Wood Pigeon cooling down

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On a warm afternoon a Wood Pigeon goes for a dip in the Serpentine.
Wood Pigeon cooling down
Wood Pigeon cooling down in the lake
Woodpigeon cooling down
A wood pigeon enjoying a cool down in the garden bird bath #bird #birdvideo #pigeons
A wood pigeon enjoying a much needed cool down in the garden bird bath. The UK is so hot just now!
The wood pigeons falling out again on the seed catcher tray 🙄 #birds #birdvideos
Fighting Common Wood Pigeon - vechtende houtduiven
Stroking a wild Woodpigeon
Pigeon Sounds - Wood Pigeon Call
Don't mess with a Wood Pigeon.. 'Angel' my pet.
A wood pigeon trying to attract a mate on the garden bird bath, I think he failed 😂 #birds
How to stroke a toddler baby wood pigeon gently and lovely step by step...
A wood pigeon enjoying a nice long soak in the garden bird bath 😂 #birds #birdvideography #pigeons...
The Local Wood Pigeon #Shorts
He looks at me and I look at him || wood pigeon version
Robin and Wood pigeon. Rotkehlchen und Ringeltaube #shorts
A wood pigeon drinking from the garden bird bath #bird #birdvideography #pigeons #birddrinking #uk
A Racing Pigeon Came Into My Garden For a cool Down
A wood pigeon having a drink and doing a bit of preening on the garden bird bath #bird
Pigeons escaping and cooling down from hot weather#Shorts#pigeonlovers#animals
Wood Pigeon in the Rain & Hail ASMR
A wood pigeon trying to attract a mate on the garden bird bath, I think he failed 😂 #birds
Things you need to know about WOOD PIGEONS!
Spotted a cheeky wood pigeon hanging out in our field maple! #woodpigeon #birds #birdwatching