Which parent carries the gene for twins?

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00:00 - Which parent carries the gene for twins?
00:35 - How do I know if I'm pregnant with twins?
01:04 - Do twins come from Mom or Dad?
01:32 - Can you have twins if there is no family history?
01:58 - What are the chances of me having twins if my mom is a twin?
02:29 - Can I have twins without family history?
02:58 - What increases your chance of having twins?
03:26 - Can someone who is a twin have twins?
04:02 - Who is more likely to have twins?
Laura S. Harris (2021, April 4.) Which parent carries the gene for twins?
Our mission is informing people properly. With this video, our main goal is to spread scientific knowledge. If required by education, we may also present a detail of the topic that may be bothering to some people.
00:35 - How do I know if I'm pregnant with twins?
01:04 - Do twins come from Mom or Dad?
01:32 - Can you have twins if there is no family history?
01:58 - What are the chances of me having twins if my mom is a twin?
02:29 - Can I have twins without family history?
02:58 - What increases your chance of having twins?
03:26 - Can someone who is a twin have twins?
04:02 - Who is more likely to have twins?
Laura S. Harris (2021, April 4.) Which parent carries the gene for twins?
Our mission is informing people properly. With this video, our main goal is to spread scientific knowledge. If required by education, we may also present a detail of the topic that may be bothering to some people.
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