NCCDH Webinar: Tools for organizational learning and capacity: Pathways for middle managers (5 of 6)
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Webinar: Tools for organizational learning and capacity
Date: September 29, 2020
This webinar will provide a brief overview of five NCCDH online learning resources, including their distinct audiences and functions, and engage participants in large and small group interaction.
• Pemma Muzumdar, Knowledge Translation Specialist, NCCDH
• Claire Betker, Scientific Director, NCCDH
• Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh, Senior Knowledge Translation Specialist, NCCDH
• Dianne Oickle, Knowledge Translation Specialist, NCCDH
• Lesley Dyck, Volunteer, Health Promotion Canada
PART 1: Intro
PART 2: Overview of resources
PART 3a: Webinar series on health promotion (partnership with Health Promotion Canada), hosted by Lesley Dyck
PART 3b: Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity, hosted by Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh
PART 3c: Health equity learning pathway for public health middle managers, hosted by Claire Betker
PART 4: Highlights from breakout rooms
PART 1: Introduction
• Host
• Land acknowledgement
• Speakers
• Webinar objectives
PART 2: Overview of resources
• Unique features of each of the five resources
• Common features of each of the five resources
• Resource 3: Webinar series on health promotion (partnership with Health Promotion Canada)
• Resource 4: Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity
PART 3: Breakout room discussions
PART 3a: Webinar series on health promotion (partnership with Health Promotion Canada), hosted by Lesley Dyck
PART 3b: Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity, hosted by Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh
PART 3c: Health equity learning pathway for public health middle managers, hosted by Claire Betker
PART 4: Highlights from breakout rooms
• Leaders of breakout room discussions bring back highlights and questions from smaller group discussions.
Date: September 29, 2020
This webinar will provide a brief overview of five NCCDH online learning resources, including their distinct audiences and functions, and engage participants in large and small group interaction.
• Pemma Muzumdar, Knowledge Translation Specialist, NCCDH
• Claire Betker, Scientific Director, NCCDH
• Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh, Senior Knowledge Translation Specialist, NCCDH
• Dianne Oickle, Knowledge Translation Specialist, NCCDH
• Lesley Dyck, Volunteer, Health Promotion Canada
PART 1: Intro
PART 2: Overview of resources
PART 3a: Webinar series on health promotion (partnership with Health Promotion Canada), hosted by Lesley Dyck
PART 3b: Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity, hosted by Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh
PART 3c: Health equity learning pathway for public health middle managers, hosted by Claire Betker
PART 4: Highlights from breakout rooms
PART 1: Introduction
• Host
• Land acknowledgement
• Speakers
• Webinar objectives
PART 2: Overview of resources
• Unique features of each of the five resources
• Common features of each of the five resources
• Resource 3: Webinar series on health promotion (partnership with Health Promotion Canada)
• Resource 4: Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity
PART 3: Breakout room discussions
PART 3a: Webinar series on health promotion (partnership with Health Promotion Canada), hosted by Lesley Dyck
PART 3b: Webinars on racism, anti-racism and racial equity, hosted by Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh
PART 3c: Health equity learning pathway for public health middle managers, hosted by Claire Betker
PART 4: Highlights from breakout rooms
• Leaders of breakout room discussions bring back highlights and questions from smaller group discussions.