The Wounds of God - An Animation About Doubt and Love at the Cross
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'The Wounds of God' - Lyrics:
When every mouth around me cries
‘Your Lord is dead, your God a lie’
When every argument has failed
How then can Faith and Hope prevail?
Faith’s grasping hands, lay hold of mist
The mountain falls into the sea
Where once sure light illumined all
Now gloom obscures and darkness falls
Darkness, black as the night, all around me it devours my light.
Soaks like oil to the bones of my soul, and they will never know what they stole.
The skeptic’s mind the material eye, turning my faith and my hope to a lie.
Deconstructing the God I knew, now I live in a ruin that once seemed true.
Can I ever rebuild? Can I ever restore? Can Reason’s hands take hold of my Lord?
If only I could prove, if only I could know, if only I could regain my control.
The careful calculating mind
Seeks mast’ry of its Lord in vain
The tools with which we Nature know
Are all unfit her God to show.
He who is Love, as Love alone
Is e’er and only to be known
And so Beloved we must be
If the true God, we hope to see.
But Love itself is a chemical hoax, laid next to Beauty on twin catafalques
That’s the Truth their words imply, perceived by nature’s solitary eye.
Yet as my doubt deals this final blow, I pound a stake through the heart of my soul
‘Cause nothing that makes us truly alive appears before our material eyes.
So, what if true epistemology begins with blinded humility?
And into that blessed, broken place, flesh and blood reveal God’s face?
High lifted up on Calv’rys tree,
The face of Love looks full on me
Here bleeds the heart of Deepest Truth
Beauty unveiled, transcending proof
Beauty is True, and Truth Beauty
And both are Love, sung from the Tree
The Wounds of God! The Wounds of God!
Who will gainsay the Wounds of God?
Who will gainsay the Wounds of God?
Your hands, your side—my Lord, my God…
#doubt #deconstruction #exvangelical #theGospel #fear #hope #beauty #Jesus