Albuquerque high school students protest president-elect Trump

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Students at Albuquerque Academy protest against president-elect Donald Trump by walking out of class and marching on campus Nov. 16.
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Not even old enough to vote, get back to class.


Sometimes I really love my school. For those of you who are saying things like "they can't even vote" or other ridiculous stuff like that are unaware of what the academy is. The academy, in fact, is a school in which we are taught to love and give, no matter what it takes. So all of these comments are going completely against what my school stands for. This was condoned by administration and was during a study hall, so they weren't missing class. I think we should be able to voice our opinion, as should you, just in a respectful way. Don't retort with "you have to respect other peoples' opinions" because I don't. I don't have to respect Nazism, sexism, or any opinion that is a form of bigotry. I'll respect your opinion as long as it doesn't disrespect anyone's existence. So, congratulations, bigots of the internet. You just got told off by a seventh grader. How do you feel?


I was there! so glad to have missed a study hall to observe this bizarre event!


Super proud of these young people standing up for equality for all! Very disappointed with the bad language of the negative comment. Their comment provide proof of the hate toward equality in our own community.Very sad.


Never heard any of those talking points or ad hominem attacks before...swearsie! Sounds like they are fresh out of common core and gender studies and have been hanging out in a liberal echo chamber. What ever happened to teaching critical analysis and critical thinking?
