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In this video I'm going over a few basics of the Coronavirus as I see them. All this information is based on research done up to March 6, 2020.

00:30 What is Coronavirus?
01:16 Why is it a big deal?
04:47 What are my chances of getting it?
06:13 What are my chances of surviving?
09:10 How do people survive it?
10:55 Is there a cure?
12:34 Is there a reason to panic?
16:39 Should I get a face mask?

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I hope this movement gets people who don’t practice basic hygiene practices to start doing them


OK but real Where did you get that hoodie?


The influenza - COVID-19 comparison gets really tiring. The problem with this disease isn't high mortality, but the amount of cases requesting ICU care for long periods of time, which results in medical system paralysis in heavily affected country. Italy isn't developing country and yet they are forced to close surgical departments to make room for affected people. As of today, the government wants to reactivate 5 000 doctors and 15 000 nurses from retirement, due to lack of staff. The average time spent in ICU in China is 14 days, which is worrying. I don't mean to spread some panic at all, but at this point we should be more alert than before.


Hi Ali, I am from China.I appreciate your research and your information, to the best of my knowledge, is 90 % correct. But I think your emphasis and conclusion may be wrong. As you said, the disease can be spread by droplets from sneeze, cough and even speaking mouths.And the droplets may survive for a few of hours. You also said that people who have been infected with this disease may have mild symptoms(even no symptom at first, the longest incubation time can be as long as 23days). These are good information. So if you are near a person who may have been infected by this disease with no symptoms, you may have high possibility of being infected by this disease. The droplets can spread longer and further than you could imagine.(you can google the slow emotion of sneeze or cough or whatever droplets) Based on all information above, this disease can spread really fast. As you also said, we don't know any medicine which can cure this disease, so our current medical system even in the most advanced areas is not able to respond efficiently if the situation get bad.Whats's more, let's do a assumption.If the disease can be handled well where the medical system is good enough and the cases are not many, then how can we explain the situation in the UK now(the number is rising very fast) and the Wuhan in December, Japan at first, South Korea at first.What I want to emphasize is that just a few infected ones can spread the disease to hundreds(such as the mass rally in South Korea, one lady became the super spreader)In my opinion, the people in many countries are just not alert enough, they just emphasize the 'not anxious'.Wearing masks is very important and I know there is shortage in facial masks in a lot of areas.But there are a lot of people beginning to make fun of people who are wearing masks.Several of my friends in the UK even got hurt just because they wear facial masks. I am sorry what we Chinese people may have brought a trouble to the world, but we have done our best to deal with that.🙏🙏🙏We choose to stay at home not go outside.For example, I have just gone outside for 3 times in last 39 days. Thanks to our joint efforts, a lot of areas are now in a good situation. What I want to remind is please wear facial masks, and if you don't have one then first not discriminate those who wear and not go to the places where a lot of people gather.And DO pay MORE attention to this virus. If you can read until this, I appreciate your reading so much. If you can tell your family, your friends, your colleagues to be more alert, that would be so nice. I believe we can join our efforts defeat this disease.Again, thank you for your video Ali!👍🙏

PS:my English may be not good enough, please excuse my language if you have problem in understanding.🙂


Ali finally realized that he doesn’t have to wear grey to match the background


Hello Ali, first of all, thanks for this video, I've found it very well made and you've used the right tones and, thankfully, right sources of information (I wouldn't have expected anything less of course). I write from a nearly red zone in Italy and I can have first hands news from my friends who are doctors, like myself, and working in very busy hospitals.
One thing I think you missed is this: the rate of diffusion of the virus is something we are currently striving to cope with. You're absolutely right saying that we don't make such a deal when talking about the seasonal flu but that's because in efficient Health Care Systems, we are ready to deal with all of those people who will need ICU hospitalization. In the case of COVID-19, this is hardly the case, since the disease spreads a lot quicker and ICUs are barely equipped for all these people. In my region, all elective procedures have been shut down in order to have enough structures, doctors and nurses to deploy where needed. So, to make it short, the biggest deal is that we're not equipped for this disease to become pandemic. Some ethical committees are already saying that we should start to treat those with higher chances of surviving in order not to run out of ICU beds.
Thanks if you've read until this point, cheers from Italy.


Ali: don’t touch your face
Also Ali: touches face repeatedly while talking about the benefits of not touching your face


I live in Brazil, we have 17 confirmed cases, 674 suspect cases and non death until now. Here we have a public health care system as well, confirmed cases are been treated in public hospitals, people with syntoms can call the hospital and get some informations. And talking about panic, a lot of drugstore run out of alcohol gel, but people are forgeting about dengue fever, which already totals more than 181.000 cases with 32 deaths; in the same period of 2019, there were 106.000.


In Vietnam, we are recommended to use face mask in public (fiber face mask, not medical mask particularly). It won’t help protecting you from the virus but it prevents you from touch your mouth and nose (which you do regularly without concious). Maybe that’s the reason why there are only 31 cases confirmed (16 cases recovered) while Vietnam is very near outbreak area. It’s too soon to say anything but I am very optimistic with Vietnam medical system. You don’t need to be panic, but you have to aware of this dangerous disease.


