SEAS - The Art of Sound Perfection

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Seas factory is located in Moss, Norway.
This video shows the production of Seas speakers.

Seas è un'azienda localizzata in Norvegia nella città di Moss.
Questo video mostra i processi di produzione degli altoparlanti Seas.


00:58 Subwoofer with L26ROY

01:14 Machinery Room

01:22 CNC lathe

01:26 Machine for the calibration for magnesium cone of Excel Speakers

01:30 Each magnesium cone is individually calibrated

01:35 Steel bars to obtain Top Plate and Bottom Plate for magnet

01:40 Bottom Plate for magnet

01:48 Procedure to block central pole with bottom plate

01:55 Magnet Assembling

02:40 Mounting of the electrical terminal

02:45 Voice coil and spider

02:54 Voice coil is glued to the cone

03:08 Spacers inserting for packaging protection and magnetization of the magnet

03:26 Phase plug mounting

03:40 Production of aluminum/magnesium dome

03:45 Voice coil for tweeter

03:50 Voice coil is glued to dome

04:35 Automatic soldering of electrical contact

04:57 Tweeter assembling and quality control

05:15 Production of 22TFF for Axiomedia

05:18 Jack Ballo with Tore Tambs-Lyche, tweeter Engineer and specialist at Seas. Tore Tambs-Lyche worked on project for Seas Millennium Tweeter (T25CF002)

05:22 From left to right: Håvard Sollien and Diego Ivars R&D Engineer, Gian Piero Matarazzo journalist for Italian magazine, Davide Ballo Engineer in Axiomedia.

05:26 Brüel & Kjær measurement system

05:31 Klippel System

05:36 FU10RB under Klippel measurement

05:40 L12RE/XFC section drawing

05:45 Anechoic chamber


00:58 Subwoofer con L26ROY

01:14 Sala macchinari per la lavorazione delle parti degli altoparlanti

01:22 Tornio a controllo numerico

01:26 Macchina per la taratura dei coni in magnesio degli altoparlanti Seas Excel

01:30 Ogni cono in magnesio degli altoparlanti Seas Excel viene tarato singolarmente

01:35 Barre in ferro per estrarre la Piastra Polare e la Piastra posteriore del magnete

01:40 Piastra posteriore del magnete

01:48 Fissaggio dei polo centrale nella piastra posteriore

01:55 Assemblaggio del magnete

02:40 Montaggio del connettore

02:45 Bobina mobile con il centratore

02:54 Il cono viene incollato alla bobina mobile

03:08 Inserimento dei distanziatori e magnetizzazione del magnete

03:26 Montaggio dell'ogiva

03:40 Produzione della cupola in alluminio/magnesio dei tweeter

03:45 Bobina mobile dei tweeter

03:50 La bobina mobile viene incollata alla cupla

04:35 Saldatura automatica della bobina mobile ai contatti

04:57 Assemblaggio dei tweeter e controllo di qualità

05:15 Produzione dei 22TFF per Axiomedia

05:18 Jack Ballo con Tore Tambs-Lyche, ingegnere specializzato nei tweeter in Seas. Tore Tambs-Lyche ha lavorato nel progetto del tweeter Seas Millennium (T25CF002)

05:22 Da sinistra a destra: Håvard Sollien e Diego Ivars ingegneri nella sezione ricerca e sviluppo di Seas, Gian Piero Matarazzo, Davide Ballo ingegnere elettronico in Axiomedia.

05:26 Sistema di Misura Brüel & Kjær

05:52 Klippel

05:31 FU10RB in misura con il sistema Klippel

05:40 Struttura del coassiali L12RE/XFC

05:45 Camera Anecoica

Registrazione e Montaggio a cura di Davide Ballo

Recording and Video Editing by Davide Ballo

Soundtrack: Maxx - Human Immagination

Рекомендации по теме

I work with SEAS speakers for fifteen years, they are really a work of art from visual and engineering perspective, thank you very much for the video.


Thank you for this video. SEAS, one of the best speaker compagny.


У меня СЧ Seas H-1304-08 изумительные!!! Доволен на все 100%.


Seas is some of the best out there! I have 70s speakers with the legendary 13 inch f-wk, the best woofer I have ever heard! I have other speakers with 70s Seas drivers and they sound very good, as well as some new tweeters like the H1189


Posseggo questi tweeter da 40 anni sono un sogno SEAS Dome 87 H Alnico


I built my front, center, side and rear speakers using SEAS Excel Magnesium cone drivers. The W22EX, W15EX for the towers, W18EX and W12EX for the center and W15EX for the 4 side and rears. The tweeters are all ribbon tweeters from Fountek. These drivers aren’t suitable for tropical climates. Over time the cones started to deteriorate and developed a white powdery coating. When I removed the driver from the cabinet there was a small pile of the same white powder inside the cabinet. In retrospect I should have used their Nextel drivers.

Since I was going to have to buy new drivers for replacements I decided to do a whole new design. My new speakers use ceramic cone woofers and mid-woofers from SB Acoustics now along with Morel tweeters. Hopefully they’ll survive India’s tropical climate better.

Edit: if anyone wants to see the pics of the deteriorated cones, PM me and I can email them.


I love my Jamo Concert 8 that have Seas excel drivers. 21 years old speakers now and flawless sound. When rubber in woofers deteriorate, I will find a way to repair them.


Excellent acoustics. Especially the car "Lotus" series.


In my country​ it's very expensive. Some day I will buy it. Seas Excel​ is my fevorite.


Dear Mathieu and eCicerone,
thank you a lots for your comment.
We appreciate it.
Wish all of you all the best.


How about re-introducing the Argon speakers concept again? That would have been awsome. The elements are still sought after.


I built my home theater speakers 15 years ago, using Seas Excel mid woofers and Raven ribbon tweeters for my FR L/R and center in a MTM design. Rear channels are simple 2 way but Seas Excel tweeters. They sound just as good or even better after all these years. I love them. Very transparent sound. Sounds as if the music is coming from behind the speakers, not from the boxes. VERY impressive speakers indeed. I would like to know how Seas is properly pronounced. I have heard 2 different ways... "seez" or How do they say it in Norway?


I love Seas. I wish their low frequency transducers had higher mechanical Q tho.


Thank you for your comment. We appreciate it.


Whats the name of the audio track used in the background music?


how do they attach tinsel leads directly to the spider?


I am from India, planning to but Seas lotus sw 300 sub woofer very soon, any body suggest me please, that is it good to go for SQ sound setup


While I really do like the SEAS drivers, can anyone tell me why the magnesium cone deteriorate after a 5 years? I've had 2 pairs deteriorate in my Jamo Concert 11. I want to replace them again, but.. its expensive!


do you make loudspeakers 50 watts 10 or 12 inch for guitar amplifiers


Watching the Chinese factories the methodologies are all very similar...
