Legendary or Overhyped? 4 Gordon Ramsay Spots in Vegas #LAS Vegas #gordonramsay #eat

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Legendary or Overhyped? 4 Gordon Ramsay Spots in Vegas

As soon as I landed, I headed straight for Wellington steak, only to be blown away by their sticky toffee pudding. Next, Hell’s Kitchen impressed me with its coconut ice cream. I then tried burgers and crispy onion rings, which were delightful. Finally, the Fish & Chips stole the show—crispy outside, tender inside, and the sauce was perfection. A must-visit!


有傳聞中的好吃? 吃爆四家地獄廚房 Gordon Ramsay 的餐廳 #LAS Vegas

一下飛機直奔威靈頓牛排,意外發現太妃糖布丁超好吃。接著在 Hell’s Kitchen 驚艷於椰子冰淇淋,再試漢堡和酥脆洋蔥圈。最後,Fish & Chips 成為最大亮點,外酥內嫩,醬汁絕配,絕對必訪!
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