I Spent The Weekend Playing Terratech Worlds - A New Take On An Old LEGEND!

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Over the weekend I got to play the Terratech Worlds demo and honestly It was one of the best gaming weekends I've had in ages! After recording this video I spoke to the Terratech team and now have access to the pre-release build after the demo is closed so I may cover the pre-release again before the full release later on! Really hope you enjoy the video! :D

About Terratech Worlds: "TerraTech Worlds is an open-world, PvE survival game set on an uncharted alien planet. Explore, mine, build, craft and battle your way through natural hazards and dangerous enemies, to harness the power of your environment. Play solo or up to 6 friends via online co-op, and get ready for adventure!"
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Update - I would like to apologise for the video quality. The issue is Youtubes compression when uploading. I could have done more to easily prevent this with how i rendered/recorded the video but i havent had this issue in years! The video file looks fine when viewed but looks blurry especially when moving on YouTube. Any future videos on Terratech Worlds i produce will NOT have this issue.

Over the weekend I got to play the Terratech Worlds demo and honestly It was one of the best gaming weekends I've had in ages! After recording this video I spoke to the Terratech team and now have access to the pre-release build after the demo is closed so I may cover the pre-release again before the full release later on If people want to see more and as It gets updated! Really hope you enjoy the video! :D


This game is literally just "TerraTech if we made it with the budget we earned from TerraTech"


Just noticed the comment in the video of saying silicon differently, just wanted to tidbit in that silicone is actually an entirely different thing from silicon, silicon is a natural resource used in a lot of electronics, and silicone is a man made rubbery substance, using silicon as a primary component, which is why they are spelled so similarly, just spreading a bit of knowledge i dont think many know, thanks for the content all these years, hope you keep making content for years to come


Just FYI, they're rebuilding Robocraft 2 from the ground up to be more similar to the golden days of the original Robocraft since the general feedback was so negative!


Now this is one hell of a birthday present, looking forward to this.


First thing I thought of when i saw this game was "Lathrix needs to play this"
Having thoroughly watched every Terratech video of yours, this is definitely a game I wish to see continued in the future


Terratech Worlds is a series we want to see more of in the future


"Isn't a sequel"
Meanwhile if you play in windowed mode, and you look at the name on the bar it is "TT2"


apparently the demo has been extended to the 19th, i just checked the store and their recent post says they want more feedback and a thanks to the help they have had so far


Terratech + Lathrix = the candy store of content goodies!
Terratech Worlds are just continuing that trend!
I was so confused and frustrated with the game, until the intricacies and differences showed out the Terratech muscle memory.
The blocks giving bonuses and reductions in reactor loads are a brilliant addition, but there needs some tweaking to make it truly hum.
But I suspect they had done something to limit the larger blocks possibilities to collect bonuses, because the 2x2 weapons just highlighted 2 out of 4 possible bonus delivering blocks, even though they were mounted on 4 different blocks, that didn't give the same bonuses.
Even when the blocks were giving the same bonuses, they didn't show up in the UI, like the big battery and the large weapon mount didn't give +5 to amplify, even though they are +4 and +1 amplify respectively.
But I'm really looking forwards to seeing more Terratech Worlds, and playing the full version too!


I think the tractor beam can be better if you put it on a "truck" type craft, where you can put multiple rock in a ben so you don't have to drive with only one rock falling off everytime inside the tractor beam.


Hmm silicon, thats what rocks are made from

"Oh look a boulder, I need silicon though"

... How long until he realizes xd


I was waiting for Lathrix's take on this game. I've seen reviews and other gameplays, but since a lot of my experience of the game is related to this channel and Lath's gameplay, this video is probably the biggest factor in my purchase decision. . . . . when I actually have any money to spare.


Finished my playthrough of the demo not too long ago! I was waiting with baited breath for you to post a video about it! Absolutely looking forwards to the full game coming out, and multiplayer genuinely works well in this one.


immediately thought of you when they announced this, so glad you're playing it. I found this channel thanks to TerraTech playthroughs back in the day


It looks super cool, though I'm not a fan of the base blocks and the tech blocks being different grids. With the original, I really liked being able to blend base and tech, placing weapons on my base or anchors on my main tech, but judging by the fact that the base blocks and the tech blocks seemed to have different sixed grids, I don't think that will be possible in the new game.


i havent seen this video to finish yet .... im stoked for this video


Please please pleaseee continue this as a series, seeing lathrax playing terratech is so nostalgic and brings me so much joy, the second I saw this game I couldn't wait for your videos on it, I'm patiently waiting for the next video from you and I'm so excited for what's in store in the future!!


This is exactly the twist on TerraTech I was hoping it would be. Proper base-building, more resource and crafting focus, a bit less... toy-filled sandbox. I am a little sad to see that they are using boring Earth materials, though. Using iron, copper, etc. makes it feel too much like everything else. Was rather hoping we'd be using Plumbia and Fibron to make everything again.

Very much looking forward to seeing more of this game when there is more of this game to see.


Love the look of this game. I love how there are so much more biomes and how it is more survival based and base building. I know that it's a spin-off, but this is essential Terratech 2.0
