PWR Ranks *EVERY* Fortnite Season! (Tier List)

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Today PWR ranks EVERY Season of Fortnite! Let us know your rankings in the comments!


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okay so I may not remember the difference between some of the seasons....but I DO REMEMBER that season X was not loved
absolutely outraged from this video


Season 7 had the worst rating imo, we got a whole new snow biome, it was around Christmas so extra stuff there, we got hoverboards and planes, so even if the planes werent liked thats two vehicles in one season, vending machines changed as well that season im pretty sure, we got wraps, presents and snowmen this season and a cool storyline for the secret skin the prisoner


I don’t think the pros should have an opinion on this. They don’t care about the season but only arena. Personally I think chapter 2 season 2 should be higher as it was such a good battle pass and at the start five new locations were added


Damn I actually thought season 7 from chapter 1 was one of the best because of the battle pass, the new snowy biome, 2 new vehicles, really cool new locations, had cool events like the zombies being brought back, there were 4 different biomes on the map, the story within the map was crazy and I remember when people were predicting dragons coming to fortnite and Christmas was in the season . this season should’ve at least been a high grid able but really for me it was poggies or low end god tier


What kills me the most is that Season 7 was put under Season X. Just cause season 7 was by far more enjoyable then season X


C2S5 is definitely in my opinion Poggies, I started play Fortnite that season, there was the Mandalorian and his sniper (jump started my sniping career), and then the sand tunneling was awesome (except that it was removed for half the season), we had the zero point crystals that helped me get out of a sticky situation several times. There was also the Christmas update, half the map was snow, there were planes and presents. Reason in being why it’s not God Tier is because of the IO guards, they were so annoying and tanky, made the game hard for a beginner. C2S6 not a bad season I think it deserves Meh, I really hated the makeshift and primal weapons, but I loved the primal shotty and the bows (yes the did vault snipers) but this was the season where I really started getting good. C2S7, I think it deserves Meh, yes there was a lot of things wrong with that season but we had the mothership loot (even though it was annoying to achieve) and the rail gun was awesome, hated the pulse rifle though, that sucked, but they did have the Ariana Grande event as well, so that was great, but the mothership did also destroy half the map. C2S8, this season was Dead Game, I hated it, I hated the sideways guns, especially the mini gun, although I did like the fact that you could craft mythics, the sideways areas where terrible the cube monsters were annoying as heck, the rail gun was still in the game so I liked that, slone’s burst rifle was way too overpowered, they did have my favorite auto sniper though, the symbiote mythics were just annoying and overpowered, I did like the pyramid at the end though, but the things I hated most was the caretaker and the mechs, but I loved the war effort boards they brought out the combat AR and that was a nice gun, then they unvaulted the combat shotty, I hate that shotty, and the worst thing about that season was it took away the C2 map, I loved that map. C3S1, Poggies, so far not bad, the new shottys suck but the MK7 AR and SMG doesn’t, we got tilted back and we now have Klumbo Dino’s which are just adorable, snipers are okay but they hit their shots though, and we have the Spider Man mythics which are overall one of those items where you forget the game and just have fun with them (until you get shot and die of fall damage), and I’m liking the return of C1 POI’s, and the boat from C2S2. So that’s my opinion and I’m sticking too it, sorry about the essay.


I personally believe they rated chapter 2 season 2 and chapter 2 season 7 a bit low. In my opinion, season 2 should have been in poggies. Season 7, was the season with the most updates in chapter 2. It introduced the funnest items in the chapter like the inflate-a-bull, grabitron and that pistol which shot UFO beams.


chapter 2 season 2 was in my opinion the best season ever! we had vaults mythics and a lot of fun added. you also had a lot of spread on the map you have 4 corner POI and 1 center PIO and you also have a great weapon pool and that's also when they added a lot of tournaments for everyone who was not the best at the game. I don't know if this is right but I think this is also when the Hype Cup got its big lead into the game that made a lot of people like it. Also don't forget this is when quarantine started and everyone was suck at home playing Fortnite!


I don’t get the hate for chapter 2 season 1. Lacey said it’s dogwater and everyone agreed even though he didn’t explain it. The season added fishing which is such a good pro item as well as a content item. Harpooning was also good content and is amazing in pro games today. None of the Pois were bad and nothing broke the game. It wasn’t god tier but I’d say it’s at least grindable and I’d put it at low poggies.


season 7 was amazing… planes were annoying when others used it, but were fun when u used them, we also got the hole snow biome added which was great, we got the return of the christmas skins, we got the sword that was broken but fun we also got introduced to the overtime challenges where we could unlock new styles for the battle pass skins & also the challenges to unlock the next battle pass for free. this season was amazing imo (we also got hoverboards and happy hamlet)


This list is kind of crappy, the “pro players”, who ruined the game, don’t even pay attention to the actual season and only to competition, and then of course they complain about aim assist when they have so many other advantages


I mean to be honest, chapter 2 season 5 was not bad. Besides the fact that there were new mechanics regarding the new guns and the bar currency etc, this was the season that finally secured and started the fortnite storyline and made us truly understand the lore deeply


There’s no way they put season 10 over 7


"We are debating as a team" loserfruit and radius "season 2 is grindable" lachaln "nah imma put it in where I want it


I actually like season 7 even though a lot of people hated it at the time cuz of planew and sword and other stuff that ruined building. But for enjoy player, it was actually very good season. Also it was christmas season as well so I have so much memories.


For me, Chapter 3 Season 1 goes in bottom god tier, because we know we're getting a weapon balance when the Tilted update goes live (in 10 days) and everything other than that is amazing.


Chapter 2 season 2 is god tier I remember hopping on in lockdown and grinding with friends


The fact that season 7 added creative and it added siphon to pubs immediately puts it into at least poggies plus the gameplay was personally the smoothest


Personally I loved seasons 7-9 chapter 1 and didn’t mind season x, the only thing I didn’t like was the mechs


Completely agree with Kath on the latest season. It brought so many players back saying "fortnite is actually fun again." The competitive standpoint with the smg is not the most important imo. Fortnite feels fresh.
