Never blame children for a lack of a relationship with a parent

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Perfect topic for the school holidays (here in Melbourne at the moment), and every day really.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to create a safe, loving, caring and supportive connection with your child/children.

If a child doesn't feel this connection with their parents, or they feel unheard, unloved or not accepted for who they are... and this pattern repeats over many years under the same roof... it creates a lack of trust and an issue of potential abandonment within that parent-child relationship.

The bond is injured, and for some later in adult life this can resurface as being childhood trauma along with feelings of emotional neglect.

The adult child (and their inner child) struggles to trust their parent again and form that bond for fear of being judged or hurt.

They go into protection mode (of their heart) and often choose to not spend time with that parent, to avoid more hurt or to trigger past pain.

Childhood trauma is huge, and something I work on every week in clinic with my clients. Kinesiology is powerful at shifting old patterns, beliefs, stories and trauma plus reprogramming the subconscious mind to have you feeling empowered in your life. 🧠

If you need to clear old trauma from your childhood, get in touch with an Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner @emk_modality or come and learn this life-changing modality to help others heal. 🩷

Audio credit: @m_mia_amini 👌

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