The Life and Death of Arwen | Tolkien Explained

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Arwen's story is one of both incredible joy, and overwhelming sadness. While she would live many long years with those she loved, she would one day face the bitterness of mortality.

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evening in rivendell - anotherstranger_me
Arwen and Celebrian - steamey
Arwen and Aragorn - Matthew Stewart
The First Meeting of Aragorn and Arwen - Anke Eissmann
Rivendell - Alan Lee
Torment of Celebrian - Liiga Klavina
The Rescue of Celebrian - Peter Xavier Price
Elrond and Celebrian - kuliszu
The Shores of Valinor – Ted Nasmith
Lothlorien - Sara Morello
Elrond and Estel - kuliszu
Tinuviel Reborn – Ted Nasmith
Beren and Luthien - Sara Morello
Aragorn - kuliszu
Aragorn on a mission - Kip Rasmussen
Evenstar - Aragorn and Arwen - Aronja Art
The oath of Finrod and Barahir - Anke Eißmann
The Hall of Fire - Anke Eißmann
Arwen - Jerry Vanderstelt
Arwen - Elrodimus Flash
arwen details - Sara Morello
Arwen - Jenny Dolfen
arwen – Soni Bohemian Weasel
Elessar (Elfstone) - John_Howe
Galadriel - alystraea
Elessar - Brothers Hildebrandt
The Shadow of Sauron – Ted Nasmith
Aragorn son of Arathorn - Elrodimus Flash
the death of arwen - alystraea
arwen - kuliszu
Aragorn and King of the Dead - Jerry Vanderstelt
Thus_Came_Aragorn – Ted Nasmith
the_crowning_of_elessar - tolmancotton
Midsummer's Eve - Peter_Xavier_Price
Arwen and Aragorn - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Grey Havens - Alan_Lee
frodo cold version - bembiann
Arwen's gift - Anke_Eißmann
Lord of Rivendell - Abe Papakhian
Elrond and Arwen - Soni Alcorn-Hender
elrond and Arwen, farewell - anotherstranger_me
Queen Arwen - Elrodimus Flash
aragorn & arwen – Soni Alcorn-Hender
Aragorn’s Funeral - Unknown
Death of Aragorn
King Aragorn - Steve Airola
aragorn – Alcorn-Hender
Old Aragorn - WETA
Arwen undomiel - aegeri
Arwen in Rivendell - anotherstranger_me
Passing of Arwen – Jenny Dolfen
Lothlorien - matejcadil
arwen and aragorn, the youth - Sara Morello

#arwen #lordoftherings #tolkien
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Aragorn and Arwen symbolically represented true love. Something mortals of our world have a hard time finding .


The fact that she died alone never fails to break my heart.


Something I never see mentioned: Elrond (and Arwen) are more than half-elven. They are the direct lineage of Melian, a Maia. The line of Elrond and Elros (which also includes Aragorn) are of the races of elves, man, AND Maia. No other lineage can claim that.


Aragorn: i mistook you for luthien herself! I thought i had fallen into a dream

Arwen: yeah, i hear that alot.


You, Sir, have one of the best storytelling voices on YouTube! Always love listening


Don't forget that Aragorn's gift of the ring of Barahir to Arwen means that Arwen is receiving the ring of her Great-Uncle Finrod, Galadriel's brother. It was Finrod who gave it to Barahir in thanks for saving his life, and whose son Beren redeemed the favor which directly led to Finrod's death. What a tangled web!


Rewatched the trilogy again recently.
Liv’s first appearance was insane.
She just leaves you physically stunned.


My wife is quite a bit younger than I am (over a decade) and she has lamented several times about me dying first. The scene in the movies where Arwen stands over Aragorn after his death tears her up pretty badly and she worries it's going to be the same for her. My first thought when she told me this was "Wow, did she just compare me to Aragorn?"


Arwen was always one of my favorite characters, such a bittersweet story of the true power of love and sacrifice.


Knowing on how she died I cant help but to wonder on how it must be gut wretching for her son Eldarion and his sisters after losing both their parents in just 1 year. 😔


I know this should be standard, but I like how tolkein makes sure aragorn didn't grow up around arwen


Gosh, how sad and alone she must've felt in her last days. To have suffered such loss, known such love. A life well lived.


Arwen's passing always makes me cry. It's bloody depressing. 😔


Fun fact. The name Arwen is based on the Welsh Annwen. The Annwen in Welsh mythology was the "otherworld" basically the afterlife


Honestly I tore up listening to the narration of Arwen and Aragorn's last conversation, especially at Arwen's comment on how she no longer sees mortal death as an amazing gift and comes to pity the Númenóreans. This, and the moments when the Elves and Ainur (particularly Melian with Lúthien, and Elrond with Arwen) mourn the eventual, permanent loss of their mortal loved ones, I think perfectly showcases just how deplorable and disgusting Sauron's corruption of Númenor was, given that he preyed on their fear of death to turn them to evil.


Arwen is definitely my favorite female character in the series, and seeing her die is probably one of the most heartbreaking things in the series.


The scene in the Two Towers movie when Elrond tells the story of Arwen’s future, quoted heavily from this, is beautiful and heartbreaking. Howard Shore did an *incredible* job with his score, and I still tear up every time I see it.

Until this video I didn’t realize so much of it was taken verbatim from the books. 😮


She is my favorite character from Tolkien
Beautiful, patient, wise, faithful, brave, selfless, determinated


The tale of Aragorn and Arwen and the one of Beren and Lúthien have many parallels but the one thing we are missing is we really don't know much about Arwen and what she was good at. I wish we knew more.


It is funny how I actually enjoy listening to you list your patreons, all the cool and funny or bizarre names that suddenly ends with "...and Debbie." I do not know why I enjoy that so much, but I laugh every time.
