xiangli Yao can probably solo Rider and with Yinlin he can probably duo dps the mech.

Then Yinlin can clean up the rest and Yanwu can probably solo at least some floor 2-3 stuff... Uhm maybe I will try it in the future after I'm done building some other char.


Wait, did you roll dupe(s) for changli's resonance chain, but then choose to not upgrade her just to keep your runs more relatable for the average player?

Thats what the red notification at 8:59 is, right? If so, respect.


Can you do a guide for your rotation on Changli - Encore - Verina team 😗 ?


Sence your best element is fire who is your best character around all the games ?


And some people still saying "wuwa is hard because 4* there ain't as good as genshin's so the tower is impossible to do for f2p players, so its a bad game"

Someone said right, wuwa isn't for casuals


weakest encore main once again dodge counters himself to 30 stars in ToA
