Roundabouts Driving Lesson

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This is Curts first time on roundabouts so please give him lots of support. As we know roundabouts can be very daunting for new drivers and there is just SO MUCH to learn.
Today we focus on learning the MSPSL routine. This is a simple formula that we teach to make it easier for learners to get into the habit of a routine just like brushing your teeth in the morning. If you don't follow a routine you will still learn roundabouts but it will likely take a whole lot longer.
As you will see Curt manages to get a good grasp of roundabouts after only 30 minutes although there is still plenty of work on some of the other skills.

MSPSL Routine
1. Check central and side mirror in direction you are going.
2. Signal direction you are going
3. Get in position on correct area of road or lane.
4. Check your speed and gear.
5. Looking if there is space to go.

Looking: The final one is really important because learners often are looking for cars which makes them hesitate when its clear. Try think looking for space. This could be a car coming off the previous junction or this could be that the roundabout is clear.
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The calmest instructor I’ve seen so far.


Good coaching all around. Particularly when he stalls

I feel like a lot of learners are too worried about how others see them in traffic.

Because of that, instead of taking a deep breath and trying again, they just get lost, and do even more mistakes


Hi Josh, I am unsure what to do in this situation. Hopefully you understand what I'm getting at. Going back to the diagram in 13:10, let's change the scenario. Say we (the orange car) needs to go right instead of left (reason I'm saying is because we have less time and space to decide whether to go). and the blue car is closely behind the green car and wants to go in the inside lane (we'll pretend he came from the next exit and is not doing a U-turn). Us as the orange car will feel like going because there is a blocker right?. However, we see the blue car coming quickly behind him in the inside lane only later, us potentially causing them to slow down, which is a major fault. So how do we solve this problem and know whether there is a safe gap to go? Thanks


Hi Josh, I have a question. if 2nd exit is on the left (not straight ahead), should i give signal while approaching roundabout? My instrustor taught me that way but it does not make sense a bit and couldn't find this detail in youtube.


If we slowly not slowly mean cross the roundabout like 3rd exit can the examiner fail it


I remember when I started roundabouts you just feel like you haven't got a clue even though your being told what to do 😂 I did around 14 roundabouts in my test if not more so it was definitely good i that mastered them and i have to come out of my estate daily on a big roundabout straight onto a dual carriageway too 🙄😂


Hi Josh!! I whoud like have some driving lesson with you, If is posible !! How I can contact you
