Monk climbing Mount Athos

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I see the disrespectful comments in this comment section. First, the ascetic labor of the monks is offered prayers for all mankind and God has spared mankind from total annihilation for many years since the atomic bomb came into existence. We had many clise call due to the depravity of mankind. Second, pilgrims come to Athos from all over the world and come and go spreading the Good News. Very practical and necessary. Our scientists and doctors failed mankind through many pandemics, especially COVID-19, where the health authorities, on one hand, denied the truth about their activities that were in essence a violation of the biowarfare convention and on the other a litany of obsolete and ineffective countermeasures applied without precision so even the valid countermeasures became ineffective. Yes. There were heroic doctors and other health professionals, but I am talking about this who, unlike Sweden's health authorities, changed direction with the wind. Many outstandibg doctors go to Athos, and they are the best. They serve with ethics, and that does more than all the medical journals could ever do. Please save your caustic comments for videos that promote vile passions that degrade the human person.


Θαυμαζω την πιστη σου μοναχε ολη η υπαρξη σου στα χερια του Θεού σε ζηλευω που το εχεις καταφερει προσευχησου για μενα να καταφερω το ιδιο πιστευω το παλευω με αγαπη και ταπεινοτητα ποσο δυσκολο ειναι γιατι ειμαι ανθρωπος και εχω αδυναμιες πολλες😢


Now that's what I call a cliffhanger 😅


¿ Este documental es actual o antiguo ? ¿Hay más documentales sobre monjes escalando hacia sus celdas en el Monte Athos ?


Όλη αυτή ή διαδικασία, προσφέρει κάτι πρακτικό στόν μέσο άνθρωπο?


Yeaaah up is all fun and games, easypeasy... But then you gotta get down again and you'll shit your monk pants