Hello Ali, I would like to tell you this story I heard today from a friend of mine who was on call last night.
I am a doctor in a tertiary hospital in a small country in the middle east where the virus seems to be spreading fast, to the extent that schools are currently suspended till the issue is resolved, and the government was urging everyone to just stay at home.
My friend was covering the corona ward yesterday on her call, when another doctor was just admitted with proven corona. That doctor’s mother just came back from vacationing in a possibly endemic country, she was tested at the airport and the test came negative, but then she became sick and her condition continued to worsen, went to a GP who managed her symptomatically ( as he assumed that she was not having the virus coz she already tested negative). Finally decided to come to the hospital, where she was tested again and her results came positive, so she was directly admitted.
The thing is that the daughter ( the doctor) had also been sneezing, only sneezing, no cough no fever, nothing, and had just attended a wedding party the day prior (and in my country we do have the custom of hugging and kissing everyone on the cheek especially on happy occasions, corona or not apparently) so she did that but after her mother’s diagnosis she thought to herself, why not get myself tested too, coz .. who knows. And to her surprise her test came positive too.
On top of all that, this particular doctor have been rotationing in the internal medicine department in our hospital until the morning of that day.
So amongst her contacts, who are supposedly going to be tested for it, are all the people at the wedding including the bride, many doctors in the internal medicine department, and other departments as well, and all the patients she came in contact with over the past days. So now we are just waiting for the influx of patients in the coming few days.
this is only one story of many, as each admitted patient would have their own huge list of contacts.
but up until hearing this story I was just going about my life as usual thinking that its highly unlikely that I get infected. Now It feels like I am surrounded with the disease, and that I should be taking things more seriously, if I value my life, my family’s lives and the lives of the people around me, that is.

And to make everything worse, one of the 60 infected patients in my country, a man in his sixties, have deteriorated from requiring only airvo to requiring an ICU admission and full support with mechanical ventilation and is still deteriorating further and is expected to pass any time now to be the first death case in our country.

It’s a really serious thing. I hope everyone stays alert and safe.


The worst thing about coronavirus is that once someone’s pointed out to you that Covid-19 rhymes with _Come On Eileen, _ you can’t hear it any other way again.


I think its pretty irresponsible to suggest to people NOT to wear face masks. We do not have enough evidence to say they do not work, and if they don't why the hell are all the medical care professionals wearing them. This is a situation like "Do as I say, not as i do". Definitely it helps to wear face masks and I never went to high school and i know that because its almost common sense. In fact if everybody wore a face mask when they went outside this virus would be many magnitudes less destructive and be under control much quicker. Face masks work (maybe not well but they work) just like wearing the N90 isn't going to be as effective as N95 and N99 for protection it is at least some protection. If it works some of the time (and it does) then its worth giving it a try. This virus likely is aerosol and can go threw the eyes so eye protection (goggles) would also help the spread. btw love your ipad videos.


Ali. Please listen to the Video from today from Peak Prosperity it’s entailed “the US is in deep trouble.” Your very misguided in what you’re telling people.


Ali wearing clickbait, yet he hasn’t watched a single David vlog


Ali should make another COVID-19 video about the coronavirus vaccine and how they work


Finally, The Coronavirus video we have all been waiting for 🙌


Every year in Romania there are 4 active Coronaviruses and I guess that’s the case for most countries. This new one is new and aggressive and that’s why it’s been raised to such a threat level since people don’t all manifest simptoms and it spreads quite easily.


Hey guys, I am from Hong Kong and so far we are doing alright compared to South Korea, Japan and Taiwan partly because we are too "paranoid": we definitely will wear surgical masks (some even wears protective goggles) when we are out. For friends in the UK (and rest of the world), we highly advise you to stay cautious, wear masks (especially when you are in crowded places) and be conscious about personal hygiene (DON'T touch your nose/eyes before washing your hands properly) cause you will never know when will you be standing next to a virus-carrier.


Bro the title reminds me of back when I studied programming

Covid 19 - The Basics (Part 1 Tutorial)
Covid 19 - Beginners Controls & Programming (Part 2 Tutorial)
Covid 19 - Customizing & Workflow (Part 3 Tutorial)
Covid 19 - Advanced Programming & Text Manipulation (Part 4 Tutorial)


Hi Ali, thanks for the video and the generally amazing content you produce. I recently discovered your channel and it’s a real blessing to have access to such informative videos. One big problem that I have identified in your video - you talk about mortality rate as compared to active (!) cases. I think there is a major fault in this rationale and we should rather compare the number of deaths to either closed cases or the number of recovered individuals. Then, the actual mortality rate on the day you looked at the statistics would be circa 8% or 6% relatively. Just wanted to flag it up as I think that’s a more accurate measure of the ‘dangerousness’ of the virus. Keep up the good work and stay safe! :)
