Fallout Shelter SPECIAL Stats Breakdown

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S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats explained in very easy to understand video. LEave a comment and like if it helped you at all.


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the game itself does not explin a lot, but this is gold


Couple things to point out, and a guide to maximizing your dwellers for peeps wanting to know...

For one, strength has no effect on damage, that is a myth that has been debunked (I realize this is an older video, and back then people might still have thought this). This includes wasteland exploration and quest; it is 100% about the damage your weapon can do. Strength also has no effect on how much you can carry. Everyone can carry a maximum of 100 items regardless of strength. Side note, crafting recipes do not count towards the limit, and currently you can no longer find legendary outfits or weapons in the wasteland, only recipes and junk, and only after a long time of running. So maxing out things like S and P are just not as good an idea if the idea is to explore as far as possible, since after you have 100 items you will come home, and there is no way to ditch the ones you don't want until you get back to the vault. So in a non-survival game, it might be a better idea to not increase strength, or perception for that, since they increase how much stuff you find on your way to finding legendary junk and recipes, thus making it more likely you will return before doing so. It's the opposite in survival though, you want max everything for wasteland survival.

Endurance is the #1 priority stat, and the hitpoints you gain from leveling up are not retroactive. So train this stat as early as you can to maximize your Dwellers HP. Also, the bonus from an outfit to E also will add bonus hitpoints at level up. So it is in your best interest if you want the toughest dwellers to train E from lvl 1, and do not level them up until they can have at least some bonus from an outfit, ideally a +7 (but +3, +4, and +5 are the most likely early in the game). Don't even bother training the endurance of a dweller that can't be done so from lvl 1, at least once you get to the point that you can start cranking out the super dwellers. Just get a new lvl 1 dweller, train them to 10E, equip them with the best outfit you have for E, and then send them to the wasteland with 25 stims and your strongest non-AOE weapon (they tend to suck in the mini-quest). Once they hit lvl 50 bring them home, or let them fill up their inventory if it looks like they will make the full trip, which is pretty likely since every time they lvl up their health is fully recovered for free. It's not a bad idea to give them 5 or so radaways too, since they can take rad damage from things like ghouls in the mini-quest. Also, you can not see the dwellers max health in the game so you can't tell which ones are the weak ones just by looking. What I do is I tag them in some way by renaming them. Like I call all the dwellers I get fist "Gen1" to show that when it is time to start freeing up space in the vault, they go first. The "super dwellers" I name with whatever their endurance was when I sent them to explore. So if all I had was a +3 suit, I name them 13E, and so on. Really wish they would just let us see their friggin HP. Side note, because of how HP works, the dwellers you get from lunchboxes will always be crippled in some way, since they come with levels already on them. Their max HP can never be what a lvl1 dweller trained in the described method can be, and therefore never be as tough. This makes the named characters from the games especially worthless, save for if they have a decent outfit on them. I really wish their was a way to reset them to lvl 1, or that they just plain were already lvl1 when they show up. Paladin Cross is especially useless, since she has an extremely low E stat (E4), and will be around lvl 40 when she shows up.

Also, once you have 61 total dwellers is when the tougher raids start to happen (Deathclaws and Radscorpions). It is a good idea to keep at 60 or even 59 until you are ready to deal with that, since that will allow you to let someone in to take the place of someone else (eviction). The total includes people in the vault and exploring the waste. People at the door only count if they were already in the vault and have returned from the wasteland. So people that just show up, or you find in lunchboxes or in the mini-quest, they don't count as they wait to get in until you actually drag them in. Let them wait. Only let the explorers back in, and do not go over 60 total until you are ready to deal with those stronger encounters. Note - it is possible for a Radscorpian to show up at 50 dwellers if you fail a rush.

Another caveat - If your dweller finds a "better" outfit in the waste, they will put it on. So a +3E outfit might get swapped out for a +5 of something else. And it's the total of the bonuses added together that matter. So an outfit that gives +2 and +3 to two stats will replace one that gives +3. So it's best to have at least a +5 total bonus outfit for E when you send your dwellers to lvl up and max out HP, since +5 is the best they will ever find in the waste. Things like Sturdy Leather Armor which gives a +2S and +3E will not get swapped out, but something like Wasteland Gear will since it is only +3. If it's all you got, then pay attention to your explorers, and recall them if they change outfits to something that is not useful. Maybe even tag them for eviction. Otherwise, things like Sturdy Wasteland gear and eventually Heavy Wasteland Gear are your best options.

