The Stolen Canaanite Gods of Hebrews/Israelites: El, Baal, Asherah

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to everyone who keeps saying "she forgot such and such", this video is 4 minutes, she has an entire lecture series if you want to see what she did not leave out.


So they broke off from their old religion and culture....then turned around and demonized that religion and culture.


El means god. They both speak semitic language. That would be like a Christian say in English my god, and a Hindu speak English my god but yet they are two different gods. And if the Hebrew god is the same as the cannanite god then why does the bible say...
Judges 2:13 (KJV)
13 And they forsook the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.


"El" just means God in Semitic languages, and it's a non-proper name. Full stop.


Her lecture series is well worth watching in it's entirety. Fascinating.


This seems like a truncation of the original Yale lecture. Just the highlights. Very good! For those with short attention spans, lol.


All religions are cults. The big ones just use to disparage the small ones. Only difference...


The Bronze Age Old World was tremendously interconnected with very ancient trade routes, of course they all syncretized, swapped, and blended religions. They weren't near as dopy and angry with each other as modern religious folk. Besides their gods and goddesses were all linked together through pretty common deity names (Dyaus Pitr/Jupiter/Ziu, Isis/Ishtar/Asherah). If any of you goons are even a little educated on this, it's common knowledge. Very strange how close the name Ea sounds to Yah... Besides, these deities represented ideas and concepts that transcend local peculiarities, different peoples just used their own regional symbolism to portray these ideas. Notice how one mother goddess might be flanked by big cats, another flanked by wolves; both different images for the same idea, it just depends on what image the culture is more familiar with (i.e. a culture that has no big cats in its area will use an equivalent deadly predator as an image instead).


"El" just means God in Hebrew. It could refer to any god. The fact that the Caananites had a god named "El" is hardly surprising. What should be surprising is that this El revealed himself as higher than all other gods, having himself created all things (heaven, earth, sea, and all that is in them), and commanded his people not to worship any other gods (inc. Asherah, Baal, etc.). This really was the beginning of monotheism as we know it today. Not insignificant


This lecture single handedly shattered my world beliefs and how I understand reality. I’m also! having an existential crisis. We really do live in a society. Great video!


The Canaanites were the indigenous population thousands of years before anybody ever heard of a "Hebrew/Israelite." Hebrew is the bastardized tongue of the Canaanites. The ancient Egyptian "Prince of Darkness", Set, is the original prototype that Satan is based upon. Thieves tend to demonize those whom they need to justify being oppressed. Human ritual sacrifice is the same ploy they used when they said all Africans were "cannibals."


For anyone wanting a little more detail on the matter, there is a video titled Pagan Origins of Judaism on YouTube. It’s well put together and covers just about everything. For the people who have a hard time excepting these truths, know that there is nothing wrong with being a good, caring person; regardless of why you were. However, I think it’s important that as a society we move forward. I hope that this comes off as a way of educating people for the better, and not being a snarky little shit that enjoys the discomfort of embarrassed, uneducated people.


I am stealing some of your work... Thanks...


Take the time to listen to the whole lecture on youtube. This lady is the real deal. Her series is a scholarly approach to an ancient religion. Once you stop trying to believe the supernatural parts, it gets really interesting and even has some ties to reality. This title is click bait. Ideas spread and morph throughout time. To call it "stealing" is a stretch.


I have my biological father and mother. And then I gone to a new land and find others father and mother. They call it also father and mother doesn't make my father and mother become exactly the same as whom they called as father and mother.


Professor Hayes should have pointed out that, Yes, El also became a generic word for “god”, but unless you read Ancient Hebrew, you won’t know which is which. Ancient Hebrew has an indicator for when it is using a name. For example, in Genesis 1:2, Tehom is a name, not “the deep”. Tehom is another form of Tiamat, the dragon of chaos.


"Allah"(الله), a combination of al-ilah(الإله), is an Arabic derivative of the AramaicʼĔlāhā (ܐܠܗܐ), the Syriac Alâhâ (ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ), and/or the Hebrew ’Ĕl ’ĕlōhê (אֵ֖ל אֱלֹהֵ֣י)) ’Ĕlah"(אֱלָהּ). As all of these languages predate Arabic, muslims should never call another cultures creations "false deities." All four of these languages are from the original Canaanite tongue, in which ’Ĕl(אֵל) was the name of "God." Who's really the "silly people?"


Bless her heart. She's more confused than the charismatics.


Judaism and Christianity are syncretic religions what incorporate the myths and gods of preceding religions. This video is spot on.


If you go back far enough, you find out that "El" is a position. One that Enki came to occupy until replaced by his son. Similarly, Marduk takes the position. Later, there is at least one source replacing him with his son Nabu. So the question might be whether they cooperate or whether they are in competition! Again, the literature ambivalent.
