Anderson localization VS chiral coupling in waveguide QED setup | Dr. Mihail Petrov

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Theoretical Seminar at The Department of Physics & Engineering, ITMO | 31 Mar 2021
Timecodes are below the abstract.
Dr. Mihail Petrov
ITMO University
Title: "Anderson localization VS chiral coupling in waveguide QED setup"
Abstract: In this talk, I will present the recent studies on a one-dimensional array of quantum emitters asymmetrically coupledthrough a waveguiding mode. We will report how disorder, which is an interferometric effect, and unidirectional coupling, which kills the interference, compete with each other in forming and destroying Anderson localized states. We believe that our findings are important for the rapidly developing field of waveguide quantum electrodynamics, where the chiral interactions and disorder play a critical role.
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:08 Introduction of the speaker
0:00:56 Start of the talk, introduction
0:02:02 Outline
0:02:45 Waveguide QED overview
0:05:24 Basic setup of WQED
0:06:27 Directional emission
0:11:28 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:15:10 Problem formulation
0:16:33 Question from Dmitry Pidgayko
0:17:48 Question from Ivan Iorsh
0:19:44 Question from Andrey Bogdanov
0:23:32 Comment from Alexander Poddubny
0:24:53 Question from Dmitry Pidgayko
0:28:22 Infinite ordered array dispersion
0:30:28 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:32:40 Question from Roman Savelev
0:35:21 Finite system: symmetric coupling
0:37:53 Superradiative and subradiative states
0:38:47 Finite system: asymmetric coupling
0:44:27 Analytical solution based on Bethe anzatz
0:44:34 Question from Alexandra Sheremet
0:46:26 Question from Roman Savelev
0:48:29 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:49:25 Disordered system and Anderson Localization
0:53:49 Question from Alexander Poddubny
0:57:05 Link between participation ratio and localization
0:58:40 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:59:26 Question from Alexander Poddubny
1:06:45 Conclusion
1:07:28 Discussion
1:17:18 End
The Department of Physics and Engineering of ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) hosts online weekly seminars to discuss recent scientific achievements of researchers from all over the world with a wide audience. The topics include experimental (Optical seminar) and theoretical (Theoretical seminar) aspects of nanophotonics, solid-state physics, material science, as well as design and applications of radiofrequency structures and devices (Microwave seminar).
#TheoreticalSeminar #ITMO #новыйфизтех #scientificseminar
Timecodes are below the abstract.
Dr. Mihail Petrov
ITMO University
Title: "Anderson localization VS chiral coupling in waveguide QED setup"
Abstract: In this talk, I will present the recent studies on a one-dimensional array of quantum emitters asymmetrically coupledthrough a waveguiding mode. We will report how disorder, which is an interferometric effect, and unidirectional coupling, which kills the interference, compete with each other in forming and destroying Anderson localized states. We believe that our findings are important for the rapidly developing field of waveguide quantum electrodynamics, where the chiral interactions and disorder play a critical role.
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:08 Introduction of the speaker
0:00:56 Start of the talk, introduction
0:02:02 Outline
0:02:45 Waveguide QED overview
0:05:24 Basic setup of WQED
0:06:27 Directional emission
0:11:28 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:15:10 Problem formulation
0:16:33 Question from Dmitry Pidgayko
0:17:48 Question from Ivan Iorsh
0:19:44 Question from Andrey Bogdanov
0:23:32 Comment from Alexander Poddubny
0:24:53 Question from Dmitry Pidgayko
0:28:22 Infinite ordered array dispersion
0:30:28 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:32:40 Question from Roman Savelev
0:35:21 Finite system: symmetric coupling
0:37:53 Superradiative and subradiative states
0:38:47 Finite system: asymmetric coupling
0:44:27 Analytical solution based on Bethe anzatz
0:44:34 Question from Alexandra Sheremet
0:46:26 Question from Roman Savelev
0:48:29 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:49:25 Disordered system and Anderson Localization
0:53:49 Question from Alexander Poddubny
0:57:05 Link between participation ratio and localization
0:58:40 Question from Maxim Gorlach
0:59:26 Question from Alexander Poddubny
1:06:45 Conclusion
1:07:28 Discussion
1:17:18 End
The Department of Physics and Engineering of ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) hosts online weekly seminars to discuss recent scientific achievements of researchers from all over the world with a wide audience. The topics include experimental (Optical seminar) and theoretical (Theoretical seminar) aspects of nanophotonics, solid-state physics, material science, as well as design and applications of radiofrequency structures and devices (Microwave seminar).
#TheoreticalSeminar #ITMO #новыйфизтех #scientificseminar