SPECIAL effects things different in the vault vs the wasteland. In the vault, E is the only thing dwellers need to survive beyond a strong weapon, and the weapon type makes no difference (AOE, rapid fire, single shot). It is literally a match of how much damage you can take vs how much you can deal. The waste mostly is the same, but there are other factors, and a random element to it, but still, a high HP and a strong weapon are the biggest factor in winning a fight and surviving the longest. Agility makes it so if you have to run you take less damage. Luck makes your chances of winning a fight higher, and also effects the caps you find. For the mini-quest, this works the same as the other quest, where P slows the critical meter down, L fills it faster, and the weapon you use determines the way it will effect combat. The AOE type weapons are terrible for this, since they will do a small amount of damage to all enemies, no matter how many. Rapid fire weapons are the best, as they focus fire on one enemy, but if you kill them before they do all their damage they will change targets and do the rest of the damage to that one (its like they shoot a few small shots, that add up to a lot of damage, and the extra shots are not wasted). A one shot weapon will just deal damage to only one enemy, but are also strong, you just kind of waste a turn when you kill an enemy and all the extra damage is lost. Things like plasma rifles and Gatling lasers are really good for this, so you can mow down crowds quickly and still do well against a single strong enemy like a Deathclaw.

So to summarize, in the vault, you need only the highest HP you can get along with any weapon that deals the most damage you can get. After that, the only thing that really matters is if they have a "job", train the relevant stat (S for power rooms, A for food, P for water, E for, well E is already going to get trained but its for Nuka rooms). C plays a roll in how fast two dwellers will breed (you can just use outfits that increase C, it really doesn't matter that much). Beyond that, there is nothing else to the vault. Once you can start crafting though, you will want the stats relevant to the items you are crafting to reduce that time to craft it, and any outfits that boost that stat. For the wasteland, you want to max out that HP as much as you can, and once you can get a +7E suit start doing the super dweller grind, where you evict the weak ones and replace with the ones that have 17E from lvl1 to lvl50. After that, you want them to have 10A, 10L, and 10C for maxing out your chances to get legendary junk for crafting late in the game, along with a strong rapid fire or single shot weapon. It doesn't hurt to have all your special maxed out if you don't care about having a focus on specific task, but always make sure you do the 17E/max HP grind once you can start to do it. If you send 25 dwellers into the waste with max SPECIAL, that have done the 17E grind, and all have powerful weapons, you are going to do just fine. I would avoid the pets that give the bonus chance to find items though, since it is only ever the crap you don't want, and thus is reduces how long you will remain in the wasteland, thus reducing your chances for the things you actually want to find! The return speed pets are the best.


My dweller couldn't hack a console in the text when sent into the wastelands so I'm guessing thats another possible use for Intelligence


Never thought I'd be happy to see a bullet point slide show.


oh my goodness. I've been playing this game like an idiot. Thank you for explaining!


It would’ve been great to know that endurance levelling was a thing before I reached nearly a hundred dwellers


Straight to the point and covers everything. Love it.


I expected some of these specials but wow they go all out but don't tell us about the outside special perks


Thank you, so much! I was having a hard time figuring out what i needed to to to improve dwellers...now i know


Thank you dude! The Fallout shelter comunity in Brazil is Just gameplays from noobs, dont existe any channel more technicall like you


Ik this is an old video but hopefully you read this, Because this video helped me out so much thanks 😊


Thank god this was helpful i always maxed my S.E.A. thanks man


Thanks bro, simple and easy to understand


thank you so mich ive been looking for someone to do this but my fav Youtuber :O no way !:D


3 tips to save you a lot of time and headache...

1. New vault. Open lunchboxes and restart until you get at least one special dweller with a good weapon to gear your vault from items in the wasteland. Fill production rooms with max dwellers(6 power/6 food/6 water/ 4-6 medbay/radaway) and immediately start having babies and filling up endurance training rooms until you have maxed at least 12. if you want to get through this game fast.. you either have to P2W with nuka colas or you have to cheat. I would suggest neither. This game lasts a good long time if you don't do that.

2. End game vault. Don't try and min/max +7 endurance gear on every dweller unless you're a glutton for punishment. +5 is more than enough to handle anything easily. +5 strength / +5 endurance gear is the most important gear you can craft and blue weapons mean everything. Plasma rifles work wonders. They are cheap and get the job done. Once you've kitted out the vault with good blues... epics +7S/E and dragon's maws will be an easy transition.

3. Wasteland and Questing. Bottom line? Max stat dwellers in anything will find loot. The only difference I found was whether you did all the side quests in the wasteland which are triggered by perception. Questing ALWAYS yields the best loot the fastest.


Compare your dwellers before and after all the trainings. You make yourself legendaries.


Thank you tons dude been trying to figure out what stats i want for my three main guys that doing missions, now i know to get ones with decent agility strength an end or was it perception


Thank you I like videos that get to the point and cover everything and you're video was perfect 👌


If i had to guess on the developers halfassed effort on the endurance stat i would have to guess vault and room wise it is used to help the vault protect more recources in the storage room. Other than that what i have heard is that endurance helps greatly increase the amount of health one gains once they level up.


I believe high endurance in the storage room helps when you scrap clothes and weapons increases the chance for better junk
