How to Manage Semi Finished Products in Odoo 14 | Odoo 14 Functional Videos

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In Odoo, you can use subassembly products to simplify a complex Bill of Materials or to represent your manufacturing flow more accurately. A subassembly product is a manufactured product that is used as a component to make another one.

A BoM that employs subassemblies is referred to as a multi-level BoM. Those are accomplished by creating a top-level BoM and subassembly ones. This process requires a route that will ensure that every time a manufacturing order for the top-level product is created, another one will be for subassemblies.
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thanks, its good to know, we all are coming to same solution. I sorted this few weeks ago. In true context its not good.
i.e if i apply same solution in my company. we make surgical scissors. Its just one or two peices of metal. which goes through almost 20 production processes.
problem is we have 4000 products ( sicssor or surgery type equipment) >>> creating a sub-assembly for each is not good.

Ideally, there must be a way to tell, first five manufacturing steps are outsourced ( vendors ) we then receive and apply remaining process's. i wish i could sort this without sub-assumbly or sub component approach. still thanks, have a good day.
